Title: Brain Tumors
1Brain Tumors
- Deepa Subramaniam, M.D.
- Director, Brain Tumor Center
- Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Georgetown University Hospital
- Apr 20, 2009
2Classification 1o CNS Tumors
- Glial tumors
- Astrocytic
- I pilocytic
- II fibrillary, gemistocytic
- III anaplastic
- IV glioblastoma (var. gliosarcoma, GC GBM)
- Oligodendroglial
- II oligodendroglioma, III anaplastic
- Ependymal
- I subependymoma, II ependymoma, III anaplastic
3Classification of CNS tumors
- Neuronal tumors
- Gangliocytoma, ganglioglioma, esthesioneuroblastom
a - Neuroblastic/glioblastic origin
- Neuroblastoma, medulloblastoma (PNET), RB
- Pineal parenchymal origin
- Pineocytoma, pineoblastoma
- Meningeal origin
- Meningioma, atypical meningioma, malignant
meningioma - Germ cell origin
- Pure germinoma, dysgerminoma
- Chordoma
4 WHO Grading System
High cellularity/Nuclear atypia
Geographic necrosis/ Pseudopalisading
Vascular proliferation
5WHO Grading System
6Molecular Progression
7Predisposing Factors
- Cranial irradiation
- NCI Case-control Study
- GST polymorphisms
- Cyt P450 isoenzymes
- Inverse relationship to allergic and AI dz
- No relationship to cell phones or transmission
8Diagnosis MRI in HGG
T1 weighted post-gadolinium T2 weighted image
9High grade gliomas Surgery
- Maximal surgical resection (GTR vs NTR)
- rapid symptom resolution, decreased mass effect
- adequate tissue for accurate histologic grading,
- reduces tumor burden prior to chemoradiation
- Reoperation for recurrent disease
- MS with reoperation for recurrent GBM 14-36
weeks - MS with reoperation for recurrent AA 56-88 weeks
Harsh GR et al. Neurosurgery 1987
10HGG Radiation
- Brain Tumor Study Group Addition of adjuvant
WBRT increased MS from 14 to 36 weeks - Shift from WBRT to focal EBRT
- Dose-response relationship
Walker MD et al. J Neurosurg 1978 Liang BC, et
al. J Neurosurg 1991 Walker MD, Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phys 1979
11HGG Radiation
- Phase II studies of high-dose boost added to
standard XRT OS benefit - Randomized Phase III trial of SRS boost No added
12HGG Single Agent Chemo
- 1978 BTSG (Protocol 69-01)
- Walker, MD. J Neurosurg 1978
- 18-month survival
- WBRT carmustine (19) WBRT (4)
- 1983 BTSG (Protocol 75-01)
- Green, SB. Cancer Treat Rep 1983
- WBRT procarbazine WBRT carmustine
13HGG Combination chemo
- Northern California Oncology Group protocol 6G61
- Randomized trial comparing PCV to BCNU after
adjuvant radiotherapy
14Adjuvant Chemo Combination
- Fine et al. Cancer, 1993
- Meta-analysis of 16 randomized trials, 17-year
period, 3000 patients (GBM and AA), assigned to
WBRT nitrosoureas - Absolute increase in survival with addition of
chemo was 10.1 at 1 year, 8.6 at 2 years - Median survival increased from 9.4 to 12 months
- Medical Research Council. JCO, 2001
- Randomized study where 674 patients (GBM and AA)
were treated with surgery RT PCV - MS of GBM 9.5 months v 10 months MS of AA 13
months - Stewart, LA. Lancet, 2002
- Meta-analysis of 12 RCTs, 3004 patients, compared
RT alone to RT chemo - Absolute increase in survival with addition of
chemo was 6 at 1 year - Median survival increased by 2 months
15Newer agents
- Temozolomide
- Novel alklyating agent
- Orally active, 100 bioavailable
- Pro drug with good CSF penetration converted to
an active metabolite (MTIC) in CNS - Well tolerated/immune suppression
- MGMT silencing molecular marker
16HRQOL TMZ vs PCB for recurrent GBM
Osoba et al. JCO 2000
17TMZ in Newly Diagnosed GBM
Stupp NEJM 2005
18PFS Benefit
OS Benefit
Stupp NEJM 2005
19MGMT gene methylation
Hegi ME et al. NEJM 2005
20Glioblastoma Research
21Overcoming Resistance
22Individualized therapy
23Targeting angiogenesis
- Bevacizumab
- AZD2171
- Vatalanib (PTK 787)
- Vandetanib (ZD6474)
- Phase II study (Vredenburgh et al, JCO 2007)
- 63 radiographic response rates in AAGBM study
(CCR, Feb 2007) - 6-month PFS 46, 6-month OS 77 in GBM (n35 1
CNS bleed, 4 DVT/PE JCO, Oct 2007)
25AZD2171 (Cediranib)
- Phase II multicenter trial
- 56 radiographic partial responses
- 25 APFS
- PFS 117 days
- OS 221 days
- Phase III RCT lomustine, vs AZD2171 vs combination
26Novel agents
- EGFR inhibitors (erlotinib)
- PKC inhibitors (enzastaurin)
- Integrin inhibitors (cilengitide)
- mTOR inhibitors (everolimus, temsirolimus)
27Metastatic Brain Disease
- 150,000 annual cases in the US
- 10-20 of all cancers will metastasize
- Most common to brain
- Lung cancer
- Breast
- Melanoma
- Kidney
28Metastatic Brain Disease
- Standard therapy
- Whole brain radiation
- Stereotactic radiosurgery
- Surgical resection
- Combination of the above
- The Basic premise BBB is intact
29The Blood-Brain Barrier
30BBB Drug transporters
31CNS Metastases Novel Approaches
- Nanoparticles
- Immunoliposomes
- Peptide vectors
- Endogenous-carrier mediated transport
- Small molecule TKIs