Title: Grading
??Lucy exhibit exercise 10 of total grade,
each of first two midterms would be 25 of
grade 15 of final comprehensive
tests multiple choice questions
problem or short answer questions
??essay questions (on final)
grades will be standardized in a way that
allows for differences in test difficulty, etc.
numerical grades are always normally
distributed scores are standardized using a
z-statistic individual standardized score will
depend on the mean and the variance of the
3Nothing in biology makes sense but in the light
of evolution --Theodosius
4(No Transcript)
5domestic dogs are extremely variable
first domesticated species -- oldest remains are
12-14,000 years old from Eurasia
domesticated from wolves, Canus lupus
6Discovery of Flores Man
Brown et al. 2004 Nature 4311055 Morwood et al.
2004 Nature 4311087 Morwood et al. 2005 Nature
7 Homo floresiensis Homo erectus Homo
sapiens Height 1 m 1.3 m - 1.5 m 1.6
m - 1.85 m Brain 380 cubic 900
cc (archaic) 1200 cc (archaic)
centimeters - 1100 cc (later) - 1350
cc (modern) Lived 18,000 years ago 1.9
mya until 150,000 ya 25,000 ya
to present
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10Comparison of mandibles. a Homo sapiens b a
microcephalic H. sapiens c, d, Homo
floresiensis e early African Homo erectus f
Australopithecus afarensis
Scale bar, 1 cm.
11limb proportions
12femur and humerus shaft robusticity
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16Evolution of Lactose Tolerance in Humans
Beja-Pereira et al. 2004 Nature Genetics
35311 Bersaglieri et al. 2004 Am J Hum Genet
741111 Tiskoff et al. 2007 Nature Genetics 3931
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19Lactase persistance in modern Europeans
20Long-range extended homozygosity for the core
haplotype containing the persistence-associated
alleles at LCT at various distances from LCT. The
extent to which the common core haplotypes
remains intact is shown for each chromosome in
cM. The core region containing 13910C/T is shown
as a black bar, and the LCT gene is oriented from
left to right. Core haplotypes containing the
persistence-associated allele (13910T) are shown
in red, and those containing the
non-persistenceassociated allele (13910C) are
shown in blue.
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23Genotype-phenotype association for G/C-14010,
T/G-13915 and C/G-13907. (ad) Number of
individuals in various genotype and phenotype
classes in major geographic regions and/or
populations in which they are most prevalent. We
observed a significant association for G/C-14010
in Kenya (n 190, d.f. 4, O2 21.77, P
0.0002) and in Tanzania (n 231, d.f. 4, O2
21.90, P 0.0002). We did not observe a
significant association for C/G-13907 in the
Afro-Asiatic Sudanese (n 17, d.f. 2, O2
2.54, P 0.2808) or for T/G-13915 in
Afro-Asiatic Kenyans (n 61, d.f. 4, O2
6.14, P 0.1889). A large proportion of
individuals who are homozygous for the ancestral
G-14010, T-13915 and C-13907 alleles are
classified as lactase persistent, indicating that
there are additional unidentified variants
associated with Lactase persistence in these
Tiskoff et al 2007
24(e) Linear regressionbased test of association
for each polymorphic SNP genotyped in this study
in each of the subpopulations. Dashed line
denotes significance after a conservative
Bonferroni correction for the total number of
SNPs tested. G/C-14010 is the most significant
of all 123 genotyped SNPs in the Kenyan
Nilo-Saharan (KE-NS) and Tanzanian Afro-Asiatic
(TZ-AA) samples. C/G-13907 shows the strongest
(though not significant) association of all other
genotyped SNPs in the Kenyan Afro-Asiatic (KE-AA)
samples. (f) Meta-analysis of the combined P
values for each SNP over all subpopulations.
G/C-14010 is highly significant, even after
Bonferroni correction (P ¼ 2.9 107). C/G-13907
and T/G-13915 are not significant after
Bonferroni correction (P ¼ 0.001 and P ¼ 0.002,
respectively). SD-AA, Sudanese Afro-Asiatic
Tiskoff et al. 2007 Nature Genet 3931
25G/C-14010 (Kenya, Tanzania)
persistent non-persistent
G/C-13910 (Eurasia) persistent
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27What about the cows?
28Lactase persistance in modern Europeans
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