Title: Physics 541
1Physics 541
A quantum approach to condensed matter physics
Class 7
2Recapitulation of Class 6
Problem What operator creates plasma
Equation-of-motion approach
Can we find an operator like this for the Coulomb
So this operator is good if q is big, but not if
it is small.
still no good!
3Recapitulation of Class 6
Remember that plasmon energy squared is linear in
the coupling
4Recapitulation of Class 6
Can this be related to the concept of a
dielectric constant?
5(No Transcript)
6Look at a sample term in Ueff
Random Phase Approximation
7Add these up to get
8Higher order in V
9ln 2
10Now allow occupation number to be 0, 1, 2, 3,
11For true bosons, N is not conserved
12Convergence of series?