Honors Vocabulary Part Duex - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Honors Vocabulary Part Duex


astro, aster star. du, duo two. hydr/o water, liquid. mania excessive desire ... the future, usually by interpreting signs or asking for supernatural help ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Honors Vocabulary Part Duex

Honors VocabularyPart Duex
  • Here we go again

Primus Septem Dies
  • PHOS/PHOT light LUC light to shine or glitter
  • MOR/MORT to die, death NEC/NIC/NOX kill or slay
  • phosphorescent 1. giving off a glow that
    continues after an energy source has stopped
    transmitting energy. 2. giving off a glow over a
    period of time without producing noticeable heat.
  • photogenic very suitable for being photographed
  • photosynthesis the process by which green
    plants use light to produce organic matter from
    carbon dioxide and water.
  • elucidate to clarify or explain
  • lucent giving off light or easily seen through
  • lucubration hard or difficult study the product
    of difficult study
  • immortality deathless or unending existence
    lasting fame
  • mortality death or living for a limited time
  • mortify 1. to subdue or deaden (the body)
    especially by self-discipline or self-inflicted
    pain 2. to embarrass greatly humiliate
  • internecine 1. deadly mutually destructive 2.
    involving conflict within a group
  • noxious harmful to or destructive of living
  • pernicious extremely harmful or destructive

Secundus Septem Dies
  • inundate 1. To cover with water, especially
    floodwaters. 2. To overwhelm as if with a flood
  • nominal 1. Of, resembling, relating to, or
    consisting of a name or names. 2. Assigned to or
    bearing a person's name nominal shares.
  • philanthropist 1.The effort or inclination to
    increase the well-being of humankind, as by
    charitable aid or donations. 2. Love of
    humankind in general. 3. Something, such as an
    activity or institution, intended to promote
    human welfare.
  • reticent 1.Inclined to keep one's thoughts,
    feelings, and personal affairs to oneself.
    2.Restrained or reserved in style.
  • mitigate To moderate (a quality or condition) in
    force or intensity alleviate
  • rescind To make void repeal or annul.
  • unsavory Distasteful or disagreeable
  • unwittingly 1. Not knowing unaware 2. Not
    intended unintentional
  • verbatim Using exactly the same words
    corresponding word for word
  • vacillate 1. To sway from one side to the
    other oscillate. 2. To swing indecisively from
    one course of action or opinion to another

Tertius Septem Dies
  • HER/HES to stick, get stuck FUG to flee or
  • COSM ornament or order SCI to know or understand
  • adherent 1. someone who follows a leader, a
    party, or a profession
  • 2. one who believes in a particular philosophy
    or religion
  • incoherent 1. unclear or difficult to understand
  • 2. loosely organized or inconsistent
  • inherent part of something by nature or habit
  • fugue a musical form in which a theme is echoed
    and imitated by voices or instruments that enter
    one after another and interweave as the piece
  • subterfuge 1. a trick designed to help conceal,
    escape, or evade
  • 2. a deceptive trick
  • centrifugal moving outward from a center or
    central focus
  • cosmetic done or made for the sake of beauty or
  • cosmopolitan 1. having international
    sophistication and experience
  • 2. made up of persons, elements, or influences
    from many different parts of the world
  • cosmos 1. the universe, especially when it is
    viewed as orderly and systematic
  • 2. any orderly system that is complete in
  • omniscience infinite awareness, understanding,
    and insight
  • prescient having or showing advance knowledge
    of what is going to happen
  • unconscionable 1. not guided by any moral sense

Quartus Septem Dies
  • pluck To remove or detach by grasping and
    pulling abruptly with the fingers
  • wane To decrease gradually in size, amount,
    intensity, or degree decline.
  • unobtrusive Not undesirably noticeable or
    blatant inconspicuous.
  • jade To wear out, as by overuse or
  • retort To reply, especially to answer in a
    quick, caustic, or witty manner
  • noxious 1. Harmful to living things
    injurious to health noxious chemical wastes. 2.
    Harmful to the mind or morals
  • unprecedented Having no previous example
  • mutable 1. Capable of or subject to change or
    alteration. 2. subject to frequent change
    inconstant mutable weather patterns. 3. Tending
    to undergo genetic mutation
  • retrograde 1. Moving or tending backward. 2.
    Opposite to the usual order inverted or
  • ulterior 1. Lying beyond what is evident,
    revealed, or avowed, especially being concealed
    intentionally so as to deceive an ulterior
    motive. 2. Lying beyond or outside the area of
    immediate interest.

Quintus Septem Dies
  • JUNCT join PART part
  • MIT/MIS to send PEL/PULS to move or drive
  • adjunct something joined or added to another
    thing of which it is not a part
  • disjunction a break, separation, or sharp
    difference between two things
  • injunction 1. a warning, direction , or
    prohibition regarding an activity 2. a court
    order commanding or forbidding the doing of some
  • impart 1. to give from ones store or abundance
    2. to make known disclose
  • impartial fair and not biased treating or
    affecting all equally
  • partisan 1. a person who is strongly devoted to
    a particular cause or group 2. a guerrilla
  • emissary someone sent out to represent another
    an agent
  • missive a letter or written communication
  • remittance 1. money sent in payment 2. the
    sending of money, especially to a distant place
  • impel to urge or drive forward by strong moral
  • expel 1. to drive or force out 2. to force to
    leave through official action
  • repulsion 1. the act of driving away or
    rejecting 2. a feeling of great dislike

Sextus Septem Dies
  • aero air
  • aqua water
  • bio life, living organism
  • helio sun
  • lun, luni moon
  • mar, mari sea
  • psych/o mind, soul
  • sphere ball
  • chron/o time
  • cycl/o wheel, cycle
  • dys bad, difficult, abnormal
  • -itis inflammation
  • onym name, word
  • port to carry
  • soph, sophy wise, wisdom
  • verb word

Septimus Septem Dies
  • PATH suffering PEN/PUN penalty
  • MATR/METR mother MONI to warn, to scold
  • apathetic 1. showing or feeling little or no
    emotion 2. having no interest
  • empathy the feeling of , or the ability to feel,
    the emotions and sensations of another
  • sociopath a mentally ill or unstable person who
    acts in a way that harms people and society a
  • impunity freedom from punishment, harm, or loss
  • penance an act of self-punishment or religious
    devotion to show sorrow or regret for sin or
  • punitive giving, involving, or aiming at
  • matriarch a female leader of a group
  • matriculate to enroll as a member of a group,
    especially a school or college
  • metropolitan having to do with a large important
    city and sometimes its surrounding suburbs
  • admonish to warn or criticize mildly
  • monitory giving warning cautionary
  • premonition 1. a previous warning or notice
    forewarning 2. a feeling about an event or
    situation before it happens

Octavus Septem Dies
  • lassitude A state or feeling of weariness,
    diminished energy, or listlessness
  • obtuse 1. Lacking quickness of perception or
    intellect. 2. Characterized by a lack of
    intelligence or sensitivity an obtuse remark. 3.
    Not distinctly felt an obtuse pain.
  • prodigal 1. Rashly or wastefully extravagant
    prodigal expenditures on unneeded weaponry. 2.
    Giving or given in abundance lavish or profuse
  • sage 1. Having or exhibiting wisdom and calm
    judgment. 2. Proceeding from or marked by wisdom
    and calm judgment
  • intractable 1. Difficult to manage or govern
    stubborn. 2. Difficult to mold or manipulate
  • malevolent 1. Having or exhibiting ill will,
    wishing harm to others, malicious. 2. Having an
    evil or harmful influence
  • mercenary 1. Motivated solely by a desire for
    monetary or material gain. 2. Hired for service
    in a foreign army.
  • minimal 1. Smallest in amount or degree.
    2. Small in amount or degree. 3. Only barely
  • querulous habitually complaining, whining,
  • tempestuous of, relating to, or resembling a
    storm (tempest) stormy chaotic
  • pagan 1. A heathen, especially a follower of a
    polytheistic religion (as in ancient Rome). 2.
    One who has little or no religion and who
    delights in sensual pleasures and material goods

Nonus Septem Dies
  • CANT sing LUD/LUS to play, game
  • PHAN/PHEN 1. to appear or seem, VER truth
  • 2. to present to the mind
  • incantation 1. a use of spells or verbal charms
    spoken or sung as part of a ritual of magic 2. a
    formula of words used in, or as if in, such a
  • cantor an official of a Jewish synagogue who
    sings or chants the music of the services and
    leads the congregation in prayer
  • descant an additional melody sung above the
    principal melody
  • allude to refer broadly or indirectly
  • collusion a secret agreement or conspiracy for
    an illegal or deceptive purpose.
  • ludicrous laughable because of clear absurdity,
    falseness, or foolishness
  • phantasm an illusion or a ghost produced by
    imagination or creative invention
  • diaphanous 1. transparent. 2. insubstantial or
  • phantasmagoria 1. a shifting succession of
    things seen or imagined. 2. a collection or
    combination of weird or imaginary things
  • aver to state positively as true declare
  • verisimilitude 1. the appearance of being true
    or probable. 2. the depiction of realism in art
    of literature
  • verity a true fact or statement

Decimus Septem Dies
  • ambi-, amphi both, on both sides, around
  • astro, aster star
  • du, duo two
  • hydr/o water, liquid
  • mania excessive desire
  • micro small, millionth
  • phobia fear
  • pyr/o fire, heat, fever
  • tri three
  • cred belief, believe
  • di, diplo two, double
  • dyn, dyna, dynam/o power, strength, energy
  • extra-, extro- outside, beyond
  • mal, male bad, evil, wrong
  • poly many
  • post after, behind

Undecimus Septem Dies
  • TURB to throw into confusion or upset, crowd,
  • VOLU/VOLV to roll, wind, turn around, or twist
  • FAC/FEC/FIC to make or do UT/US to use, make use
    of, employ
  • perturb to upset, confuse, or disarrange
  • turbulent 1. stirred up, agitated 2. stirring
    up unrest, violence, or disturbance
  • turbid 1. thick or murky, especially with
    churned-up sediment 2. unclear, confused,
  • devolution 1. the transfer of rights, powers,
    property, or responsibility to others, especially
    from the central to the local government
  • voluble speaking readily and rapidly talkative
  • convoluted 1. having a pattern of curved
    windings 2. involved, intricate
  • facile 1. easily accomplished 2. shallow,
  • olfactory having to do with the sense of smell
  • proficient skilled in an art, occupation, or
    branch of knowledge
  • usury the lending of money with a fee charged
    for its use, especially lending for an unusually
    high fee
  • utilitarian 1. aiming at usefulness rather than
    beauty 2. useful for a specific purpose or end
  • usufruct 1. the right to use of enjoy something
    2. the legal right of using or enjoying the
    products or profits of something that belongs to
    someone else

Duodecimus Septem Dies
  • latent present and capable of becoming though
    not now visible, obvious, or active
  • nadir the lowest point of something
  • ominous being or exhibiting an omen, esp.
    foreboding or foreshadowing evil
  • periphery 1. the external boundary or surface of
    a body 2. the outward bounds of something as
    distinguished from its internal regions or
    center an area lying beyond the strict limits of
    a thing
  • provincial a person of local or restricted
    interests or outlook, a person lacking urban
    polish or refinement
  • respite a rest from something exhausting, a
  • sophomoric conceited and overconfident of
    knowledge but poorly informed and immature
  • terse concise, not overly verbose, brief, esp.
    referring to something being well-polished
  • insurgent a person who revolts against civil
    authority or an established government
  • placate to soothe or mollify especially by
    concessions appease
  • psyche a persons soul, self, or mind

Tertius Decimus Septem Dies
  • UMBR shadow VEST to clothe or dress
  • THE/THEO god DE/DIV god, divine
  • adumbrate 1. to give a sketchy outline or
    disclose in part 2. to hint at or foretell
  • umber 1. a color that is greenish brown to dark
    reddish brown 2. a mineral of the same color
  • umbrage a feeling of resentment at some slight
    or insult, often one that is imagined rather than
  • divest 1. to get rid of or free oneself of
    property, authority, or title 2. to strip of
    clothing, ornaments, or equipment
  • investiture the formal placing of someone in
  • travesty 1. an inferior or distorted imitation
    2. a broadly comic imitation in drama,
    literature, or art that is usually grotesque and
  • atheistic denying the existence of God or divine
  • pantheistic 1. seeing the power of God in all
    the natural forces of the universe 2. worshiping
    all gods of all creeds and cults
  • theocracy 1. government by officials who are
    regarded as divinely inspired 2. a state
    governed by such a rule
  • deity a god or goddess
  • deus ex machina 1. in Greek and Roman drama, a
    god who enters above the stage by means of a
    crane and decides the plays outcome 2. a person
    or thing that appears suddenly and solves an
    apparently unsolvable problem
  • divinatory seeking to foresee or foretell the
    future, usually by interpreting signs or asking
    for supernatural help

Quartus Decimus Septem Dies
  • variegated to diversify in external appearance
    especially with different color
  • paradox a statement that is seemingly
    contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet
    is perhaps true
  • placebo an inert or innocuous substance used
    especially in controlled experiments testing the
    results of another substance, a sugar pill
  • vigilant alertly watchful especially to avoid
  • magnanimous showing or suggesting a lofty and
    courageous spirit
  • pedagogy the art, science, or profession of
  • tractable capable of being easily led, taught,
    or controlled docile
  • succinct marked by compact precise expression
    without wasted words terse
  • martinet a strict disciplinarian one who
    adheres rigidly to details and guidelines
  • loquacious given to fluent or excessive talk
    garrulous talkative
  • incipient beginning to come into being or to
    become apparent something just forming
  • indigenous something naturally living in an
    area native such as indigenous people

Quintus Decimus Septem Dies
  • DEMO people POPUL people, liked by many people
  • POLIS/POLIT city CIRCU/CIRCUM to navigate or
    walk around
  • endemic 1. fond only in a given place or region
    2. often found in a given occupation, area, or
  • pandemic widespread and affecting a large
    portion of the people
  • demotic popular or common
  • populist a believer in the rights, wisdom, or
    virtues of the common people
  • populace 1. the common people or masses 2.
  • populous numerous, densely settled, or having a
    large population
  • acropolis the high, fortified part of a city,
    especially and ancient Greek city
  • politic 1. cleverly tactful 2. wise in promoting
    a plan or plan of action
  • politicize to give a political tone or character
    to something
  • circuitous 1. having a circular or winding
    course 2. not forthright or direct in action
  • circumspect careful to consider all
    circumstances and possible consequences cautious
  • circumvent 1. to make a circuit around 2. to
    manage to get around, especially by clever means
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