Title: www'asria'org
1SRI - A Global Revolution Tessa Tennant,
Chair 24 October 2003
2Corporate Governance
- The governance of the corporation is now as
important in the world economy as the government
of countries - James Wolfensohn, President, The World Bank Group
- .... Investor Governance Matters too
- "Investment is the process of foregoing immediate
expenditures in order to build a more prosperous
future. What kind of future are we now
building?" - The New Global Investors, Robert Monks 2001
3What is Social Responsibility?
- Social responsibility is not a question of
charity, its a question of self-interest its
an issue of how were going to keep our planet
stable so that your businesses survive - James Wolfenson, President of World Bank,
- Corporate Leaders in Chicago, December 2nd 2002
4What is SRI
- Mechanism for achieving sustainable economic
development worldwide. - The facility for investors to be more consistent
in their view of the world and the values they
hold. - A risk management tool for reducing beta and
enhancing earnings.
5Introducing ASrIA
Conferences, workshops, seminars
100 members in first year global and local
Not-for-profit membership association1
Research issues and opportunities
Awareness raising website, media
1 Sister organisation to UKSIF and US SIF
6ASrIA 2001 - 2003
- ASrIA is a not-for-profit membership association
dedicated to promoting sustainable and
responsible investment (SRI) practice in Asia. - over 100 members including investment
institutions managing over US2 trillion in
assets. - Held 20 events around the Asia Pacific Region
- Presenting at many events in Asia and Globally
- Conducting Research on SRI issues
- Significant press coverage media, TV, radio
- Website launch average 1800 hits per day, 5000
e-bulletin subscribers
64 Corporate Members and 40 Associate Members
7ASrIA.org.. the Go To site for SRI in Asia
FREE news service
Chinese Section
5,200 ebulletin subscribers
5400 hits per day
84 Reasons why SRI is growing
- Fundamental Rationale
- SRI product choice and strategies
- Performance
- Legislation and Pressures for higher corporate
governance standards - Investor Demand
9Five World Economy
Linear Economy
Fossil Fuels,Nuclear
CO2, Nox,SOx
Heavy metalsCarcinogens,EDCs
Rich Ore Deposits,Ancient Forests etc..
Products and Services
Slide thanks to Morley FM
10One World Economy
Cycling Economy
Renewable Sources
Bio-degradable and reusablewastes
Quality of Life Enhancers
Slide adapted from Morley FM
11SRI Methodologies
- Ethical Investment
- Green Investment
- Socially Responsible Investment
- Sustainable Responsible Investment
12 Common SRI Criteria
Energy Water Use Air Pollution Wastes
Toxics Transport ISO 14000 Resource
Productivity Biodiversity Product Impact
Profit Sharing Welfare at Work Equal
Opportunities Civil/Employee Actions Community
Public Policy Supply Chain Public Disclosure
Military Gambling Pornography Alcohol Tobacco Repr
essive Regimes Genetic Engineering Nuclear Animal
13Investors Interests Japan, UK, USA
14SRI Globally
Canada US 32 bn
UK US2.5 bn in funds plus US250 bn portfolios
Japan US 1 bn in funds
US2.16 tn in funds and portfolios
Europe 336bn institutional funds
US10 bn funds church assets
.updated and more precise data coming soon
15Global Growth in SRI Funds
192 Funds
67 Funds
Source UBS Warburg - 1999 US Trends Report,
USSIF, EIRIS 1 U.K. Retail volume only. Does not
include institutional, predicted to be approx.
GBP120 billion end 2001
16(No Transcript)
17Domini 400 Social Index SP 500 Comparative
Performance Since Inception in May 1990 to June
185 Years July 1998 to July 2003
19DJSI World USD Performance and Risk
- DJSI World / DJGI World
- Correlation 0.9644 Tracking Error 4.37
- DJSI Volatility 16.33 DJGI Volatility 15.10
- December 1993 - June 2003, USD, Price Index
- 35 institutional investors with assets in excess
of 4.5 trillion - 31st May 2002, they wrote to the Chair of the
Board of the FT500Global. The largest companies
in the world as measured by market capitalization - asking them to provide investment relevant
information relating to greenhouse gas
mitigation. - analysis undertaken by Innovest Strategic Value
Advisers, US. Published February 2003 - "The project demonstrates that many investors
have a very comprehensive view of their fiduciary
duties to invest prudently - Prime Minister Blair, February 2003
21SRI and Pensions
- SRI about understanding societal risks
- Broad Range of SRI styles now exist
- SRI and CG enhance fiduciary role
- Governments legislating eg UK and Australia
- Conferences in 2003
- The North European Pension Investing Summit and
SRI Congress. Stockholm 3rd June 2003
www.imn.org/a474/agenda.dhtml - Long-term Fund Performance Factoring Engagement
and SRI Policies 8th 9th September 2003
Central London www.marcusevansconferences.com/ - Towards a more Sustainable Retirement System The
Quest for new Governance and Asset Management
Strategies for Pension Funds. 15th October 2003,
Zurich www.sustainability-zurich.org - UNEP Finance Initiative Global Roundtable
Defining Sustainable Investment Strategies for
Pension Funds 20 October 2003 Tokyo
22UK Trustees Concerns
Funds of over 7bn felt more strongly about good
Corporate Governance
Source UK Social Investment Forum
23Proxy Voting regulations in the USA
- SEC regulations passed January 2003
- Affect some 3,700 mutual funds and
6,200investment advisers who have the power to
vote shares on behalf of clients. - They must report to their clients and the public
- their policies and procedures for voting in
corporate elections - And how they voted on each issue at each company.
- New rules in full effect for the 2004 proxy
season subject to a final review for
burdensomeness by the Office of Management