Title: Views in SQL
1Views in SQL
- View or Virtual Tables in SQL A view in SQL is a
single table that is derived from other tables
(could be base table or previously defined views) - o A view does not necessarily exist in
physical form virtual table - o Base tables tuples are actually stored in
the database - Restricts possible update operations on
views - No limitation on querying a view
2Views in SQL
- Consider two relations students (sid, name,
login, age, gpa), enrolled (cid, grade, sid) . - Suppose that we are often interested in finding
names and login of students who got a grade B in
some course with the cid of the course - Create View B-students (name, login, course)
- As Select s.name, s.sid, e.id
- From Students s, Enrolled e
- Where s.sid e.sid And e.grade B
3Views in SQL
- Conceptually whenever B-students is used in a
query, the view definition is first evaluated to
obtain the corresponding instance of B-students,
and then the rest of the query is evaluated
treating B-students like any other relation
referred to in the query. - Update on view
- View mechanism is to tailor how users see the
data - SQL-92 allows update to be specified only on
views that are defined on a single base table
using just selection and projection, with no use
of aggregation operation updateable views
4Views in SQL
- Why need to restrict view updates
- SQL-92 view updates are most stringent than
necessary - Student (sid, name, login, age, gpa)
- Club (cname, jyear, mname)
- A tuple in club denotes that the student called
mname has been a member of the club cname since
the date jyear.
5Views in SQL
- Why need to restrict view updates
- Suppose we are often interested in finding the
name and login of students with a gpa greater
than 3 who belong to at least one club along with
the club name and the date they joined the club. - Create View ActiveStudents (name, login, club,
since) As - Select s.name, s.login, c.name, cjyear
- From Students s, Clubs c
- Where s.name c.mname And s.gpa 3
6Views in SQL
7Querying views
- If the view did not include a key for the
underlying table, several rows in the table could
correspond to a single row in the view (in the
following example, mname is used instead of sid) - Now we would like to delete the row (Smith,
smith_at_ee, Hiking, 1997) from ActiveStudents - We must change either
- Students or
- Clubs
- (or both)
- in such a way that evaluating the view definition
on the modified instance does not produce the row
(Smith, smith_at_ee, Hiking, 1997).
8Querying views
- Two ways
- Either
- deleting row (53688, Smith, smith_at_ee, 18, 3.2)
from Students or - deleting (Hiking, 1997, Smith) from Clubs.
- Neither is satisfactory.
- Removing from Students also delete tuple Smith_at_ee, Rowing, 1998 from the view
ActiveStudents. Removing the clubs row also has
the effect of deleting the row
smith_at_math, Hiking, 1997 from ActiveStudents. - Only reasonable solution is to disallow such
updates on views.
9Querying views
- View Implementation
- Efficiently implement a view
- Two main approaches
- Query modification Modify view query into a
query on the underlying base tables. - Inefficient for views defined via complex queries
- We need answer very fast /interactive response
time - Consider the total number of students for each
club and the query is - Select Club, count() Form ActiveStudents Group
by Club
10Querying views
- Select R.Club, count()
- From (Select s.name as Name, s.login as Login,
c.name as Club, cjyear as Year - From Students s, Clubs c
- Where s.name c.mname And s.gpa 3) as R
- Group by R.club
- View materialization
- At first, we evaluate the view definition and
store the result (i.e., physically create a
temporary view table when the view is first
queried). - When a query is now posed on the view, the
(unmodified) query is executed on the
pre-computed result
11Querying views
- Advantage Much faster than query modifications
- Complex view needs not be evaluated when the
query is computed - Disadvantage Maintain the consistency of the
pre-computed view whenever the underlying tables
are updated - Incremental update has been developed where it
is determined what new tuples must be inserted,
deleted or modified in a materialized view table
when a change is applied to one of the defining
base tables
12Changing the database
- How do we initialize the database? How do we
update and modify the database state? - SQL supports an update language for insertions,
deletions and modifications of tuples. - INSERT INTO R(A1,,An) VALUES (V1,,Vn)
13Tuple insertion
- Recall our rock climbing database, with the
following instance of Routes - To insert a new tuple into Routes
INSERT INTO Routes(RId, Rname, Grade, Rating,
Height) VALUES (5, Desperation, III,12,600)
14Tuple insertion, cont.
- Alternatively, we could omit the attributes since
the order given matches the DDL for Routes
INSERT INTO Routes VALUES (5, Desperation,
15Set insertion
- Suppose we had the following relation and wanted
to add all the routes with rating 8
INSERT INTO HardClimbs(Route,Rating,FeetHigh)
SELECT DISTINCT Rname, Grade, Rating,
Height FROM Routes WHERE rating8
Route Rating FeetHigh SlimyClimb 9
200 The Sluice 8 60 Last Tango 12
- Deletion is set-oriented the only way to delete
a single tuple is to specify its key. - Suppose we wanted to get rid of all tuples in
HardClimbs that are in Routes
Name FROM Routes)
17Modifying tuples
- Non-key values of a relation can be changed using
UPDATE. - Suppose we want to increase the age of all
experienced climbers by 1 - NOTE SQL uses an old-value semantics. New
values are calculated using the old state, not a
partially modified state.
UPDATE Climbers SET Age Age1 WHERE Skill
18Old-value semantics
- Give a 1000 raise to every employee who earns
less than their manager. - Old-value semantics employees 1 and 3 are given
a raise. - Otherwise employee 2 will get a raise if they
are considered after employee 3 receives a raise!
19Schema modification
- Requirements change over time, so it is useful to
be able to add/delete columns, drop tables and
drop views - DROP TABLE Climbers
- DROP VIEW ExpClimbers
- ALTER TABLE Climbs ADD Weather CHAR(50)
- Views are useful for frequently executed queries
and as a layer to shield applications from
changes in the schema. - SQL has an update language that allows
set-oriented updates. Updates (insertions,
deletions and modifications) change the database