Title: Management of Combined CHF and CRF
1Management of Combined CHF and CRF
2CRF ? CHF (1)
- Average SCr of CHF patient 1.5 mg/dl
- Mortality of CHF patients
- 40 sudden death
- 40 worsening CHF
- 20 others
- Cancer, COPD, infection
3CRF ? CHF (2)
- CV disease in CRF patients
- At starting diaslysis
- 30-70 HTN
- 60 IHD
- 18-20 LVH
- 31-34 CHF
- CVD mortality 5-50x(10-30x) more than in normal
population - Account for gt50 of ESRD patient mortality
4CRF ? CHF (3)
5Risk factors for CV diseases
- Normal population
- Old age, male, race
- Hyperlipidemia
- Hypertension, DM
- homocysteinemia
- Physical inactivity
- Family history
- Menopause
- Socioeconomic status
- Smoking
- Infectous agents
- Related to uremia
- Hyper/hypo tension
- Anemia
- Low HDL, High LDL
- Hypertriglyceridemia
- Lp(a)
- Hyperparathyoidism
- Ca X P
- Uremic toxins
- Oxidative stress
- Impaired gibrinosysis
- Insulin resistance
- Hymocysteine
- Thrombogenic factors
- Endothelialdysfunction
- Chronic inflammation
- Carbonyl stress
- Sleep apnea
- Related to dialysis
- Hyper/hypo tension
- Malnutrition
- Hypoalbuminemia
- Low body mass index
- Na water retention
- Strongest risk factor of LV hypertrophy
- For SCr 3.3 1.1 mg/dl
- Optimal BP 3
- High normal 9
- Stage 1 HTN (140-160) 34.4
- Stage 2/3 HTN (160-200) 52.5
- Mortality vs hypertension J-shaped
7HTN in ESRD mechanism
- Total sodium increase
- Plasma renin activity increase
- Noradrenergic hyperactivity
- Na/water retention
- AV fistula
- Anemia
8Hypotention in ESRD?
- BPlt110 4x increase in mortality
- Now suggested as a marker of ventricular
systolic/diastolic dysfunction
- At starting dialysis 18-20 with IHD
- Presentation
- Infarction 56
- Angina82
- CABG 14
- Angioplasyt 1
10IHD in ESRD risk factors
- Older age
- DM
- Dyslipidemia
- Hypoalbuminemia
- Hyperhomocysteinemia
- 83 of patients having levels higher than 90th
percentile - Associate with 7x increase in mortality
- Lp(a)
- Mechanism
- Re-expression of fetel Growth Factor/GFR
- Myocyte death, fibroblast growth (ESRDgtDM, HTN)
- Interstitial fibrosis
- Diastolic dysfunction
- Intolerate to volume change (wall stiffness)
- Early reflection
- arrhythmia
- Independent prognostic factor for survival !!
- LVMIgt 125 mg/m2 25 (4-y)
- LVMIlt 125 mg/m2 55
- LVEFlt40 odds ratio for mortality 1.89
12Survival in ESRD with/without LVH
13LVH in ESRD prevalence
- In early renal dz (CCrgt30ml/min)
- 65 eccentric hypertrophy
- 16 concentric hypertrophy
- In patients with CCr10-30ml/min
- 26 concentric hypertrophy
- In dialysis pts (CCrlt10ml/min)
- 44 eccentric
- 42-50 concentric
14LVH in ESRD independent factors for LVH
- Hypertention
- BP ? 5mmHg LVMI ?10g/m2
- Male gender
- BMI gt25
- Hb lt10-12
- Hb ? 0.5 mg/dl LVMI ?10g/m2
15LVH in ESRD hemodynamic mechanism
- Volume overload
- AV fistula
- Na/water retention
- Anemia
- Pressure overload
- Aotic wall/ventricular wall stiffness
- Atherosclerosis
- RAS overactivity ACEI
- Dialysis ? Ca(inotropic) and sympathetic tone
16LVH in ESRD role of anemia
- When Hblt10-12
- Reactive hemodynamic change
- Stroke volume ?
- Heart rate ?
- Odds ratio for CRF 1.32 / 0.5 Hb ?
- Odds ratio for ESRD 1.46 / 1 Hb ?
- EPO?
- Epidemiology
- In starting dialysis
- 31 with CHF
- 25 develop CHF later
- Mortality
- 8.9 die of CHF/year
- Survival
18Survival in ESRD with/without CHF
19CHF in ESRD factors
- Factors related to onset
- Age
- DM
- Ischemic heart disease
- Factors related to recurrence
- Ischemic heart disease
- Anemia
- Hypoalbuminemia
- hypertension
20D/D intrinsic myocardial dysfunction v.s. pure
volume overload
- Echocardiography
- Radionuclide tecniques
- ANF and BNF(brain natriuretic factor)
- Stress receptor in atrium?release of ANF, BNF
- Stress receptor in ventricle?release of BNF
- NF receptors in kidney, adrenal glomerulose,
vascular smooth muscle - Na excretion, vasodilatation, renin/aldosterone
?, - ANF associated more with volume overload
- BNF associated more with ventricular dysfunction
21Management principles
- Preventive intervention should be initiated early
in the first year of dialysis. - Later treatment (CHF) has limited possibility of
22Management principles
- Major goal treating underlying factors
predispose to heart failure - HTN, DM, hyperPTH, dyslipidemia, anemia
- Treatment of hemodynamic overload
23Pharmacologic therapy
- Diuretics
- Higher dose/ combine thiazide/ IF continuous use
- Monitor K, regular supplement
- ACEI/Angiotensin Receptor Blockers
- proven survival benefit, IHD?,LVMI?, GFR decline?
- If hyperkalemia/renal function? hydralizine
nitrate - Side effect anemia EPO ?, bone marrow
ultilization of EPO? - Beta-blocker IHD, HTN, CHF
- Digoxin
- Cleared by kidney, NOT removed by dialysis
- Impact on symptom, functional capacity,
hospitalized frequency, NOT on survival
24Management aggressive correction of anemia
- CRA syndrome cardio-renal-anemia
- Anemia ? CHF
- Damaged myocyte
- EPO production?
- Depress progenitor erythrocyte in bone marrow
- Interfere with RE system release of iron
25Management aggressive correction of anemia
- 50 of CHF patients have Hblt12
- 66-80 of class IV CHF pts have Hblt12
- Clinical trial in 2001
- 126 pts anemic, CHF treatmtne-resistant, NYHA
class 3-4 - Target goal keep Hb 12.5-13 for 12.4 8.2 m
- Mean
- EPO 4000-5000 u if Hblt12.5
- Keep serum ferritingt500ug/L, Satgt40
26Management aggressive correction of anemia
- 1-year Mortality in
- Class 3-4 CHF patients 30-50
- This trial 7.1
27Management intensive volume control
- Basis
- LVH accounts for large No of mortality in ESRD
- sBP elevation is the strongest risk factor for
LVH - Regression of LVH with BP control is well
established - Difficulty in controlling BP in ESRD pts, may be
due to hidden volume expansion, which is out of
reach of antihypertensive medications.
28Management intensive volume control
- Effect of intensive hemodialysis on BP control
- Mean
- 12h H/D per week, without antihypertensive drug
- As much UF as possible, without excess BP drop
- Dietary salt restriction
- 3 months of intensive volume control
- 12 months of follow up
29Management intensive volume control
- Avoid rapid volume shift
- Maintaining a low dry weight
- Regression of LVH, LVD, LV stiffness
- CRF patients have a very high risk of develop
- Account for more than 50 of ESRD patient
mortality - Management
- risk reduction anemia, BP control,
- volume management,
- medication toward symptoms diuretics, digoxin,
ACEI/ARBs, beta-blockers, correct dyslipidemia - Proper dialysis
- Early intervention!
- Seminars in dialysis 2003 vol 16(2)85-94
- J of Nephrology 2002 15655-60
- Clinical nephrology 2002 vol 58 (supple1)s37-45
- Ame J of Kidney diseases 2001 vol 38(4,
supple1)s38-46 - Peritoneal dialysis international. 2001 Vol
21(S3)s236-9 - Seminars in nephrology. 2001 vol 21 (1)3-12
32Thank you for your attention !