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... contained in patents available at any patent office; EAR: information in ... and authorized for filing in foreign countries by US Patent and Trademark Office. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


National SecurityAKA Economic Espionage
AKA Technology Theft AKAExport Control
  • Export Control Training brought to you by
  • Scott Fong
  • aka
  • The Compliance Officer
  • aka
  • The Subcontracting Officer

1. Purpose of the Training
Reason 1 Protect the UARC and the University
  • Bad Press
  • Loss of Exporting Privileges
  • Organizational Civil and Criminal Penalties
    (lawsuits, fines up to 1 million, time in Jail)
  • Unhappy Sponsors
  • No More UARC ? No More Jobs

1. Purpose of the Training
Reason 2 Protect Yourself
  • Personal Criminal and Civil Liabilities
  • Criminal Fines up to 1,000,000 and/or up to 10
    years in jail (ITAR) for each violation
  • Civil Fines up to 500,000 for each violation

1. Purpose of the Training
Reason 3 What one can do for ones Country
  • Following the law feels good. You can sleep
    better at night knowing that the FBI wont come
    knocking on your door.
  • Keeps dangerous technology out of the hands of
    those who would use it against the United States.
  • Protects Americas military advantage in
    technological superiority.
  • Ensures American know-how benefits American
    companies, employees, consumers, and economy.

1. Purpose of the Training
Reason 4 Teach you to identify export concerns
  • Intent is not to teach you how to be export
    control officers.
  • Intent is to train you to identify situations
    when export control laws may or may not apply.

1. Purpose of the Training
Reason 5 Establish the Goal of this training
  • Our Goal today is to educate UARC staff on
    applicable laws, identify when project
    information may be export controlled, and
    instruct such staff to involve the UARC
    Compliance Officer before possible export
    controlled information is exported. note

2. What is Controlled?
  • Export of certain goods, services, information
    are controlled by three government agencies
  • U.S. Department of State
  • Office of Defense Trade Controls (ODTC)
  • U.S. Department of Commerce
  • Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)
  • U.S. Department of the Treasury
  • Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

2. What is Controlled?
  • International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR)
  • Administered by the U.S. Department of State,
    Office of Defense Trade Controls
  • Regulates the export of defense articles and
    defense services
  • Defense Article Any item or technical data
    designated in U.S. Munitions List or those items
  • Specifically designed, developed, configured,
    adapted, or modified for a military application
    and does not have 1) predominant civil
    applications, or 2) performance equivalent (form,
    fit, function) to an article or service used for
    civil applications (e.g. AA batteries).
  • Specifically designed, developed, configured,
    adapted, or modified for a military application,
    and/OR has significant military or intelligence
    applicability such that control under this
    subchapter is necessary. (e.g. GPS technology or
    Dialysis/Atomic triggers).
  • Technical data is information which is required
    for the design, development, production,
    manufacture, assembly, operation, repair,
    testing, maintenance or modification of defense
    articles. This includes blueprints, drawings,
    photographs, plans, instructions, and

2. What is Controlled?
  • ITAR continued
  • Defense Service The furnishing of assistance or
    training in the design, development, engineering,
    manufacture, production, assembly, testing,
    repair, maintenance, modification, operation,
    demilitarization, destruction, processing, or use
    of Defense Articles.
  • U.S. Munitions List List of designated defense
    articles and defense services subject to ITAR
    export control
  • Category XV of the U.S. Munitions List is of
    special concern to UARC personnel Spacecraft
    Systems and Associated Equipment.
  • FAR Summary
  • List is not dispositive. A Commodity
    Jurisdiction Procedure exists to obtain a
    determination from the Office of Defense Trade
    Controls for articles or services not listed.
  • Dont forget the EAR and OFAC lists.
  • When in doubt, contact your UARC Compliance
  • For more information on ITAR, go to

2. What is Controlled?
  • Export Administration Regulations (EAR)
  • Administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce,
    Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)
  • Regulates the export of dual-use items and
    items with solely civil uses.
  • Items subject to EAR are listed in the Commerce
    Control List (CCL)
  • 10 categories of export controlled items in the
  • Nuclear Materials, Facilities, Equipment and
  • Materials, Chemicals, Microorganisms Toxins
  • Materials Processing
  • Electronics Design, Development and Production
  • Computers
  • Telecommunications Information Security
  • Sensors and Lasers
  • Navigation and Avionics
  • Marine
  • Propulsion Systems, Space Vehicles and Related

2. What is Controlled?
  • EAR cont.
  • The 10 CCL categories are further subdivided into
    5 Product Groups
  • Systems, Equipment and Components
  • Test, Inspection and Production Equipment
  • Materials
  • Software
  • Technology
  • Example Computers are a category in the
    Commerce Control List. Computer exports are
    regulated on several levels, called Product
    Groups, by the EAR. It might be possible to
    export a Dell computer system for example (i.e.
    product groups A, C, and D), but not possible to
    export instructions/technical data on how to
    fabricate the computer and its parts (product
    group E), or the equipment necessary to
    manufacture or test the computer (product group

2. What is Controlled?
  • EAR Cont.
  • EAR Summary
  • All items of US origin or design, regardless of
    actual geographical location, is subject to the
    EAR unless there is a listed exclusion, or item
    is subject to the jurisdiction of another federal
    department or agency (e.g. U.S. Department of
  • Commerce Control List can be extremely confusing
    to find the ECCN (Export Control Classification
    Number) for the technology you wish to export.
    Even if you are certain the item is not listed on
    the CCL, there are still 10 additional General
    Prohibitions to consider before exporting without
    obtaining a license from BIS. On top of this,
    there are specific persons, organizations, and
    countries to which you cannot export.
    Conclusion Do not conduct your own EAR export
    determination without help from the UARC
    Compliance Officer and/or BIS.
  • Dont forget the FAR and OFAC lists.
  • When in doubt, contact your UARC Compliance
  • For more information, go to http//www.access.gpo

2. What is Controlled?
  • U.S. Department of the Treasury
  • Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
  • Enforces economic and trade sanctions and
    embargoes against targeted foreign countries,
    terrorists, international narcotics traffickers,
    and those engaged in the proliferation of weapons
    of mass destruction.
  • Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) Blocked
    Persons List (updated frequently)
  • Some sanctioned countries include Burma, Cuba,
    Iran, Liberia, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and
  • Summary Even if the EAR and FAR do not prohibit
    export, 1) verify the OFAC SDN List and
    sanctioned country lists do not include the
    foreign entity receiving the proposed export, and
    if they do, then 2) ensure the scope of the
    sanction/embargo doesnt include the technology
    to be sent. Coordinate all foreign exports
    through your UARC Compliance Officer.
  • For more information, go to http//www.treas.gov

3. What is an Export?
  • An export occurs anytime an item or information
    is exchanged
  • Physical shipment or electronic transmission
    (phone, fax, email) to foreign destinations or
    foreign persons
  • Releasing information in any format accessible to
    foreign persons (formal or informal
    conversations, pictures, internet, etc.)
  • Performing technical assistance, training,
    repair, or other services for, or on behalf of,
    foreign persons or entities, whether in the U.S.
    or abroad.
  • Shipping items or data of U.S. origin from one
    foreign country to another foreign country (a
  • Sending money to a sanctioned foreign country.
  • Shipping or transferring items/data to another
    U.S. person with knowledge that an export
    violation will occur is tantamount to a
    prohibited export (end use).

3. What is an Export?
  • U.S. Persons vs. Foreign Persons
  • U.S. persons are
  • Lawful Permanent Residents (U.S.
    citizen/national, legal immigrants w/green card)
  • Protected Individuals (in the U.S. as a
    designated asylee/refugee, or temporary resident
    under amnesty), unless such protected individuals
    fail to apply for citizenship w/in 6 months of
    eligibility, or have not been naturalized w/in 2
    years of application.
  • Entities incorporated to do business in the U.S.
  • Foreign Persons are everyone else.
  • Foreign businesses doing business in the U.S. but
    not incorporated in the U.S. are foreign persons.
  • Dual-Citizens
  • Generally, the individual will be treated as a
    foreign national of the most sensitive country to
    which they hold citizenship. Dual-citizens who
    hold U.S. citizenship are sometimes treated as
    U.S. persons, depending on the applicable law or

3. What is an Export?
  • Deemed Exports
  • - Nothing leaves the country, but information is
    impermissibly exchanged within our borders in
    violation of export laws. A deemed export is
  • A release within the U.S.,
  • Of technology or source code,
  • Which is subject to export regulations,
  • To a foreign person.
  • ( such a release is deemed to be an export to
    the home country of the foreign person.)
  • Examples of Deemed Exports
  • Tours of laboratories
  • Foreign nationals employed in certain RD (e.g.
    Alt II tasks)
  • Foreign students/scholars conducting research
  • Hosting foreign scientists
  • Discussing Alt II work with foreign persons

3. What is an Export?
  • Summary
  • Providing access to, or assistance with,
    controlled items or information to foreign
    persons without authorization from the
    appropriate branch of U.S. government is illegal.
  • Exporting within U.S. borders is possible, called
    deemed exports, and subject to the same
    penalties as shipping outside U.S. borders.
  • Foreign businesses and corporations are
    considered foreign persons.
  • Shipping an item or providing information or a
    service to someone with knowledge that an export
    violation will occur is a violation of export
    control laws.

4. Exclusions and Licenses
  • Exclusions Types of technical data/information
    not subject to export controls
  • Public Domain - publicly available information
    and software, published for sale, in public
    libraries, open conferences, and any work cleared
    by U.S. government agency for unlimited public
    release. (e.g. non-proprietary information)
  • Educational Information general scientific,
    mathematical, or engineering principles commonly
    taught in colleges and universities.
  • Patents FAR information contained in patents
    available at any patent office EAR information
    in a patent application and authorized for filing
    in foreign countries by US Patent and Trademark
  • Fundamental Research this exemption only
    applies to
  • Technical data that
  • arises during or results from fundamental
    research (basic and applied),
  • the results of which are ordinarily published and
    shared broadly within the scientific community,
  • have no restrictions on publication,
    dissemination, or access (other than for
    protection of proprietary information).

4. Exclusions and Licenses
  • Licenses
  • If no exception or exclusion applies, then a
    license is required for the export or deemed
    export of controlled items, information, or
  • Obtained from BIS or ODTC as applicable.
  • Coordinated by UARC compliance officer, UC Office
    of the President, and Sponsor (NASA).
  • Can take several weeks to several months to
    obtain a license.

5. Conclusion
  • By now, the following should be apparent
  • Alt I Tasks Export control laws do not apply
  • fundamental research (technology readiness level
    (TRL) still low)
  • no access or foreign national restrictions
  • work cleared by NASA for unlimited public release
  • Alt II Tasks Might include export controlled
  • Export controlled items/data will be identified
    in the task if known (current export
    determination not always available)
  • In general, foreign nationals are not allowed on
    task without prior approval and a technology
    control plan
  • Publication/dissemination/release of information
    restricted by NASA
  • A Data Management Resource (DMR) is provided to
    all UARC task managers detailing specific data
    handling requirements for each task.

Contact Info
  • UARC Compliance Officer
  • Scott Fong
  • Phone 650-604-1284
  • Fax 650-604-0500
  • Email scott.fong_at_adm.ucsc.edu
  • NASA Research Park
  • Building 19, Room 1088
  • P.O. Box 7, M/S 19-26
  • Moffett Field, CA 94035
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