Title: O Canada second verse
1O Canada (second verse)
O Canada! Where pines and maples grow,Great
prairies spread And lordly rivers flow,How dear
to us thy broad domain,From East to Western
Sea,Thou land of hope, for all who toil!Thou
True North strong and free!God keep our land
Glorious and free!O Canada! We stand on guard
for thee!O Canada! We stand on guard for thee!
2It is wonderful to feel the grandness of Canada
in the raw, not because she is Canada but because
she's something sublime that you were born into,
some great rugged power that you are a part of.
O Canada!
3We are lucky to live in a country as rich as
ours. To break it apart would be a sin in the
highest degree.
Where pines and maples grow,
4Give your head a shake. This is the greatest
country in the world.
Great prairies spread
5Vive la Canada. This country is not for sale.
And lordly rivers flow,
6There are no limits to the majestic future which
lies before the mighty expanse of Canada
How dear to us thy broad domain,
7Canada is probably the most free country in the
world where a man still has room to breathe, to
spread out, to move forward, to move out, an open
country with an open frontier
From east to western sea,
8In a world darkened by ethnic conflicts that
tear nations apart, Canada stands as a model of
how people of different cultures can live and
work together in peace, prosperity, and mutual
Thy land of hope for all who toil!
9Thou true north strong and free!
10I always thought of this as God's country
God keep our land
11When I'm in Canada, I feel this is what the
world should be like
Cultured, and generous-hearted people
Glorious and free!
12 The RCMP is unique in the world since it is a
national, federal, provincial and municipal
policing body.
O Canada! We stand on guard for thee! O Canada!
We stand on guard for thee!
- Canadian flag with blue background. Date
OlPfwJhttp//www.rmgolf.com/canada-gt -
- O Canada lyrics for first slide. 2002- 2005.
lthttp//canada4life.ca/anthems.phpgt -
- Map of Canada. Date unknown. lthttp//www.rootsweb.
com/canwgw/images/clmap.gifgt -
- Split Rock Lighthouse view - North Shore of Lake
Superior (pines and maples). October 9, 2004.
dding1a.jpggt -
- Prairies. Date unknown lthttp//www.canadianbiodive
jpggt -
- Rivers. April 26, 2004. lthttp//www.pc.gc.ca/canad
a/nature/archives/2003/ju-a/ART_IMAGES/riv3.jpggt -
- ONIX IMPEX Canada Inc. (Canada landscape
picture). Date unknown. lthttp//www.oniximpex.com/
immigration/images/canada1.jpggt -
- French flag. August 29, 2004. lthttp//www.kiechle.
com/oddsends/smoore/flag.jpggt -
- Canadian flag. Date unknown. lthttp//www.saltsprin
g.com/oldisland/images/18220Canadian20flag.gifgt -
- Western sea. Date unknown. lthttp//www.lindanorton
studio.com/A-Western_Sea_Outbound_1.JPGgt -
- Little boy. 2003. lthttp//www.cambodianchildren.or
g/I20am20poor.jpggt -
- Canada landscape. September 17, 2004.
/variations/12496-200x200.jpggt -
- Multicultural hands. Date unknown.
hands.gifgt -
- Eskimos. Date unknown. lthttp//www.olce.org/images
/home/eskimos.jpggt -
- Polar bear. May 18, 2003 lthttp//www.defenders.org
/den/denimages/polarbear1.jpggt -
- Maple leaf. May 4th, 2005. lthttp//www.canadianrom
anceauthors.com/maple-leaf.jpggt -
- Jesus. Date unknown. lthttp//www.corazones.org/jes
us/z_corazon_brazosabiertos.jpggt -
- RCMP. October 15, 2003.lthttp//www.panational.org/
- There are no limits to the majestic future which
lies before the mighty expanse of Canada. Sir
Winston Churchill. lthttp//canada4life.ca/quotes.p
hpgt - cultured, and generous-hearted people. Sir
Winston Churchill. lthttp//canada4life.ca/quotes.p
hpgt - In a world darkened by ethnic conflicts that
tear nations apart, Canada stands as a model of
how people of different cultures can live and
work together in peace, prosperity, and mutual
respect. Bill Clinton. lthttp//canada4life.ca/quo
tes.phpgt - Canada is probably the most free country in the
world where a man still has room to breathe, to
spread out, to move forward, to move out, an open
country with an open frontier. Valentyn Moroz.
lthttp//canada4life.ca/quotes.phpgt - I always thought of this, as Gods country. Jack
Granatstein. lthttp//canada4life.ca/quotes.phpgt - Give your head a shake, this is the greatest
country in the world. Curtis Sanderson.
- "Inuit" is the term which Eskimo have for
themselves and means "The People". The term
"Eskimo" was given the Inuit by the Cree and
meant "Eaters of Raw Meat". "Dene" is the term
applied by the Athabascan Indians of the
Territories to themselves, and it, like Inuit,
means "The People". Unknown author.
orhist.htmgt - We are lucky to live in a country as rich as
ours. To break it apart would be a sin in the
highest degree. Barry Gerding. lthttp//canada4life
.ca/quotes.phpgt - Vive la Canada. This country is not for sale. Don
Sweet. lthttp//canada4life.ca/quotes.phpgt - River bend. Date Unknown. lthttp//www.pc.gc.ca/pn-
np/nt/nahanni/images/winding_2.jpggt - The RCMP is unique in the world since it is a
national, federal, provincial and municipal
policing body. Unknown author.