Title: Muddy Brook vs' Alder Brook
1Muddy Brook vs. Alder Brook
- Stream Geomorphic Assessment
Joe Kelly, Alison Selle, Sarah Stein, Kristin
2Project Description
- Chose Alder Brook as attainment stream
- Similar watershed characteristics
- Similar land use history
- Paired outlet, middle, and upstream reaches
- Evaluate stream condition within the stream and
between paired reaches
3Site Description
Alder Brook
4Reach 3
- Alder Brook
- Spring fed
- Unconfined land
- Relatively undeveloped
- Narrow grass/shrub buffer on right bank,
forested on left bank
- Muddy
- Starts at Shelburne Pond
- Unconfined land
- Relatively undeveloped
- Agriculture on adjacent land
- Wetlands
- Grass/shrub buffer, one forested area
5Reach 2
- Muddy Brook
- Wide riparian buffer, dense shrub area, also
forest area - High beaver activity
- Relatively high residential development in
- Alder Brook
- Some beaver activity
- Pasture land and some residential development
- Grass/shrub buffer
6Reach 1
- Muddy Brook
- Enters into Allen Brook
- Relatively high urban development in watershed
- Agriculture on adjacent land
- Grass buffer, with forested area near airport
- Alder Brook
- Enters into Winooski River
- Agriculture on adjacent land
- Route 117 culvert, highly trafficked
- Grass buffer near road, shrub/forested buffer
- Study of site through orthophotos and Terrain
Navigator - Windshield survey for both streams conducted
- Further on site field surveys conducted for both
streams - Data compiled into the ACCESS database
- Conversations with Dr. Breck Bowden
- Data compiled and resulting graphs analyzed
8Phase 1 ResultsStream Condition
9Adjustment Processes
10Land Use Impacts
11In-stream Modification
12Floodplain Modification
13Windshield Survey
14RGA and RHA Results
15RGA/RHA Comparison
16Rapid Habitat Assessment Scores
- Alder Brook scored as Good for Phase 1, RGA
and RHA - Muddy Brook scored as Fair for Phase 1, RGA
and RHA - High correlation between RGA and RHA
- Reach-to-reach comparisons showed varying
conditions - - Both impacted by urban and agricultural
development in the lower reach, though Alder
actually scored lower - Impairment in Muddy Brook could be partially
caused by development adjacent to
reaches not included in the study - Flow alteration is likely occurring in the
middle and lower reach of Muddy Brook as well as
the lower reach of Alder Brook
18Recommendations for Improvement
- Larger riparian buffers with higher quality
vegetation - Storm water management practices
- Zoning regulations
- Enforcement of BMPs agriculture, golf course,
residential areas
19Limitations to the Study
- Need more clearly defined buffer vegetation
categories - Utility of Phase 1 windshield survey needed to
complete remote sensing - Historic range of variability
- - Muddy Brook originates from Shelburne Pond,
- Alder Brook originates from a spring
- Applicability of Protocol with different
original reference conditions - - Observations suggested that Alder would not
support healthy benthic
20Thank You!
Source http//www.anr.state.vt.us/dec/waterq/rive
We would like to acknowledge Dr. Breck Bowden,
Alex Hackman, Carl Cappelletti, Bill Gill, Mike