Title: About the current situation
1About the current situation the future of the
Indonesian rainforests
General causes and consequences of the increasing
deforestation of rainforests in Indonesia
Presentation by Dr. Rainer Adam FNS Jakarta
2About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- I. Description of the situation
- II. Main causes of the deforestation
- III. Consequences for wildlife, society,
environment economics - IV. Possible ways to stop the deforestation
- V. Results of the recent policies
- VI. Conclusion future prospects
3About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
I. Description of the situation
B) Some dates about the deforestation
C) About the legal property rights of the forests
4About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- Description of the situation
B) Some dates about the deforestation
- Indonesia owns after Brasilia and the Democratic
- Republic of Congo the biggest area
- of tropical forests in the world.
2. 16 of all kinds of birds 10 of all
mammals and 11 of the flora in the world are
domiciled in Indonesia
(Source WWF)
- 1991 144 mio. hectare
- 2003 110 mio. hectare
- total area of rainforests in Indonesia
- (SourceWWF)
- About 2-3 mio. hectare disappears every year.
- (For comparison Taiwan owns an area of
- about 3.6 mio. hectare.)
- (Source World Bank/WWF)
- For clarification
- Every 20 seconds disappears an area from the
size of one footballfield
5About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- Description of the situation
C) About the legal property rights of the forests
- According to the present Indonesian constitution
(UUD 1945) - all natural resources shall be controlled and
regulated by - the state for the benefit of the people
- According to the 1960 Basic Agrarian Law and the
1999 Forestry Law - the whole Forest Zone (Kawasan Hutan) in
Indonesia can be divided into - two areas a) State Forest (Kawasan Hutan
Negara) and - b) Private Forests (Kawasan Hutan Hak)
- In fact the still existing traditional (private)
property rights (adat) are - not recognized by the Indonesian government
- Lands not yet designated as State or Private
Forests - (with the delineation-process called BATB) are
under the authority of the - Directorate-General of Agrarian Affairs
6About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- Description of the situation
C) About the legal property rights of the forests
the delineation Process
BATB Berita Acara Tata Batas
Forest Delineation Process Document
(Source Forest Trends, Strengthening forest
management through land tenure reform.)
7About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- Description of the situation
C) About the legal property rights of the forests
various kinds of forests
- HPK Convertible Production Forest
- HPT Limited Production Forest
- KSA/KPA Nature Reserve/Nature
- Conservation
- HP Permanently Production Forest
- HL Protection Forest
(Source Forest Trends, Strengthening forest
management through land tenure reform.)
8About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- I. Description of the situation
- II. Main causes of the deforestation
- III. Consequences for wildlife, society,
environment economics - IV. Possible ways to stop the deforestation
- V. Results of the recent policies
- VI. Conclusion future prospects
9About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- II. Main causes of the deforestation
A) General causes
B) National regional
C) International
- Legal illegal logging
- Forest fire
- Forest transition for cashcrops
10About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- II. Main causes of the deforestation
A) National regional
1. Government
2. Social
3. Economic
4. Other
11About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- II. Main causes of the deforestation
A) National regional
1. Government
- Involvement of governmental actors with the
- international timber mafia
- Too much influence of the state within
- the forest management
- Neglect, abuse misinterpretation of
- existing laws as well as of traditional adat
- Negative effect of the regional
- autonomy/decentralization misuse of power
- unclear allocation of rights duties between
- national and regional level of government
- Insufficient environmental
- consciousness political will
12About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- II. Main causes of the deforestation
A) National regional
2. Social
- Enormous debts vicious circle of
- poverty
- Protest against cashcrop plantations
- (arson)
- Insufficient environmental
- consciousness of urban rural people
13About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- II. Main causes of the deforestation
A) National regional
3. Economic
- Excessive interests in short-term profits
- Longstanding mismanagement of
- timber pulp production companies
- (most of them state-owned)
- Overcapacity of plywood industry
- disproportion between timber pulp
- production and available natural resources
- Digging and mining permissions in
- protected forest areas
- Timber mafia illegal markets
14About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- II. Main causes of the deforestation
A) National regional
4. Other
- Insufficient financial, personal
- and technical resources for
- the protection of the forest areas
- Increased demand of timber
- pulp products after the
- tsunami disaster
- Mismanagement of the
- situation after the tsunami disaster
15About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- II. Main causes of the deforestation
B) International
- Difficulty of border control in the tropical zones
- Absence or insufficient international and
- global regulations to prevent illegal logging
- excessive forest transition
- Easy and quick Legalization of illegal timber and
pulp - products on the global market
- Insufficient concerns of most importing countries
- for the source of the raw material from the
timber - pulp products
- High international demand of timber pulp
products - after the tsunami disaster
16About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- I. Description of the situation
- II. Main causes of the deforestation
- III. Consequences for wildlife, society,
environment economics - IV. Possible ways to stop the deforestation
- V. Results of the recent policies
- VI. Conclusion future prospects
17About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- III. Consequences for wildlife, society,
environment economy
A) Wildlife
B) Society
C) Environment
D) Economy
18About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- III. Consequences for wildlife, society,
environment economy
A) Wildlife
- Real threat for wildlife habitat
- Loss of still undiscovered plants and animals
- Conflicts between humans animals
19About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- III. Consequences for wildlife, society,
environment economy
A) Wildlife
An Example for the conflict between human
The Situation of the Sumatran Tiger in Central
Sumatra (Riau)
(Source The Datus last stand, Tempo, 21.11.05)
20About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- III. Consequences for wildlife, society,
environment economy
B) Society
Great threat for human habitat particularly for
people who live in and from the forests
1.) Loss of traditional facilities to survive and
roots of culture religion 2.) Vicious circle
of poverty
21About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- III. Consequences for wildlife, society,
environment economy
B) Society
1.) Loss of traditional facilities to survive and
roots of culture religion
Loss of roots of culture religion
Loss of traditional facilities to survive
Effects Weakness loss of mental orientation
Effects Dependency on other food material
sources Beginning of poverty
Indicators Violence, alcoholism addiction of
drugs, etc.
22About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- III. Consequences for wildlife, society,
environment economy
B) Society
2.) Vicious circle of poverty
23About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- III. Consequences for wildlife, society,
environment economy
C) Environment
- Increased drought and flood disasters
- High risk of forest fires
- Increased atmospheric pollution
- Intensification of the greenhouse effect global
24About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- III. Consequences for wildlife, society,
environment economy
D) Economy
- Estimated range of 3 to 4 billion US loss for
- the Indonesian government annually
- because of illegal logging and other illegal
- actions
- (In 2004 Indonesias total debt stood at 140
billion US) -
(SourceBogor Institute of Agriculture/ World
- Also enormous economic damage because of
- the longstanding mismanagement in the legal
- timber and pulp production.
25About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- I. Description of the situation
- II. Main causes of the reduction
- III. Consequences for wildlife, society,
environment economics - IV. Possible ways to stop the reduction
- V. Results of the recent policies
- VI. Conclusion future prospects
26About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- IV. Possible ways to stop the deforestation
B) International
27About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- IV. Possible ways to stop the deforestation
- Combat corruption implementation of
constitutional - legality (Rechtsstaatlichkeit) within the
regional - and national political institutions
- Creation of alternatives for illegal logging
other actions - and find substitutes for wood as building
- Intensification of researches of the rainforest
its wildlife
- More effective public campaigns for the forests
- More effective collaboration between regional
- national level of government in order to
protect the forests
- Leading role of local community in forest
protection and - conservation and recognition of their adat
(customary tenure)
- Start of education programs to intensify the
public awareness
- Promotion of various forms of partnerships
between - communities, private sector and government (CFM)
- Quick implementation of the land policy reform
28About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- IV. Possible ways to stop the deforestation
Example for a Strategy of land tenure reform
(Source Forest Trends, Strengthening forest
management through land tenure reform.)
29About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- IV. Possible ways to stop the deforestation
B) International
- Implementation of criteria for responsible
- sustainable timber, cashcrops pulp production
- worldwide
- Intensification of international public campaigns
to - increase financial funds for forest protection
- Intensification of international collaboration
- on forest wildlife research
- More effective international and interregional
- collaboration to combat international
- timber mafia
30About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- I. Description of the situation
- II. Main causes of the deforestation
- III. Consequences for wildlife, society,
environment economics - IV. Possible ways to stop the deforestation
- V. Results of the recent policies
- VI. Conclusion future prospects
31About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- V. Results of the recent policies
32About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- V. Results of the recent policies
- Crack down of an international smuggler ring
- and also roundup of high ranking
- Officers from TNI POLRI in 2005
- Further Imprisonments of high ranking officials
- other actors after the great crack down
- Start continuing of diverse projects to
- create alternatives to the illegal logging also
as - to protect forests in general
33About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- V. Results of the recent policies
B) International
- Success of WWF Stepwise implementation of
criteria for sustainable palm oil - production within some companies worldwide
- International protest prevents the building of
further plants for pulp production - on Borneo
34About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- I. Description of the situation
- II. Main causes of the deforestation
- III. Consequences for wildlife, society,
environment economics - IV. Possible ways to stop the deforestation
- V. Results of the recent policies
VI. Conclusion future prospects
35About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
- VI. Conclusion future prospects
- The deforestation of the Indonesian rainforests
does not only have wide ranging - consequences for the wildlife in Indonesia
and for the environment worldwide, - but also for society, the national and the
international economy
- SBY is the first President who takes drastic
measures against the timber mafia
- But most of the national successes were only of
short - term-nature. One year (2006) after the great
crack down of the international - smuggler ring illegal logging is still
- Until now, there is still a lack of national and
international public - awareness regarding illegal trade with
Indonesian timber - and pulp products, as many examples have
- According to calculations of the World Bank, most
parts - of the Indonesian forests will be gone in
2010, - if the deforestation maintains this high
36About the current situation future of the
Indonesian rainforests
Thank you very much for your attention!
the earth has enough to satisfy the need of
all the people, but not for satisfying the greed
of some.
Mahatma Gandhi