Title: Global Computing Proactive Initiative:
1Global Computing Proactive Initiative Cluster
Foundations of Networks and Large Distributed
Paul Spirakis Computer Technology Institute and
Patras University
Spain,July 11, 2002
- Definition of FET/Definition of GC
- Projects in the Cluster
- Description of each Project
- Partners
- Objectives
- Description of Work
- Expected Results
- Cluster Structure
- Discussion
3Definition of FET
- The purpose of FET is to promote research that is
of a longer-term nature or involves particularly
high risks compensated by the promise of major
advances and the potential of industrial or
societal impact. - It does so by looking with an open mind towards
the horizon of emerging research opportunities. - It can be seen as the nursery of novel and
emergent ideas, some of which may become the
mainstream topics of the future.
4Definition of GC
- The research should concentrate on systems having
the following characteristics - The systems are composed of autonomous
computational entities where activity is not
centrally controlled. - The computational entities are mobile.
- The configuration varies over time
- The systems operate with incomplete information
about the environment. - The ultimate goal of the research action is to
provide a solid scientific foundation for the
design of such systems, and to lay the groundwork
for achieving effective principles for building
and analysing such systems.
1) FLAGS Foundational Aspects of Global
Computing Systems
2) CRESCCO Critical Resource Sharing for
Cooperation in Complex Systems
3) DBGLOBE A Data-centric Approach to Global
4) SOCS A computational logic model for the
description, analysis and verification of global
and open societies of heterogeneous computees
6FLAGS - Partners
1. Computer Technology Institute (CTI),
leader Prof. Paul Spirakis 2.
University of Athens (UoA),
leader Prof. Elias Koutsoupias 3. University of
Cyprus (UCY), leader Prof. Marios
Mavronicolas 4. University of Paderborn (UPB),
leader Prof. Burkhard Monien 5. Universitat
Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), leader Prof.
Josep Diaz
New global computing and communication
environments are emerging that integrate (a)
autonomous, interacting, selfish entities, (b)
highly dynamic multi-agent environments and (c)
ad-hoc mobile networks. For the efficient and
robust implementation of global computing
scenarios in such systems, the project aims to
provide a unifying foundational framework and a
coherent set of design rules, for (i)
co-operation and antagonism of autonomous
entities (ii) stability and fault-tolerance in
multi-agent environments and (iii) communication
and motion in ad-hoc mobile networks.
- a) co-operation and antagonism of selfish
entities - how easy/hard is it to find Nash Equilibria?
- design mechanisms for games
- b) stability
- instability and stability bounds for FIFO
queuing networks - heterogeneous networks of mixings of queueing
policies - c) wireless networks
- robust and efficient communication in ad-hoc
mobile networks - smart-dust sensor protocols for local detection
and propagation
9FLAGS WP1 (games)
- A natural framework in which to study such
multi-objective optimization problems with local
payoffs in a non-cooperative network is
(non-cooperative) game theory. An appropriate,
game-theoretic concept for the solution is Nash
10FLAGS WP1 (games)
- Roughly speaking, the operating points of a
non-cooperative network are the Nash equilibria
of the underlying game these are points where
unilateral deviation does not help any user to
improve its performance. Game-theoretic models,
concepts and techniques will be employed in the
context of various networking problems such as
flow control, routing, bandwidth allocation, Web
access, multicasting and congestion control.
11FLAGS WP2 (stability)
- We will investigate dynamic situations where
computing agents move around in a global
environment trying to communicate and compute
quickly having only partial knowledge of the
system. Bad transient behaviour of such global
systems may be represented by malicious
adversaries. To study performance under these
conditions, we will investigate stability and
fault-tolerance in a novel way.
12FLAGS WP2 (stability)
- Adversaries can maliciously do the following
- add/inject tasks, with an injection rate on
non-overlapping paths, - change the communication graph, by adding or
removing edges with certain probability. - Such malicious agents could be very hard to trace
(and may lead to stability questions that are
13FLAGS WP3 (ad-hoc networks)
- - Todays state-of-the-art techniques are not
satisfactory (i.e. not efficient, restrictive and
empirical). In contrast to such static approaches
we will provide a solid scientific foundation for
ad-hoc mobile networks, by envisioning networks
with highly dynamic movement of users and taking
advantage of the mobile hosts natural movement to
exchange information whenever mobile hosts meet
incidentally. - - Random Walks are used to study correctness
14FLAGS WP3 (ad-hoc networks)
- Smart Dust is a set of a vast number of
ultra-small fully autonomous devices, with very
restricted capabilities, that co-operate to
accomplish a large sensing task. - We open the research on smart dust from a basic
algorithmic point of view - - We provide simple but realistic models for
smart dust - - We present smart dust protocols for local
detection and propagation and perform an average
case analysis of their efficiency and energy
15FLAGS A multidiscriplinary approach
The project builds on expertise covering many
aspects of theoretical computer science,
including distributed and parallel computing,
networking and communications, online
decision-making under uncertainty, approximation
algorithms and complexity theory, probabilistic
techniques and combinatorial mathematics.
Furthermore, the new issues arising in the study
of such systems necessitate combining these
techniques appropriately with methods from other
scientific disciplines, such as game theory and
economics, physics and statistics.
16FLAGS Expected Results
- A unifying scientific framework for
co-ordination, stability and fault-tolerance,
motion and communication in complex and dynamic
global systems. - A coherent set of design rules and technical
recommendations for the robust and efficient
implementation of global systems. - A set of algorithmic engineering experiments,
emphasizing on "hard" instances and appropriate
gross measures.
17 CRESCCO Partners
- University of Patras (GR), coordinator
- Leader Prof. Christos Kaklamanis
- Computer Technology Institute (GR)
- Leader Prof. Paul Spirakis
- University of Geneva (CH)
- Leader Prof. Jose Rolim
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientific,
Laboratoire I3S (FR) - Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Laboratoire
I3S (FR) - Leader Prof. Jean-Claude Bermond
- Universitaet zu Kiel (D)
- Leader Prof. Klaus Jansen
- University of Salerno (I)
- Leader Prof. Giuseppe Persiano
- University of Rome Tor Vergata (I)
- Leader Prof. Andrea Clementi
18 CRESCCO Objectives
The integration in modern Information and
Communication Technologies of i) heterogeneous
communication infrastructures (optical, ATM
networks) ii) mobile users accessing these
backbone networks and the Internet, and iii)
dynamic selfish agent entities, results in highly
dynamic, complex, global systems. To design and
implement high-speed, cost-effective, and
reliable communication and computing solutions
for such environments, the project investigates
the bottlenecks and critical issues involved at
the fundamental algorithmic level. In particular,
we focus on the efficient management of scarce
and critical resources such as frequency spectrum
and energy in wireless networks, bandwidth in
optical and ATM networks, as well as CPU time,
space and communication time in dynamic
environments of selfish agents.
19CRESCCO Work Description
- The research focuses on the following aspects of
sharing critical resources in global systems - - The efficient assignment of frequencies and
call admission control in wireless cellular
networks - The minimisation of energy
consumption in wireless networks - Sharing common resources (like CPU time, space,
and communication time) on the Internet among
selfish agent entities - The efficient
scheduling of bandwidth requests in ATM networks - - The efficient access to optical bandwidth in
WDM networks.
20CRESCCO WP1 (frequencies-energy)
- frequency assignment problems
- complexity results
- efficient approximation algorithms
- energy consumption
- minimum range assignment problems
- to minimize the overall power of the radio
21CRESCCO WP2 (selfish agents)
- mechanism design
- the impact of coalitions of agents
- the notion of coalitions in equilibrium
22CRESCCO WP3 (scheduling in networks)
- approximation schemes for
- -scheduling with malleable parallel tasks
- -scheduling ATM requests
- simple and efficient on-line heuristics
- data retrieval in parallel data servers
- lower bounds
23CRESCCO WP 4 (optical bandwidth)
- Routing, Packing in WDM networks
- NP-hardness results
- integer programming techniques
- efficient approximation algorithms
- - greedy (BFS) techniques for wavelength routing
24CRESCCO- Expected Results
- A set of algorithmic solutions for the efficient
management of scarce resources in modern
communication/computing environments. - A set of experiments for validating these
solutions along with worst, random, and real life
test sets, heuristics, and benchmarks - Interactions with relevant industry
25DBGLOBE Partners
26DBGLOBE- Objectives
Global computing can be seen as a database
problem how to design, build and analyse systems
that manage large amount of data. However, the
traditional database approach of storing data in
monolithic database management systems becomes
obsolete in such environments. In current
database research, data are relatively
homogeneous, exhibit a small degree of
distribution (just a few network sites) are
passive in that they remain unchanged unless
explicitly updated. All these assumptions do not
hold in the global computing world. This creates
the need for new theoretical foundations in all
aspects of data management modelling, storage
and querying. DBGlobe aims at broadening
database management research focus to attack the
issues of mobility, autonomy, incomplete
information, scale, and adaptability that arise
in dynamic environments.
27DBGLOBE Description of Work (1)
DBGlobe adapts a data-centric approach by
considering each mobile entity as a primary data
store and a mini-server that protects and
encapsulates access to its data. Besides these
"walking" databases of mobile entities, in
DBGlobe, meta-information and services related to
them are maintained in dedicated data stores,
called InfoStations, dispersed throughout the
stationary network. In particular, within the
DBGlobe project, we will develop novel data
management mechanisms along the following key
topics 1. System Architectures There is no
centralized database server, instead, each mobile
object constitutes a database of each own.
28DBGLOBE-Description of Work (continued)
2. Co-ordination/Data Delivery The objective is
to derive adaptive data delivery mechanisms. 3.
Querying Querying is performed on a multitude of
databases New forms of query languages and
query management paradigms (including filtering,
context-awareness) need to be developed. 4.
Simulation and Proof-of-Concept Prototype to
verify the model, by building a simulator and
implementing a proof-of-concept prototype.
29DBGLOBE-WP1 (System Architecture)
- To derive appropriate architectures for ad-hoc
databases of mobile entities. Such architectures
should be metadata driven. In particular, - to define what is the appropriate metadata
information to describe mobile entities - to derive an appropriate metadata definition and
manipulation language, - - to design distribution and replication
protocols for the DataHolders (that hold
metadata) and the DataHandlers (that are
processing entities), - - to make the architectures dynamically
configurable and extensible, and - - to achieve fault-tolerance and availability.
30DBGLOBE-WP2 (Simulation Environment)
- To design and implement a simulator of dynamic
environments of co-operative mobile entities. To
extend the simulator to model the protocols
advanced through the project. Some of the novel
issues to be addressed include - - Modelling the distribution, mobility and data
of the mobile entities - - Expressing the interaction among the entities
- - Modelling the ad-hoc creation of databases,
co-ordination and data acquisition
31DBGLOBE-WP3 (Data Delivery and Co-ordination)
- To derive adaptive data delivery mechanisms that
will combine - - push (transmission of data without an explicit
request) and pull, - - periodic and aperiodic , as well as
- - multicast and unicast delivery.
- - To use workflow models and co-ordination
techniques from multi-agent research to to
capture the co-ordination among the mobile
entities and advanced transaction models to
reason about the correctness of the interaction
among the entities.
32DBGLOBE-WP4 (Information Discovery and Querying)
- To derive models and protocols for querying and
knowledge discovery in dynamic environments of
co-operative mobile entities. In particular - Re-define query management to amalgamate
- - Knowledge acquisition,
- - Filtering,
- - Context-awareness,
- - Implicit and continuous evaluation.
- - Develop adaptive query optimisers and execution
engines to cope with highly unpredictable and
changeable environments.
33DBGLOBE-WP5 (Proof-of-concept Prototype)
- To demonstrate through a concrete example the
idea of ad-hoc databases and the various forms of
querying - To provide a concrete example of the workflow
interaction model and the different data delivery
mechanisms - To capture, design and implement a location-aware
34DBGLOBE Expected results
- Research Results. These results will make
feasible the development of highly dispersed and
massively networked software systems. -
Simulator. The simulator will enable experiments
and performance results for future applications.
It can be used by Research units,
telecommunication companies, software development
groups, for measuring the feasibility and the
performance of methods involving moving objects
and highly distributed data. - Proof-of-concept
prototype. This prototype will be used as a
roadmap of how to use the research results of
DBGlobe in future emerging information systems.
35SOCS - Partners
36SOCS Objectives
The aim of this project is 1) to investigate
computational and logical models for describing,
analysing, and verifying individual and
aggregates of computational entities -
(computees) interacting in the context of global,
open and dynamic environments. 2) It further
validates the framework by a series of grounded
controlled experiments using a prototype
demonstrator embodying the formal model. 3)The
results of the project will also provide a
practical basis for the design of classes of
systems and applications which require aggregate
behaviour of computational entities.
37SOCS Description of Work
The project is divided into three phases formal
models computational models verification and
experiments. 1) During the first phase, the
project undertakes studies that integrate
hypothetical, temporal and argumentation-based
reasoning in order to model logically individual
computees. Then develops a logical framework for
interactions amongst computees. This will
establish interactions amongst computees via
direct communication, whether based on standard
protocols or emerging from individual
communicative behaviours.
382) In the second phase of the project,
computational models for the logical models of
individual computees and their interactions will
be developed. 3) To support these computational
models, a complete experimental demonstrator will
be developed which will be tested on scenarios
and examples on varying scales. 4) In the third
phase, the project identifies significant and
desirable properties of computees and their
societies, and proves formally under what
circumstances these properties hold. Results will
be validated using a prototype demonstrator
embodying the formal models.
39SOCS WP1 (A logic-based model for computees)
- At the level of a single computee we aim at
modelling - the knowledge, goals and intentions of a
computee - the reasoning abilities of a computee
- the local behaviour that a computee is prepared
to exhibit within a society - the global behaviour that a computee may expect
from other computees within a society.
40SOCS WP2 (Modelling interactions between
- WP2 will address the following issues
- identification of models for expressing
interaction among computees - formal definition of interaction
- integration of the interaction model with the
logic-based model for computees (developed in
WP1) - capability of adapting interaction to changes.
41SOCS WP3 (A computational model for societies)
- The principal aim of WP3 is to provide
computational counterparts to the formal models
developed by WP1 and WP2. These will pave the way
to realisations that can be proven correct with
respect to the formal models. The model we aim at
will bridge the gap between formal models and
concrete realisations of societies of computees.
We will develop - computational models of individual computees, and
- computational models of their integration, via
interaction, within the societies we envisage.
42SOCS WP4 (Prototype demonstrator)
- The prototype demonstrator aims at providing a
testbed for animating what was described
logically in WP1, WP2, WP3, in order to support - different reasoning capabilities of a computee
- knowledge, goals, plans and resources of a
computee - communication capabilities of a computee
- norms that the computee uses to interact with
other computees in a society - adaptive behaviour of a computee
- properties of individual and societies of
43SOCS WP5 (Verifiable properties societies)
- We will explore questions such as
- Will the computees inhabiting a society
consisting solely of altruistic computees be
more effective in achieving their objectives than
those inhabiting a society consisting solely of
self-interested computees? - Under what circumstances is negotiation amongst
the computees a) guaranteed b) not guaranteed to
terminate? - Under what circumstances is negotiation
guaranteed to result in acceptances of offers and
exchanges of tasks/resources/knowledge in such a
way that would allow all the computees in the
society to achieve their objectives? - What will be the best policies a computee can
adopt in order to maximise its gains during
44SOCS WP6 (Experimentation )
- The aim of WP6 is to test some of the desirable
and undesirable properties of both individual and
societies of computees through a series of
controlled experiments using the prototype
demonstrator developed by WP4. More specifically,
we will try out the properties identified and
verified in WP5 to make predictions that can be
tested by experimenting with existing scenaria
identified in WP1 and WP2. The experiments will
also be carried out with new scenaria whose aim
is to test and possibly identify unforeseen
45Cluster Structure
Models (SOCS)