Title: PubChem and Entrez G' W' A' Milne
1PubChem and EntrezG. W. A. Milne
30 May, 2006
2Biochemistry, especially genomics, is poorly
served by the current for-profit methods of
3Biochemistry, especially genomics, is poorly
served by the current for-profit methods of
Open Access information freely accessible on
the Web is demanded by the biomedical community
4Biochemistry, especially genomics, is poorly
served by the current for-profit methods of
Open Access information freely accessible on
the Web is demanded by the biomedical community
NIH/NLM has developed an Open Access system
for dissemination of information
5PubChem and Entrez
The new system -
6PubChem and Entrez
The new system -
A Searchable System of Bibliographic and Numeric
Databases from the Biomedical Sciences
7On the Web and free
PubChem has data for over 10 million chemicals
Access is free of charge
PubMed has citations, abstracts for over 11
million papers
PubMed Central has full text for nearly 2 million
Access to both is free of charge
10The Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006,
proposed last week by Senators Joseph I.
Lieberman, Democrat of Connecticut, and John
Republican of Texas, would require 11 government
agencies to publish online any articles that
contained research financed with federal grants.
If enacted, the measure would require that the
articles be accessible online without charge
within six months of their initial publication in
a scholarly journal.
The Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006,
proposed last week by Senators Joseph I.
Lieberman, Democrat of Connecticut, and John
Cornyn, Republican of Texas, would require 11
government agencies to publish online any
articles that contained research financed with
federal grants. If enacted, the measure would
require that the articles be accessible online
without charge within six months of their initial
publication in a scholarly journal. Â
The Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006,
proposed last week by Senators Joseph I.
Lieberman, Democrat of Connecticut, and of Texas,
would require 11 government agencies to publish
online any articles that contained research
financed with federal grants. If enacted, the
measure would require that the articles be
accessible online without charge within six
months of their initial publication in a
scholarly journal.
The Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006,
proposed last week by Senators Joseph I.
Lieberman, Democrat of Connecticut, and John f
Texas, would require 11 government agencies to
publish online any articles that contained
research financed with federal grants. If
enacted, the measure would require that the
articles be accessible online without charge
within six months of their initial publication in
a scholarly journal.
NYT 4/8/06
NYT 5/8/06
11Entrez Goals
Link chemistry to biomedical data
Link chemical, biomedical data to literature
--- chemistry, biochemistry, enzymology,
genetics, taxonomy, bioassay, medicine
12PubChem Goals
- Archive published molecular structure and
bioassay data - Provide search, retrieval and data analysis
tools to optimize utility of these results
13PubChem Contents
- Chemical structures, names
- Bioassay records
- Computed similar structures
- Links to biomedical literature
- Links to 3D protein-ligand structures
Entrez Search http//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gquer
y/gquery.fcgiPubchem Search http//pubchem.nc
bi.nlm.nih.gov/PubChem Structure Search
earch.html This Seminar
http//www.phm.com/Pubchem or
15Chemical Structure
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23Similar Structures
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26Biological Activity
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36Protein-ligand Structures
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47Proteomics, Genetics
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