Title: Internal Analysis
1Chapter 7
Internal Analysis
2We have met the enemy and he is us. - Pogo
3Self-conceit may lead to self-destruction. -
Aesop The Frog and the Ox
4The fish is last to know if it swims in
water. - Chinese proverb
5Performance Measures Reflecting Long-Term
Long Term Profits
Customer Satisfaction/ Brand Loyalty
Current Performance
Product/Service Quality
Brand/Firm Associations
Relative Cost
New Product Activity
Manager/employee Capability and Performance
Figure 7.1
6Relative Cost vs. Relative Performance -
Strategic Implications
- Change
- Design
- Manufacturing/Systems
- Ignore
- Value Analysis
- Raise prices
- Promote
- Cost Reduction
Our Component is...
- Value Analysis
- De-emphasize
- Upgrade
- Value Analysis
- Emphasize/promote
- Leave it alone
Figure 7.2
7Determinants of Strategic Options and Choices
Past and Current Strategies
Strategic Choices
Strategic Problems
Organizational Capabilities/Constraints
Financial Capabilities/Constraints
Figure 7.3
8Structuring Strategic Decisions
Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses
Competitor Strengths and Weaknesses
- Strategic Decision
- Strategic Investment
- Functional Area Strategies
- Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Market Needs, Attractiveness, and Key Success
Figure 7.4
9The Market Attractiveness-Business Position Matrix
Invest/ Grow
Selective Investment
Harvest/ Divest
Figure 7.5
10The Growth-Share Matrix
Problem Children
Cash Cows
Figure 7.6
11Evaluating Ability to Compete
- Distribution
- Technology skills
- Patents
- Marketing
- Flexibility
- Organization
- Growth
- Share by segment
- Customer loyalty
- Margins
12Evaluating Market Attractiveness
- Price levels
- Profitability
- Technology
- Governmental regulations
- Sensitivity to economic trends
- Size
- Growth
- Customer Satisfaction levels
- Competition quantity, types, effectiveness,