Title: Used Nuclear Fuel
1Used Nuclear Fuel
2Fuel Rods Filled With Pellets Are Grouped Into
Fuel Assemblies
3Fuel Assemblies Cool Temporarily in Used Fuel
452 Plants Will Run Out of Used Fuel Storage by
5Temporary Dry Storage On Site
6Transportation Containers Are Strong and Safe
7Transportation Casks Have Been Tested
8Container Loaded on a Truck
9 And Crashed at 80 MPH into a Concrete Wall
10Container Broadsided by Locomotive Traveling at
80 MPH
11Containers Survived Incineration Tests
12Containers Passed Every Test
13NRC Concludes Shipping Even Safer Than Previously
14At the Repository, Fuel Will Be Transferred to a
Special Disposal Container
15Yucca Mountain Being Considered As Disposal Site
16Yucca Mountain Being Considered As Disposal Site
17Seven Miles of Tunnels Built in Yucca Mountain
18Yucca Mountain Has Been Thoroughly Investigated
19President Recommends Yucca Mountain