Title: CCSSE at GCC Three year Assessment
1CCSSE at GCCThree year Assessment
- Update of Benchmarks
- Overall summary findings
- Significant changes in results over the three
years - How CCSSE has been used on campus
- The national CCSSE survey questions students on a
wide variety of measures of student engagement. - The survey is a valuable tool to assess how well
GCC performs and meets student needs relative to
other community colleges across the U.S. and
relative to itself. - Reports can be found at www.gcc.mass.edu/about/ccs
2Student Participation
- Spring 2005, 477 students participated
- Spring 2006, 538 students participated
- Spring 2007, 469 students participated
- For a total of 1484 responses, some of the same
students responded in multiple years
3BENCHMARKSExternal Comparisons
- A mark on a fixed and enduring object indicating
a particular elevation and used as a reference
point. -
- Quality tool used to compare us to other similar
Community Colleges.
4CCSSE 2007 - Benchmark Scores
Represents average
5Benchmarks 2005-2007 GCC decile vs. small
Represents average
6GCC deciles 2007Comparison to other small
colleges the national sample
Represents average
- Unique opportunity to develop questions relevant
to Massachusetts. - Worked with other community colleges to share
student engagement and service-related data. - Provide relevant comparisons and allows for
identification of best practices.
8For example, Course Accessibility
- One state-wide question was about course
accessibility and scheduling using CCSSE results
from Mass CCs. - I am able to sign up for and get into the courses
I need to take in order to get my degree or
certificate on time.
10Consistent Results
- Most results were consistent and confirming over
the three years. - This strong stability provides GCC with a
baseline from which to measure improvement.
11Overall findingFaculty Student Interaction
- GCC students are positively engaged by activities
that foster strong faculty-student interaction
and engagement. - Students, who rate their experience at GCC as
either good or excellent, report having strong,
positive relationships with GCC faculty. - This finding is supported in the GCC focus group/
qualitative study The Community Weighs In
(spring 2007).
12Overall FindingImportance Use of Services
- Students rated importance of college services
much higher than their frequency of use. - College services include academic advising,
career counseling, tutoring, financial aid,
computer labs, organizations, transfer services
and disabilities services.
13Overall FindingUse Satisfaction of Services
- Students who use college services are generally
satisfied with services.
14Significant changes over 3 yearsInternships
- Interest in Internships on the rise
- Over the 3 years, there is an increase in the
number of students who report having done an
15Significant changes over 3 yearsOrientation
- Orientation Participation Up
- Over the 3 years there is an increase in the
number of students responding that they attended
16Significant changes 0ver 3 yearsLoans
- Increase in student reliance on loans
- Over the 3 years more students identified loans
as a major source for paying for college.
17 Using CCSSE at GCC
- English Comprehensive Review
- CCSSE questions used in a survey administered to
all GCC students enrolled in English classes
fall 2007 - One Campus/One Community Evening at GCC
- CSSE data for day evening students served as
basis for an informed inquiry into the needs of
evening students . - Fire Science Comprehensive Review
- Used CCSSE survey questions to help formulate
research questions early in the inquiry process.
18Coming Attraction
- SENSE in September 2008
- Survey of Entering Student Engagement
- Facts
- Significant numbers of students drop out before
completing their first semester. - Drop-outs are disproportionately populated by
high-risk groups part-timers, students of
color, first generation students and increasingly
men. - Intention focus on entering students
19More Information
- Details of these findings and supporting
statistics are located on the GCC website
www.gcc.mass.edu/about/ccsse.html - If you want to investigate topics or finding in
more depth than provided in the reports or have
questions, you may contact the GCC Institutional
Research Office - Martha Field x1421 field_at_gcc.mass.edu
- Jesse Barba x1408 barbaj_at_gcc.mass.edu
- Or the Title III Grant for Advising
- Pam Matheson x1389 matheson_at_gcc.mass.edu
21Additional Slides
22Benchmark Academic Challenge
- Analyzing the basic elements of an idea,
experience, or theory - Synthesizing and organizing ideas, information,
or experiences in new ways - Making judgments about the value or soundness of
information, arguments, or methods - Applying theories or concepts to practical
problems or in new situations - Number of assigned textbooks, manuals, books, or
book-length packs of course readings - Using information you have read or heard to
perform a new skill - Worked harder than you thought you could to meet
an instructor's standards or expectations - Extent to which examinations have challenged you
to do your best work Encouraging you to spend
significant amounts of time studying - Number of written papers or reports of any length
23Benchmark Active Collaborative Learning
- Asked questions in class or contributed to class
discussions - Worked with other students on projects during
class - Discussed ideas from your readings or classes
with others outside of class (students, family
members, co-workers, etc.) - Made a class presentation
- Worked with classmates outside of class to
prepare class assignments - Tutored or taught other students (paid or
voluntary) - Participated in a community-based project as a
part of a regular course
24Benchmark Student-Faculty Interaction
- Used email to communicate with an instructor
- Talked about career plans with an instructor or
advisor - Discussed ideas from your readings or classes
with instructors outside of class - Received prompt feedback (written or oral) from
instructors on your performance - Discussed grades or assignments with an
instructor - Worked with instructors on activities other than
25Benchmark Student Effort
- Worked on a paper or project that required
integrating ideas or information from various
sources - Come to class without completing readings or
assignments - Number of books read on your own (not assigned)
for personal enjoyment or academic enrichment - Preparing for class (studying, reading, writing,
rehearsing, doing homework, or other activities
related to your program) - Frequency of use Peer or other tutoring
- Prepared two or more drafts of a paper/assignment
before turning it in - Frequency of use Skill labs
- Frequency of use Computer lab
26Benchmark Support for Learners
- Providing the support you need to help you
succeed at this college - Encouraging contact among students from different
economic, social, and racial or ethnic
backgrounds - Helping you cope with your non-academic
responsibilities (work, family, etc.) - Providing the financial support you need to
afford your education - Frequency Academic advising/planning
- Providing the support you need to thrive socially
- Frequency Career Counseling
27Composition of respondents
- The classes included in the survey are randomly
selected from strata (morning, afternoon, evening
classes) by CCSSE.