Title: Finding Alpha
1Finding Alpha
2Risk and Return
- In general, risk is not related to return
- At very low risk, there is a positive risk-return
trade-off effect - At very high risk, there is a negative
risk-return trade-off
3Who am I and What This Is
- about Risk, Return, and Alpha
- Im an economics PhD who has worked as a quant,
risk manager, and portfolio manager - www.defprob.com
- www.efalken.com
- falkenblog.blogspot.com
4Risk has been my Hobby Horse
- TA for Hyman Minsky in 1986
- Risk essence of interesting economics,
undefinable - 1994 dissertation documented volatility and
returns inversely related - Scope of evidence accumulating to a critical
point - Present theory why risk not related to return in
5The Problem
- After 45 years, there are no measure of risk that
are generally positively correlated with returns
Fama and French 1992
6- Theory
- Longer hair people are short
- Omitted variable gender
- Theory
- high beta firms have high returns
- Omitted variable size
7Response to CAPM Failure
- Fama-French rebrand anomalies as risk factors
- No anomalies!
8Snipe hunt for factor that works
- Oil prices
- Consumption growth
- Per-capita labor income
- Consumption/wealth ratio
- Statistical (latent) Factors
- Etc.
9Praise for a Vacuous Theory
- "Risk is not an add-on it permeates the whole
body of thought. - Robert C. Merton
- most returns and price variation come from
variation in risk premia - John Campbell
10Still Considered The Gold Standard
- Finance is the only part of economics that
works - Andy Lo
- finance gt economics gt
Derivatives risk neutral expected
value Efficient Markets hard to make money
11Praise for a Vacuous Theory
- it would be irresponsible to assume that the
CAPM is not true - William Sharpe
- theoretical tour de force though empirically
vacuous - Eugene Fama
- stochastic discount factor(s) so general, they
place almost no restrictions on financial data - John Campbell
12Praise for a Vacuous Theory
- 75 of finance professors would recommend using
the CAPM for capital budgeting, - 10 the Fama-French model,
- 5 some unspecified APT
- Why use it?
- CAPM works if we ignore small firm effect
- Everyone (ie, academic finance) does it
- What else should we do?
- Intuitive (it should work)
Ivo Welch
- Risk aversion like aversion to smelliness
- Is mathematically consistent
- Given assumptions, asset pricing theory is
correct - CAPM special case of APT and SDF theory
- Like physics mathematical beauty leads to truth
14And Wrong
- Leveraged Firms
- B vs. BBB rated Bonds
- Out-of-the-money options vs. at-the-money options
- S and C corps vs. equity indexes
- Highest volatility vs. modest vol stocks
- R rated movies vs. G rated movies
- Lotto vs. quick pick lotteries
- 50-1 horses vs. 3-1 horses
- Mutual funds, currencies, futures, countries,
yield curve
15We can mathematize it maximally attractive
female waist-to-hip ratio around 0.7
physical beauty we can see
16If Risk is Priced, It's like Modern Art
High vol High beta Unprofitable levered
Low vol Low beta Profitable Unlevered
17Essential, Undefinable
- Nobody charges differently for capital within a
bank - Mortgages
- real estate
- credit cards
- Hedge fund funding rates the same for
- distressed lending
- Convertible bonds
- pairs
18My Theory
- Relative Utility ? no general risk premium
- Instead of maximizing income, where each dollar
is worth less to us, we maximize our status. - All risk like idiosyncratic risk, unnecessary so
19Everyone Benchmarks
- I want a product to be defined relative to a
benchmark - Bill Sharpe
- Risk, see Benchmarking
- Kenneth Fishers Only Three Questions that Count
- small stocks were in a depression in the 1980s
- Eugene Fama
20Everyone Benchmarks
- I visualized my grief if the stock market went
way up and I wasnt in itor if it went way down
and I was completely in it. So I split my
contributions fifty-fifty between stocks and
bond - Harry Markowiz
21My Theory
- People pay for hope ? highly risky assets
generally have lower returns - Lottery returns
- high vol stocks
- Junk bonds
- Etc.
22Why pay for risk?
- Optimal search theory
- Stopping problem
- Sample many times, choose best
- Find your competitive advantage implies some
failure - Fail 90 of the time
- Once you succeed and play again and again
- Education is about finding what you are good at,
getting better at it, doing it again and again - Bad rule for passive investing
23My Theory Risk Premium Does Exist
- People apply a risk premium when there is zero
alpha and they have to play ? super low risk
assets have low returns (eg, cash) - AAA-BBB spread
- 3 month to 1 year in Treasury Bill maturity
- Equity Risk Premium for efficient investors
- No chance for alpha, because idiosyncratic
volatility so low
24Equity Premium
- Geometric vs. Arithmetic Averaging 3.0
- Survivorship Bias/Peso Problems 3.0
- Post WW2 Reduct. in Eq. Premium 3.0
- Taxes 2.0
- Adverse Market Timing 2.0
- Transaction Costs 2.0
- Sum 15.0
- Most estimates around 3.5 for equity premium.
With these additions, the Marginal Investor
clearly could be seeing a 0 equity premium.
25Alpha Examples
- Invariably backward looking
- Strategies that have generated alpha
- Convertible bond arbitrage
- Pairs trading
- Convexity trade
- Not super mathematical, but very detailed
- Specific strategies with prospective alpha
- Index investing
- Beta arbitrage
26Effect of Miasma Alpha Games
- Alpha is private information, valuable
- Force big ideas it down peoples throats
- Be sensitive about revealing small ideas
- Financial politics uses alpha as the key pretext
- Someone paid 500k, 5MM, 50MM because they
present alpha - Politics are not inversely proportional to the
27Some Implications
- Take risks finding your comparative advantage
- Sample things, expect to pay to take such risks
- Dont take risk investing in above average
volatility assets within any asset class, unless
its a search for a comparative advantage - Dont risk adjust returnsJust like derivatives!