Title: Introduction to Allianz as a Company Ireland
1Introduction to Allianz as a CompanyIreland
WorldwideCon TwomeyNovember 2003.
2Introduction to Con Twomey
- Personal Details
- Cork Branch
- Employed 20 years
- Elected to represent Branches on GEF
3Business Statistics
4Allianz ROI
- Segmented
- Personal -
- Motor
- Home
- Other
- Commercial -
- Commercial
- Religious
- National
- International
- Distribution Channels -
- Brokers
- Direct
- BancAssurance Sector
5Ten Issues we face
- Operating in 2 jurisdictions
- 2 currencies
- Legislation -
- Consumer Protection
- Compliance
- Regulations
- Branding/Globalisation
- Competitive Industry
- Knowledge Workers
- Climate Changing - Impacts on losses
- Fraud - Impacts on costs
6Introduction to GEF
In 1997 Management and MSF agreed that the Group
would benefit from the setting up of a Group
Enterprise Forum to facilitate and encourage
greater participation and consultation by all
staff in company affairs. The first GEF was set
up in 1998. Our GEF was the first such group
within the Irish financial services
industry. GEF consists of- Management
Nominees CEO plus 2 BoM members Staff
Nominees MSF 2 Dublin 4 Belfast 1 Branches
1 Secretary Facilitator Other members of BoM
and managers provide presentations to GEF as
required. Term of Office - 3 years Election/Elig
ibility - All current employees with 6 months
service are eligible to run for and vote in the
elections to the Forum. Nomination - Candidates
require one proposer and four seconders. Voting
- Proportional representation.
7GEF Constitution
Title Amendments to GEF Constitution -
18/06/2003 Content Amended 18th June
2003 GROUP ENTERPRISE FORUM Constitution of
the Allianz Ireland Group Enterprise
Forum Introduction Allianz Ireland operates in
ever-changing, highly competitive markets, where
its ability to succeed is influenced to a
significant degree by the contribution of all
those employed in the company. The Allianz
Ireland Group Enterprise Forum offers an
opportunity for management, staff and union
representatives to come together, in an
environment of trust and co-operation, with the
overall goal of improving the performance and
competitiveness of the organisation, while
enhancing the prospects of job security, fair
remuneration, career development and the quality
of working life of employees. The Forum
acknowledges the critical importance of our
customers and is committed to maintaining the
highest level of service and to improving the
public image of Allianz Ireland. Title The
Forum shall be described as The ALLIANZ IRELAND
8GEF Constitution
Purpose and Objectives The purpose of the
Forum will be to facilitate and encourage the
participation and involvement of employees at all
levels, leading to better decision-making
throughout the Company. The Forum will endeavour
to improve the performance of the Company through
co-operation, consultation and exchange of
information, to the mutual benefit of the
Company, its customers, employees and
shareholders. To promote ownership,
understanding and enthusiasm among our employees
regarding company policies, strategies and
initiatives. To create a representative employee
Forum in which to debate and consult on business
issues and developments by providing an effective
two-way communication process on the basis of
maximum information available. To promote and
drive continuous improvement factors such as
quality, productivity and efficiency which
together equal profits and therefore mutual
benefit and accountability. To jointly agree an
ALLIANZ IRELAND employee/management Forum
dedicated to the Company and its employees
interests solely and which will focus on
competitive forces and threats. To create a
catalyst for market and business awareness and a
dynamic force for necessary strategic change
within the organisation. To provide a Forum to
complement and underpin the Allianz European
9GEF Constitution
Function Scope 1. The forum will endeavour to
promote a two-way flow of communication of its
affairs through agreed channels. 2. The forum
will facilitate information sharing in areas such
as the following Ø Competition Ø Corporate
Planning Ø Customer Services Ø Capital
Spending Ø New Technology Ø Product
Development Ø Financial Information Ø Future
Company Plans Ø Training Ø Health Safety
10GEF Constitution
And other relevant information on major
business decisions which have important interests
for employees in all areas of the Company. 3.
The Forum will provide employees with the
opportunity to influence decisions, which are
likely to have an effect on them. 4. The Forum
will concentrate on business issues, company
strategies, policies and products, our position
in the market vis-à-vis our competitors, our
financial performance and the overall health and
well being of the Group. 5. The Forum recognises
management's responsibility and duty to
manage. 6. The Forum will not engage in
collective bargaining, and recognises the role
and function of industrial relations procedures
in the Group, which are designed to address
employee terms and conditions, compensation and
other workplace relationships and structures. 7.
All positions arrived at or recommendations, made
by the Forum, will be on a consensus basis only
and no votes will be taken. 8. The Forum will
liaise with and complement existing procedures
and structures within ALLIANZ IRELAND with a view
to mutual co-operation and development. 9. The
Forum will provide all employees with relevant
information on a regular basis. 10. On
occasions, certain topics discussed may raise
issues of confidentiality. In such cases, all
members of the Forum will be bound by a
Confidentiality Agreement. On occasions the
company may not be in a position, particularly
where third parties are involved, to discuss
certain items of information. This will be
explained to the Forum. 11. The Company
recognises that nominated Forum members accept
the principle of open debate. The Company and
the Forum wish to encourage free and open
discussion on agenda issues without consequence.
11GEF Constitution
Standing Orders Agreed Standing Orders shall
govern all other matters relating to the
procedures and powers of the Forum. Review A
review of the Forum, its activities and
effectiveness shall take place as
required. Termination Participative
arrangements under this agreement will only be
terminated where there is an agreement to that
effect by the signatory bodies. Standing
Orders of the ALLIANZ IRELAND Group Enterprise
1. Meetings (a) The Forum will meet for
ordinary business up to 5 times per annum.
Meetings will be fixed at regular 2 monthly
intervals - January, March, May, September,
November. Dates to be agreed annually in advance.
Meetings will not normally take place in the
months of June, July or August, subject to (b)
below. Start time 8.30am (b) Meetings to
discuss emergency or special business can be
arranged by agreement between the Chair, Vice
Chair and the Facilitator.
12GEF Constitution
(c) The attendance of non-Forum members may be
requested for information purposes. (d) It is
clear that the Forum will operate most
effectively when it is fully attended by all
members. However, the Forum may wish to give
consideration to the application of a quorum. If
a member fails to attend at three consecutive
meetings without good reason, that member will be
considered to have resigned. (e) Any individual
or group may attend Forum meetings with the prior
agreement of the Forum. This includes management
members or Officers of MSF involved in the
Company. (f) All reasonable efforts will be made
to facilitate the release of members for
attendance at Forum meetings. (g) Any member of
the management of ALLIANZ IRELAND, or the Officer
of the MSF Union involved in the Company may
attend any Forum meeting by informing the Chair
in advance. (h) The Chief Executive Officer will
be an ex-officio member of the Forum and his
attendance, or a designee from the senior
management group, is required at Forum meetings.
2. Agenda AIL will be advised of proposed Group
Enterprise Meeting dates. The Agenda will be
prepared by the Chair, Vice Chair and Forum
Facilitator and circulated Seven (7) days in
advance of Forum Meetings.
3. Minutes Minutes of all meetings will be kept
and shall be agreed at the following meeting and
signed by the Chair or Vice-Chair. Draft minutes
will be agreed initially by the Chair, Vice Chair
and Secretary / Facilitator and circulated to
Forum members within seven days following a
(a) AIL will be advised of the presence of the
last meeting minutes on Database/ Intranet. (b)
Managers and Team leaders are encouraged to
include references to Group Enterprise Forum
activity at the regular team meetings. (c)
Readers are asked to retain confidentiality of
the contents.
13GEF Constitution
4. Officers (a) The Forum will appoint a Chair,
Vice-Chair, Secretary and Facilitator by
agreement. (b) The Chair (i) May participate
in discussions at Forum meetings. (ii) Will
conduct meetings in accordance with the
Constitution and Standing Orders. (iii) Will
have no other functions outside meetings of the
Forum, unless agreed by the Forum. (c) The Forum
Facilitator will be responsible with the Chair
and Vice Chair for drawing up the agenda. The
Forum Secretary will be responsible for recording
and circulating the minutes of all meetings. (d)
The suggested term of office for Officers shall
be as follows Chair Eighteen
months Vice-Chair Eighteen months
After Eighteen months the position of Chair and
Vice-Chair may at the Forums discretion be
rotated through the Forums constituent parties.
5. Secretarial Services (a) Appropriate support
services will be made available by ALLIANZ
IRELAND, in order that the Forum and the Officers
may discharge their responsibilities in a
professional and competent manner. (b) The term
of office of the Facilitator and Secretary to the
Forum will coincide with Forums own term of
office. (c) Terms and conditions of the role of
the Facilitator and Secretary to be developed.
14GEF Constitution
6. Term of Office for Forum Members The
suggested term of office for Forum members will
be three years. 7. Sub-Committees (a) The Forum
may set up standing and/or ad hoc committees on a
functional or task basis. (b) Membership of
sub-committees or task groups may be extended to
non-members of the Forum. 8. Training The
Company will make available resources for
education and training, for members of the Forum
as determined by the Forum. 9.
Consultants External consultants or contributors
will be engaged in the work of the Forum on a
consensus basis. Representation on the ALLIANZ
IRELAND Group Enterprise Forum 1.
Eligibility All employees of ALLIANZ IRELAND who
were employed by the Company on the 1st October
2002 are eligible to participate in the election
process and for nomination/election to the
ALLIANZ IRELAND Group Enterprise Forum.
15GEF Constitution
2. Constituencies Management Nominees CEO
2 BoM Members 3 Members Human Resources 1
Member Staff Nominees MSF Committee 2
Members Dublin 4 Members NISBU 1
Member Branches 1 Member Facilitator 1
Member Secretary 1 Member Total 14
Members Prepared By Seamus Fitzgibbon Date
Prepared 18/06/2003 Last Updated By Seamus
Fitzgibbon Last Updated On 18/06/2003
16GEF Last Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Subject
Group Enterprise Forum meeting- 26/09/2003
Called By
Seamus Fitzgibbon
Stephen McAnee, Ciaran Black, Paula
Henry, Ursula McKenna, Margaret
Expected Duration
2 hours
Treanor, Michael Kellett, Brian
Kelly, Colin Riddel, Con Twomey,
Brendan Murphy, Michael Carr,
Eugene Hardiman, John Dolan
Board Room
Meeting Group
Minutes of last meeting
Matters arising
Half year Results
Why is insurance so dear ? Journal Ireland
Article - The Next Phase
Business Risk / Corporate Governance
Personal Injuries Assessment Board
AEC report Consultation Directive
Electronic GEF Mins Az.com
2004 Dates
Next meeting
Prepared By
Seamus Fitzgibbon
Date Prepared
Last Updated By
John Dolan
Last Updated On
17GEF Last Meeting Minutes (extract)
Meeting Minutes
18GEF Last Meeting Minutes (extract)
19GEF Last Meeting Minutes (extract)
20GEF Meeting Minutes 4/6/2003 (extract)
- Through the GEF, explaining to our staff Why
insurance is so dear so they can tell our
customers - What have we done about it?
- Internally
- Informing our Staff
- Journal Ireland Articles -
- Editorial - Bridging the Trust Deficit
- Response Article - Involved GEF members
- Next Article - Developing the theme
- GEF -
- FAQs and Answers plus Fact sheet for staff
- Externally
- Pre cover
- Risk Survey
- on Risk
- Risk Management Services
- Fleet Audits
- Driver training
- Post Loss
- Glassmatix software to manage repair costs based
on UIL studies, standard repair times for
standard damage repairs. - Speedy medical rehabilitation of injured parties
- Allianz centre for Technology (Germany) involved
in the development of - - Car safety features
- seatbelts are pretensioners
- Airbags
- Braking systems
- Construction Safety Features -
- Combustion Studies
- Fire retardant materials
- Construction - Best Practices
23 Communications
24(No Transcript)
25 26 27 28Communications
- The CEO sits in on Team Meetings -
- 36 Team meetings in 2003 to learn the issues and
to fly the flag
29Wrap up Statement
- Going Forward
- 1) Major focus on improving the competitive
position of Allianz through its people and HR
focus. - 2) Developing the knowledge and commitment of
our workforce. - 3) Accounting for people -
- new initiative in the United Kingdom.
- 4) Introduction of Allianz group leadership
values - - 1st stage in building global culture.
- 5) Continue and develop positive partnership and
relations with AMICUS. - 6) Engaging all of our people in this process.