Title: Disassembly and assembly of tyres
1Disassembly and assembly of tyres
2The ring of a wheel
3A tyre
4The assembly paste
5Preparing the tyre for assembling on the ring of
the wheel
- A mechanik is pasting the egdes with the
assembly paste.
6The assembly machine
7The ring of the wheel with the assembled valve is
placed on the assembly machine
8A mechanik is assembling the prepared tyre on
the ring of the wheel
9A mechanic is turning on the assembly machine
and pushing the internal part of the tyre
10Then the mechanic is assembling the other side
of the tyre
11In order to avoid of any sliding down the
special clip must be used
12Sometimes the mechanic must use a tyre lever
13After assembling the tyre the clip is taken off
14The assembled wheel on the assembly machine
15Pumping the assembled wheel
16The device for pumping a compressor
17The device for pumping with a manometer
18Then the wheel must be balanced on a balancing
19The wheel in assembled on the balancing machine
20The weights
21The weights for charging
22The sticking weights
23The hammer for charging the weights
24The mechanik is turning on the balancing machine
25According to the indications of the balancing
machine the mechanik is charging the weights
26The weights after charging
27The wheel is ready for assembling to the truck
28Thank you very much for your attention
All the pictures are taken thanks to the
enterprise MOTOHANDEL Address Siedlin near
Plonska in Poland