Secure Software Engineering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Secure Software Engineering


Designed inputs can execute malicious codes. Overwrite a local variable ... Nintendo released Wii Menu update 3.3 to prevent this, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Secure Software Engineering

Secure Software Engineering
  • Fangzhou Lin
  • Charles McClendon

  • Building software is hard
  • Security is hard
  • Secure software engineering is a very difficult

  • Why is building secure software hard?
  • Software systems have become increasingly complex
  • Several phases of development are required
  • Breakdowns in any phase of engineering lead to an
    insecure product
  • Attacker has the advantage Only one
    vulnerability must be found to compromise the
    system while the engineer must stop all leaks

  • Additional problems for securing software
  • There are fundamental problems in Computer
    Science such as the Halting Problem
  • There may be competing economic factors such as
    whether or not it is cost effective solve a
    particular security problem
  • Few software systems are islands typically
    systems are installed on top of existing software
    infrastructures, libraries, and operating systems
    that have their own security vulnerabilities

  • What can we do?
  • Treat security as a first class citizen in your
    development process Ignore security at your
  • Throughout each phase of development think
    critically and have the goal of lessening your
    attack surface
  • We will examine problems and solutions in secure
    software engineering from perspective of a
    traditional Waterfall model of development

Requirements Phase
  • The requirements phase is perhaps the most
    crucial aspect of the secure software engineering
  • The property of traceability requires that any
    behavior described in the requirements phase be
    present in the final product and vice versa
  • This means we must not insert security behaviors
    ad hoc we must begin with security in mind

Requirements Phase
  • The first order of business should be to
    establish a security team, or task force
  • This team could either be formed from a group of
    in-house employees or a third party consultancy
    could be contracted
  • The members of this team should be well versed in
    security topics and undergo regular training
  • They will be involved in all aspects of

Requirements Phase
  • The security team will also determine what level
    of security is required by the system owners
  • Perhaps the system will be used in situations
    where there are regulatory bodies and standards
    such as Sarbanes-Oxley and the Health Insurance
    Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)

Requirements Phase
  • Avoid the Maginot Line approach
  • A typical anti-pattern is simply to secure the
    perimeter with firewalls and network devices
    without spending much effort securing the system
  • This technique is fundamentally flawed as attacks
    have become increasingly more complex and the
    security demands of applications have become more

Design Phase
  • The design phase is the next most critical phase
    of development
  • Remember, no behavior must be added that is not
    accounted for in the specifications document
  • There are several tools and techniques that we
    may use in developing secure software designs
  • For instance SecureUML is an extension of UML
    that allows us to explicitly specify security
    considerations into our diagrams

Design Phase
  • Strategies and considerations
  • Defense in Depth we should layer our security
    measures so that if one piece fails, the risk can
    be avoid by a lower level of security. Thus we
    can avoid the Maginot Line by having perimeter
    security AND other defenses
  • Compartmentalization similar to defense in
    depth, we should isolate modules such that if
    one is compromised, it does not lead to rest of
    the system being vulnerable
  • Least Privilege perhaps the most
    straightforward, a user should not have more
    authority than is necessary

Design Phase - Threat Modeling
Decompose application
  • If you don't understand the threats, how can you
    build a secure system?
  • Analyse possible attacks and how to mitigate them
  • assess the probability, the potential harm, the
    priority etc. of attacks
  • Determine the highest security risks
  • try to minimize or eradicate the threats

Determine threats
Rank threats by decreasing risk
Choose how to mitigate the threats
Implementation Phase
  • Most important Threat model guidance for
    coding and testing
  • Best coding practice
  • Follow rules that prevent security-related coding
  • Use safer string handling and buffer manipulation
    constructs to avoid buffer overrun
  • Robustness check all inputs.
  • Dont suppose something will not happen.

Implementation Phase
  • Static-analysis code-scanning tools
  • Detect common coding flaws
  • Buffer overruns, integer overruns, uninitialized
  • Advantages
  • Find bugs early Save manual audit Unexperienced
  • PREfix, PREfast
  • Rices theorem any nontrivial question about a
    program can be reduced to the halting program
  • Static analysis problems are undecidable
  • Aim for good, not perfect
  • Output examined by human

Implementation Phase
  • Common Security-related Code Flaws
  • Buffer overflow
  • password in memory
  • Password is unencrypted in memory
  • URL manipulation
  • SQL injection
  • session hijacking
  • Obtain session IDs to gain unauthorized control

Implementation Phase
  • Buffer overflow
  • Attempt to store data beyond the boundaries of a
    fixed-length buffer ? extra data overwrites
    adjacent memory locations.
  • Designed inputs can execute malicious codes.
  • Overwrite a local variable
  • Overwrite a function pointer
  • Overwrite the return address in a stack frame

Buffer overflow an example
  • void foo (char bar)
  • char c12
  • memcpy(c, bar, strlen(bar))
  • int main (int argc, char argv)
  • foo(argv1)

Before bar is copied to c
When foo() returns, it jumps to the return
address (corrupted by the attacker)
Stack buffer overflows
  • The Morris worm spread in part by exploiting a
    stack buffer overflow in the Unix finger server.
  • The Slammer worm spread by exploiting a stack
    buffer overflow in Microsoft's SQL server.
  • The Blaster worm spread by exploiting a stack
    buffer overflow in Microsoft DCOM service
  • The Twilight hack was made for the Wii in The
    Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
  • give a very long character name for the players
    horse,causing Wii to crash, and run any
    unofficial program named boot.elf on the SD
  • Nintendo released Wii Menu update 3.3 to prevent
    this,but within 8 hours, two bugs was found in
    the update,need only minor modification for the
    hack to operate.

Prevent Buffer Overflows
  • Always validate all the inputs
  • Even if you will never overflow the buffer that
    is used internally, other people who maintain the
    code may not be so careful.
  • While C, C provide no built-in boundary
  • Use standard C libraries (STL), avoid gets,
    scanf, strcpy
  • Use Java, .Net,
  • Use safe string-handling libraries like Strsafe.h
  • Tradeoff Safety vs. Performance

SQL injection
User input is not filtered for escape characters
and is then passed into a SQL statement
The school lost a year's student records in the
database because of a student named "Robert')
DROP TABLE Students--"
statement "SELECT FROM Students WHERE name
('" studentName "')"
SELECT FROM Students WHERE name ('Robert')
DROP TABLE Students --'
Implementation Phase
  • Why good people write bad code?
  • Underlying complexity of the task itself
  • Psychological reasons that make it hard for human
    to think like the computers do
  • Budget and time constraints

Static-analysis tool PREfast
  • Buffer Overrun Warnings
  • Precedence Warnings
  • HRESULT Warnings, Typo Warnings,

Implementation Phase
  • Code reviews
  • Supplement to automated tools
  • Crucial step
  • Facts
  • Critical flaws may not be revealed
  • It makes the programmers more careful
  • Opportunity to learn

Testing phase
  • Key Difference
  • Specification-based testing focus on testing the
    presence of correct behaviour
  • Security-testing focus on testing the absence of
    additional behaviour
  • Testing based on published attack patterns
  • Works for novice attackers
  • But not for determined ones.

Testing phase
  • Test cases are planned before coding starts,
    derived from the design
  • Test against threat model
  • Each threat ? at least one test case
  • Act like the attacker
  • Know the security vulnerabilities and attack
  • Security-testing tools Fuzzing tools (data
  • Supplies structured but invalid inputs to APIs
    and network interfaces
  • Make sure that code correctly handles all data
    entering the interfaces

Release Phase
  • Final Security Review
  • Independent review by the central security team
  • Penetration testing
  • evaluating the security by simulating an attack
    by a malicious user
  • Black box testing the role of outside hacker
  • White box testing the role of insiders
  • Independent external security review
  • Provide an overall picture, not feasible to find
    all security vulnerabilities

Support and Servicing Phase
  • Respond to new attacks
  • Learn from errors, understand the root causes of
    the reported vulnerabilities
  • Accountability the person who wrote the flawed
    code should fix it
  • Eliminate further vulnerabilities

Results of SDL at Microsoft
Security Bulletin
the number of security bulletins issued
  • Highest priority Threat Modeling
  • Then
  • code reviews
  • Use of automated tools
  • Fuzz testing
  • Penetration testing before release least
    effective to find and fix security bugs

Summary and future work
  • Consider security early not as an add-on
  • Threat Modeling is important
  • Rely on best practices
  • Further research on formal methods for software
    security is needed.
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