Title: HEADER TITLE arial, bold, 24 point, caps
1Engineering Education for Todays Classroom
The Infinity ProjectSM Bringing Engineering
Education to Schools across the Country
The Institute for Engineering Education
2Interest in Engineering in the U.S. has declined
for 20 Years
And, over the last ten years there has been
- 50 decline in student interest in engineering
- 14 decline in engineering degrees awarded to US
Source National Science Board Science and
Engineering Indicators 2002
3Without new engineers we will continue to face a
perpetual shortage
4M jobs
Engineering and Tech jobs
To meet current job forecasts, we need to add
100,000 engineers every year for a decade. The
U.S. currently graduates 60,000 engineers per
3M jobs
Source Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2001
4The Rest of the World Recognizes the Value of
- Europe graduates 3 times as many engineers as the
US, Asia graduates 5 times - 46 of the degrees awarded in China are
engineering degrees - Only 5 of US college degrees are in engineering
5The Bottom Line - Future U.S. Engineers are
- Likelihood that a High School graduate obtains an
engineering degree - All students 2.1
- Women 0.9
- Minorities 0.8
- In a Typical High School Graduating Class of 400
students - There will be 8 engineers
- 5 will be white males, 2 women, 1 a minority
6Some of the Causes
- Why arent students interested in pursuing
engineering? - Lack of preparation
- engineering is all numbers, and Im not good at
math - Lack of exposure
- what is engineering?
- Lack of interest
- engineering is boring and geeky
7High School Preparation is Lagging
- Less than 10 of high school students take math
through calculus and science through physics - Standard for successful engineering applicants
- Only 6 of minority high school students meet
this level of preparedness - And most importantly, today almost no high school
student has any meaningful engineering classroom
experience to motivate them for further study
8Lack of Exposure
- Fact How do we expect students to be interested
in engineering if they have never even seen it? - Society expects students to be exposed to and
know - Biology - Algebra I, II
- Geometry - Pre-Calculus
- Economics - Physics
- Isnt technology-based engineering just as
important to the future of our students?
9The Infinity ProjectSM
Exciting and Relevant Engineering Education for
Todays Students
10What is The Infinity ProjectSM?
- Award winning high school and early college
engineering education program - Based in The Institute for Engineering Education
- Created by nationally recognized engineering and
educational leaders from across the country - Supplies schools with everything they need to be
successful - Working with classrooms in 34 states today
11The Infinity Projects Grand Educational Challenge
- Expose young students to the excitement and
relevance of modern high-tech engineering (early) - Make math and science relevant and fun with hands
on, and exciting educational experiences. - Increase the number of students pursuing
engineering degrees at colleges and universities. - Create educational and economic opportunities for
underrepresented groups. - Connect kids to the 21st century and increase
their technical literacy.
12Parents want Engineering Exposure for their
- In recent national survey, parents choose
engineering as first choice for children - 75 say engineering is more important than
business. - 72 say engineering is more important than
medicine. - 58 say engineering is more important than law.
- (Source 2001 Los Angeles Times National Survey)
13Target Audience
- The Infinity Project curriculum was created as a
conventional everyday course with extensive and
exciting hands on engineering design activities
and great applications of math and science. - Infinity is appropriate for
- High School Students Sophomores - Seniors
- Early college students (Freshman engineering
majors) - Prerequisites Algebra II and one lab science
14Classroom TechnologyThe Infinity Technology Kit
- The Complete Classroom Technology Solution
- Turns a standard PC into an engineering design
platform. - Integrated extensively throughout the curriculum.
- Supports hundreds of exciting engineering design
projects. - Low-cost kit manufactured by National Instruments
includes - Cutting Edge Texas Instruments DSP technology
- Visual Software (VAB for Infinity)
- All the peripherals you need
15Sample Design Examples
- Build digital music instruments
- Electric piano and guitar
- Create new special effects for movies
- Secretly encode messages between students
- Turn a PC into a Cell Phone
16Professional Development and Support
- The Infinity Project has a high degree of focus
on supporting the teacher and the classroom - The Infinity Project conducts intensive and fun
weeklong summer institutes on the curriculum and
technology. - Teachers really begin to think and act like
engineers - On-line discussion groups with 24 hour response
time. - On-line materials to support classroom
experience. - Daily lesson plan guide
- Sample test questions with solutions
- Complete homework solutions
- Engineering Design Projects with solutions
- Chapter lecture already prepared in PowerPoint
for instructors
17Infinity Professional Development Institutes
- 35 hours of professional development training
for new teachers offered during the summer -
Conducted by master teachers - Enriching,
relevant and fun - Hands-on and valuable
18Teacher Comments
- Every student in America should be exposed to
this material. - Best training I have ever seen.
- I want to run home and show this to my own
children. - My state needs this right now.
19Types of Schools that we areCurrently Working
- The Infinity Project has been proven successful
in a wide variety of schools - District-wide adoptions
- Large urban public schools
- Suburban public schools
- Magnet schools
- All-female schools (private)
- All-male schools (private)
- General private schools
- School for alternative learners
20Student Impact
Infinity is in place at schools in 34 states
- 80 of students completing program report a very
strong interest in pursuing engineering. - 95 learned new math concepts
- Nearly 100 would recommend course to friend.
- Long-term, longitudinal impact studies underway
21Participating States Today
- Alaska
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Iowa
- Illinois
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
22Joining the Infinity Project
- How Does My School Join The Infinity Project?
- It is easy.
- Winter/Spring Apply by filling out an
application available on the Infinity website.
(Deadlines are available on the website.) - Follow-up interviews are conducted with teachers
and administrators. - New Infinity schools are announced at the end of
spring - Schools then acquire classroom technology and
textbooks. Educators begin participating in
discussion groups. - Summer Teachers attend summer professional
development institutes. - Fall Teachers begin teaching course.
- Academic Year Infinity Project team supports
23Criteria for Selection
- 1. Committed school administrators.
- 2. Motivated and qualified instructor(s) math,
science, or technology certified instructors with
moderate comfort level using computer programs.
- 3. Energetic students with the appropriate
prerequisites sophomore, juniors or seniors who
have completed Algebra II and one lab science
course. - 4. Sufficient lab equipment and space.
- 5. Community that will benefit from program.
24Typical Total Program Costs
- Professional Development for Teachers
- 750/teacher plus travel expenses
- Classroom Technology Acquisition
- Available through National Instruments
- 400/kit typically 10 kits per school
- Course Textbook Student Lab Manual
- Available through Prentice Hall
- 50/textbook Engineering Our Digital Future
- 15/student lab manual
25How do I learn more about the Infinity Project?
- www.infinity-project.org
- Visit the website to download this PowerPoint, a
video describing the program, teacher comments,
sample materials, and all the application forms.
26Current List of Partners
- Universities
- Created by Institute for Engineering Education at
SMU - Other participating universities include Georgia
Institute of Technology, Rose-Hulman Institute of
Technology, Rice University, Texas AM
University, University of Texas at Austin,
University of Texas at El Paso, Prairie View AM,
University of Michigan, Santa Clara, University
of Houston, and many others. - Corporate Government
- Texas Instruments
- Department of Education
- National Instruments
- National Science Foundation
- Tyco, Compaq, Microsoft
- And others