Title: CFDP Performance Over WeatherDependent KaBand Channel
1CFDP Performance Over Weather-Dependent Ka-Band
Sung U / Jay Gao Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- SpaceOps 2006
- 22 June 2006
- Rome, Italy
2 Motivations
- Weather model and protocol have not been
considered jointly and previous CFDP analysis has
been based on single state channel model (e.g., a
fixed bit error rate) - This work is to provide the framework to analyze
the CFDP latency in the correlated weather
channel based on the real noise temperature
measurements - Our approach is to use Gilbert-Elliot (G-E)
channel to model the bursty nature of weather
events but assign different BER to each weather
3CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP)
- File Delivery Protocol for the space environment
- No connection establishment
- Deferred NAK
- File PDUs are transmitted
- at least once before receiver sends NAK (hence
deferred NAK)
Metadata PDU
File Data PDUs
Initial Tx
Receiving Entity
Sending Entity
File Data PDUs
Multiple re-tx spurts
File Data PDUs
Finished PDU
ACK Finished
4Pictorial View
Example of file transmissions from the Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) to the Deep Space
Network (DSN) under different weather conditions
5Correlated Weather Channel Model
, where
is the threshold and T is the noise temperature
at the antenna
6Ka-band CFDP Modeling
- Ka-band channel has two levels of dynamics
- 1) In one pass, the channel is bursty, i.e,.
good/bad weather states are correlated (we
assume DSN has always a pass to MRO)
- 2) Within a weather state, each packet
experiences random errors based on the current
weather state
7Temperature data from Deep Space Network (DSN)
at Madrid site to obtain the Markov parameter
- Data is re-sampled to every 40 minutes (round
trip) time scale to characterize weather state on
each ARQ spurt
Raw Noise Sample Plot (points 1.44 min apart)
, where
is the threshold.
8Data Sampling
Temperature data point
Within the sampling window1)Calculate the
average AVG (mean) sampling 2)Choose the
maximum data point MAX sampling (most
conservative approach)3)Choose the minimum data
point MIN sampling (most optimistic approach)
9Bad weather
Weather Distributions collected from Average
Good weather
CDF of geometric random variable with
mean 1/lambda
- 1) It is assumed that each good and bad weather
data follows geometric r.v. distribution for
- 2) Other weather factors are not considered,
besides temperature at the DSN antenna
- 3) Margin and error control scheme is not
- 4) CFDP delay performance is focused on the
protocol level interaction
- 5) In reality, time scale of weather change could
occur on minute level that impacts frame error
process within each spurt
- 6) No link outages are assumed
11 Analysis of CFDP Latency Cumulative
Distribution Function (CDF) of the number of
transmissions required (Ns) to complete the file
P(i,k) probability that i spurts are required
to successfully transmit one PDU given weather
Above equations can be solved recursively
12Evaluation Parameters
BERs and corresponding PDU error rates
4000 repetitive weather realizations, each with
1,000,000 points are generated (according to the
two-state Markov chain) with a random starting
point to evaluate the average CDF of CFDP Latency
using the mathematical analysis.
13CDF of CFDP Latency
File Size 10MB BER at bad weather 10-3 and
File Size 1MB BER at bad weather 10-3 and
x-axis is the maximum number of CFDP
transmissions required to achieve certain
percentile file transfer completion (y-axis) the
average required transmissions are shown in the
next slide.
14Average CFDP Latency
average number of transmissions required
File size 1MB
File size 10MB
Difference in the average number of
transmissions for 10MB and 1 MB file size
15Interpreting the latency distribution
- The CDF of the number of transmissions required
for completing 99 file transfer, shows the
maximum number of transmissions (therefore,
number of round-trip times), when desiring
certain percentile of file transfer completion - ?It provides the statistical upper bound on the
delay that could be experienced by a file
- However, the average number of transmissions
required is usually much smaller
- File size has a moderate effect on the delay
performance but less significant than the effect
of different BER values
16CDF comparisons different sampling methods
- sampling
- ?lower
- bound
17Average Latency of CFDP with different sampling
MAX sampling File Size 10MB
BER at bad weather 10-3 and 10-4
MIN sampling File Size 10MB
BER at bad weather 10-3 and 10-4
-MIN sampling provides a lower bound on latency
-MAX sampling provides an upper bound of the CFDP
delay performance on the given weather
18Latency performance with different parameters
- Changing good weather BER from 10-5 to 10-8
- - Up to 5 transmissions reductions for
maximum number of transmissions required and
average 2.5 transmissions reductions
- Changing bad weather BER from 10-3 to 10-4
- - Up to 5 transmissions reductions for maximum
number of transmissions required and average
2.5 transmissions reductions
BER at bad weather significantly affects the
maximum latency, since 10-3 BER ? PDU error
rate 0.9997 10-4 BER ? PDU error rate
- File size 10MB ? 1MB
- Up to 2 transmissions reductions for the maximum
number of transmissions required to achieve 99
percentile file completion
- On average, approximately 1 transmission
- Sampling errors
- Sampling errors are not significant for
determining the average number of transmissions
required for the 99 file completion
19Conclusions and Future Work
- Analyzed the CFDP performance with the correlated
weather model with different file size, and BERs
on sampled DSN weather data
- ?Correlated channel model provides more
realistic CFDP performance under Ka-Band channel
than previous work
- Improvements are needed
- -Markov Assumption two-state model provides a
coarse fitting to the burst length statistics of
the Good and Bad weather states
- (1) Multi-state Markov model, or (2) Statistics
based on the season or months
- -Further, evaluation with different PDU sizes
and weather availabilities
- -Examining effect of starting on good weather
state (i.e., the effect of foreknowledge of
- -Better weather mitigation strategy using
forecasting and high margin
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21 22Overall comparison 10MB file size
weather-dependent (correlated) channel vs.
single weather state channel
CDF of 10MB file transmission latency with
weather-dependent channel vs. Independent channel