Title: The Monsters Education
1The Monsters Education
- By Jessica?Celine?Claire
- Amy Chang?Amy Lin
- Ashley Fu?Ashley Lin
- Hello everyone, the two main topic our group is
going to talk about today is the monsters
education and the humans rejection. - Please sit back and relax ?
- The Monsters Changes
- The Monsters Learning, Request and Victors
Response - The Story within the Story
- Humans Rejection of the Monster
4 Changes of the Monster
- Gaining and distinguishing keen physical
sensations mobility - Learning to use fire and survive outdoor
- Instinctual responses and affinity to Nature.
(Noble savage)
5Physical Responses
- A strange multiplicity of sensations seized me,
and I saw, felt, heard, and smelt, at the same
time and it was, indeed, a long time before I
learned to distinguish between the operations of
my various senses. (p.102) - Get used to the light (102)
- Bodily coordination (102) dark and opaque bodies
had surrounded me? walk freely
6The Moon
- Lonely and weeping ? Soon a gentle light stole
over the heavens, and gave me a sensation of
pleasure. (p.102) - Confusion of feelings of light, hunger, thirst
and darkness. ? the only object that I could
distinguish was the bright moon (p.103)
7Defining Romanticism
- The implication of Nature, personified as female
- Reveals Natures maternal powers to the main
characters - Shelley uses the female Nature to redefine
traditional Romanticism
8 9 Fire --1) beginning of human civilization 2)
ref. Prometheus
- Distinguishing insect from herb, and one herb
from another. 104 - Fire? warmth and pain (physical sensation) In
my joy I thrust my hand into the live embers, but
quickly drew it out again with a cry of pain.
(p.104) - Raising fire I discovered the cause, and
busied myself in collecting a great quantity of
wood, that I might dry it, and have a plentiful
supply of fire. (p.104) - Functions of fire (provides warmth, heat to roast
food) that the fire gave light as well as
heat and that the discovery of this element was
useful to me in my food (p.105)
- First finds a hut of a shepherd.
- A hovel joined to a cottage My place of refuge
was constructed of wood, but so low that I could
with difficulty sit upright in it. No wood,
however, was placed on the earth, which formed
the floor, but it was dry and although the wind
entered it by innumerable chinks, I found it an
agreeable asylum from the snow and rain. (p.106) - Shelter from the inclemency of the season, and
still more from the barbarity of man.
11The Monsters Learning
- Through close observation, he discovers the
meanings of the repeated sounds, though he cannot
use them at first. - I cannot describe the delight I felt when I
learned the ideas appropriated to each of these
sounds, and was able to pronounce them. I
distinguished several other words, without being
able as yet to understand or apply them
(p.112) - I ought not to make the attempt until I had
first become master of their language which
knowledge might enable me to make them overlook
the deformity of my figure (p.114)
13Learning with Safie
- The stranger learned about twenty words at the
first lesson, most of them, indeed, were those
which I had before understood, but I profited by
the others. (p.117) - she and I improved rapidly in the knowledge of
language, so that in two months I began to
comprehend most of the words uttered by my
protectors. (p.118)
- Ruins of Empires and Plutarchs Lives
- Through this workof its original
inhabitants.(119) - The volume of Plutarchs Lives, which I
possessed, contained the histories of the first
founders of the ancient republics.(128) - -----gt Higher thoughts.
- -----gt Knowledge of human civilization.
15- Sorrows of Werter
- In the Sorrows of Werter, besides..without
precisely understanding it.(128) - -----gt He had emotions, too.
- -----gt Question his existence.
16Paradise Lost ? His Desire for a Mate
- I often referred the several situationsthe
bitter gall of envy rose within me.(129) - -gtIdentified himself with Adam.
- -gt Long for a mate.
17Victors Response to the Monsters Need
- The monster ask Victor to create a female for
him. - Threatening You must create a female for
mewhich you must not refuse to concede. (144) ?
Victor refused. - If I cannot inspire loveso that you shall curse
the hour of your birth. (145) - Reasonable I would make peace with the whole
kinddo not deny me my request. (145-146) ?
Victor was moved. - If you consentand persuade you to promise what
I so ardently desire. (146) ?Victor consent to
his demand.
18The Monsters Learning A Summary
- ?remember the original era of the monsters
beginning - ?the monster didnt know how to distinguish
between the operation of its senses - ?the first time monster heard sound
- ?the monster found fire left by beggars
- ?found a small hut and eat the breakfast
- ?walking through the village the residents there
are afraid of him - ?found another cottage and the monster had lived
there for a period of time - ?the monster observed the people live in this
19The Monsters Learning A Summary
- ?The monster heard the old man playing some kind
of instrument(pp.108) - ?the first time monster heard reading(pp.109)
- ?monster do favors to the family (pp.111)
- ?the monster start to understand some words are
used by the family(pp.112) - ?the monster think the cottagers are
perfect(pp.114) - ?the monster imagine when the family accept
20The Story within the Story
21The Story of De Laceys Exile
- a story happened to the cottagers excites to the
monster with the feeling of indignation, delight
and wonder. - a well-off family in France
- Felix wants to rescue the Turkish merchant and
falls for his daughter, Safie - Turkish merchant promises to the marriage of the
two in order to flee safely - The merchant actually doesnt agree with their
marriage because Felix is a Christian
22The Story of De Laceys Exile
- French government finds out Felix let him go so
captures his family - Felix goes back to France, then be jailed for 5
yrs - seeking a shelter in Germany, where the monster
finds them - the merchant flees back to Constantinople and
leaves her daughter to the servant - Safie finally finds Felix.
23Story in story influenceculture
- knows how to compose fire but dont know how to
make one - --p.104p.105
- realize that the food will taste better when it
had roasted - --p.105
- the first time the monster heard the music
- --p.108
- the monster found that human use sound to
communicate - --p.112
24- the monster learned from the lessons that Felix
taught Safie - -learn how to use letter correctly p.119
- -friends and relations p.121
- three books that had taught the monster a lot
- p.128p.129
- -Sorrows of Werter
- -Plutarchs Live
- -Paradise Lost
25Story in story influencesadness
- The emotions he has never experienced p.108
- Affected by their emotions
- -p.110
- -p.112 their unhappiness let the monster feel the
same - -p.118
- -p.122127 the story that intrigue the monsters
feelings - Sympathy compared with himself(the monster)
- -- in action
26Human Rejection
27A. The reason of being rejected
- Appearance
- People judges others by their appearance
- The monster will never be accepted even he is
kind inside - Even though the monster saves the little girl,
people still regard him as the bad one because of
his appearance - The monster thought the old man wouldnt judge
him by his appearance
28(No Transcript)
29B. Who reject the monster?
- Frankenstein
- Did not give the monster a name
- His own sin
- Villages
- threw rocks and drove away the monster
- Felix
- drove the monster away
- The man
- used a gun to shoot the monster
30C. The influence of Rejection
- Hatred
- Frankenstein
- Creates the monster, but does not have love
toward it - Regretful of creating the monster
- Revenge
- Frankenstein deserts the monster
- The monster killed William
- Loneliness
- No one even tries to accept it because of its
frightening feature. - humanity is that although there are many humans
in the - world, each one is alone.
- isolated himself from the world
- shunned by the world
- Disappointment
- The monster lost his hope toward human