Title: Registration Overview
1- Registration Overview
- College Of Business and Public Administration
2Topic Areas
- Logging Into blueView
- Removing Holds
- Updating Emergency Contact Information
- Registering for Classes
3Logging Into blueView
- Start at www.drake.edu, and click on the
blueView link at the top of the homepage.
4Logging Into blueView
- 2) Enter user name (nine digit Drake ID
number), and password (default password is birth
date in mmddyy format).
5Removing Holds
1) Locate MyDusis channel within Home tab
(please note that channel location within tabs
will vary per individual settings), then click
and open Banner Self-Service.
6Removing Holds
2) Click and open Student Services Financial
7Removing Holds
3) Click and open Student Records and View
8Removing Holds
4) Contact the office that has placed the hold
and make arrangements to have it lifted.
9Updating Emergency Contact Information
1) Locate MyDusis channel within Home tab
(please note that channel location within tabs
will vary per individual settings), then click
and open Banner Self-Service.
10Updating Emergency Contact Information
2) Click and open Personal Information, and
then click and open Update Emergency Contacts.
11Updating Emergency Contact Information
3) Select New Contact.
12Registering for Classes
- 1) Locate MyDusis channel within Home tab
(please note that channel location within tabs
will vary per individual settings), then click
and open Banner Self-Service.
13Registering for Classes
- Look-Up Course CRNs
- 2) To find course CRNs locate the MyDusis
channel, click and open Banner Self-Service
folder, click and open Registration folder, and
click Look-up Classes to Add. -
14Registering for Classes
3) Select Spring 2009 and click Submit.
15Registering for Classes
- 4) Select search criteria and click Class
Search. - a) Subject to search subject (sociology,
psychology). - b) Attribute Type to search by Areas of
Inquiry (Information Literacy, Historical
16Registering for Classes
Example Search Subject Politics 065
17Registering for Classes
18Registering for Classes
5) Enter course CRNs in blanks at the bottom and
click Submit.
19Registering for Classes
ERROR If there is an error in your
registration for classes it will appear as below.
There will be a red circle with a black X and a
description of error.
20Registering for Classes
- Common Errors
- DUPLICATE Course you are already enrolled in
that course. - PRE-REQ or Test Score Error you do not have the
prerequisites to take that course. - CO-REQ Missing this course needs another class
to allow you to enroll. - LINK Error the course has more than one part
and you need to enroll in a lab or discussion
group. - CLASS Error class is restricted to students at
a certain level (i.e. seniors). - MAJOR Restriction class is limited to certain
majors. - TIME Conflict you have enrolled in two or more
classes meeting at the same time or the class
times overlap.
21Registering for Classes
Waitlist Information If you enter a CRN for a
class and there is a waitlist it will appear as
22Registering for Classes
Either select none (you will not be put on the
waitlist) or wait listed (you will be put on a
waitlist). Then click Submit. You must choose
waitlisted and submit or you will NOT be added to
the waitlist. WAITLIST DISCLAIMER The waitlist
option does NOT enroll you into the course when
an opening becomes available. It is important to
remain in contact with the assigned instructor
for enrollment into the course.
23Registering for Classes
Look-Up Classes to Add In case you do not get
all your first-choice classes. 1) From the CRN
Entry Page click on Class Search.
24Registering for Classes
- 2) Click and open Student Services Financial
Aid, then click and open Registration, and
then click on Register or Add/Drop Classes.
25Registering for Classes
- 3) Select search criteria and click Class
Search. - a) Subject to search subject (sociology,
psychology). - b) Attribute Type to search by Areas of
Inquiry (Information Literacy, Historical
26Registering for Classes
- Direct registration questions to the College of
Business and Public Administration Deans Office
at 1-515-271-3142. - Deans Office hours during registration are M-F
700 a.m.-430 p.m. - Direct technology support questions to the IT
Support Center at 1-515-271-3001. - Support Center hours during registration are M-F
700 a.m.-800 p.m.
27Undergraduate Registration Times
28CBPA Registration Lab
- Aliber 004 and 006 will offer a registration help
lab during the following registration times - Tuesday, November 11 700-800 am
- Wednesday, November 12 700-800 am