Title: Advanced Education Services impacts and benefits'
1Advanced Education Servicesimpacts and
- Las Cruces Public Schools
- Advanced Education Services recognizes and
addresses the rights of gifted students to be
provided with the direction, time, encouragement,
and resources to realize their potential in order
to become confident, productive adults.
3Goal 1
- Advanced Education Services offers gifted
students flexible pacing options and
opportunities including accelerated curriculum,
creativity and critical thinking skills and
transition planning designed to encourage
individual progress.
4Goal 2
- Advanced Education Services develops in gifted
students an understanding of individual gifts and
talents, which leads to - Valuing themselves and others
- Recognizing and accepting personal differences
- Using positive communication
- Strengthening self-efficacy and life resiliency
5Goal 3
- Advanced Education Services provides gifted
students a framework and forum to explore the
benefits of developing leadership skills and
investing in his/her community.
6Goal 4
- Advanced Education Services Facilitators serve as
consultants to teachers, providing support that
focuses on the needs of gifted students.
7Goal 5
- Advanced Education Services Facilitators
collaborate with parents and community to - To enhance the awareness of academic, social and
emotional needs of gifted students - To advocate for gifted education
8AES Impacts and Benefits
- AES Facilitators
- AES Students
- School Community
- AES Parents
- LCPS Community
- State
9AES Facilitators
10Benefits and Impact on Facilitator
- All facilitators are expected to
- Abide by the professional expectations for AES
facilitators - Participate in 3 professional learning committees
- Participate in individual professional
development - Provide service that includes direct activities
and collaborative activities - Perform special education case management
11Professional Expectations
- AES Facilitators are expected to act with
character and competence. - AES facilitators are expected to make responsible
choices. - AES facilitators are expected to make principled
decisions based on the four critical questions - What do you want your students to know and be
able to do? - How will you know when they know it?
- What will you do if they dont know it?
- What will you do if they already know it?
12- AES facilitators are expected to put
relationships first. - AES facilitators are expected to communicate
equally with the all parties with courage and
consideration. To truly advocate for the
student, the AES facilitator is expected to help
negotiate a win-win. - AES facilitators are expected to listen before
they react. -
13- AES facilitators are expected to come to their
building administrator with a win-win attitude to
design a collaboration component that will not
only serve gifted education but be a valuable
asset to the school community - AES facilitators are expected to Live! Learn!
Love! And Leave a legacy!
Professional Expectations Handout
14Professional Learning Committees
- Underachievement
- Identification and Assessment
- Traditional
- HB 36
- Discover
- Gifted Education Pedagogy
- Higher Order Thinking Skills
- Differentiating the Curriculum
- Talent Development through Enrichment
- Brain Research Applied to Learning
- Self Efficacy
15AES benefits me by..
- AES benefits me as a professional by allowing
opportunities to work with the entire staff,
development professionally, meeting with other
master teachers, opportunity for diversity in
project developments, and allows me to be a
better problem-solver when situations arise.
Erma Brooks - AES benefits me as a professional by encouraging
us to constantly seek out, then apply, current
research on the academic and affective needs of
gifted students. We are becoming a true
research-based unit collaborating with other
professionals in the education field. Niki Mott
16Students Who are Gifted benefit from AES
17AES Direct Services
- Small Groups (Pull-Out Services)
- Academics/Critical Thinking (E, M, H)
- Creativity (E, M)
- Leadership (E, M, H)
- Performance (E, M)
- Self Advocacy (E, M, H)
- Underachievement (M, H)
- http//lcps.k12.nm.us/departments/sped/aes/curricu
lum - Acceleration
- Individual and Small Group Advisement
- Mentorship
- Portfolios
- Resources - http//lcps.k12.nm.us/departments/sped
18Student Centered Activities
- Convene, Develop, and implement IEPs for each AES
student on caseload. - Help design/implement/evaluate accelerated
programs for students. - Monitor success of educational programs.
- Arrange independent/directed study classes
usually at high school level. - Arrange correspondence courses/college course
work. Liaison between schools when child travels
for appropriate course work.
19- Arrange transportation.
- Act as a liaison between parents and school.
- Plan long range academic/career objectives.
- Provide AES Small groups to address IEP Goals and
Objectives and AES Curriculum Strands. - Provide individual monitoring.
20- Develop student communication skills as
necessary. - Develop student school survival skills
- Assist with scholarship preparation for secondary
students. - Create a plan of action for the underachieving
gifted child, such as analysis of school
difficulties, AES Small groups with documented
parental permission at IEP meeting.
21AES benefits students by
- Helping them discover new/different ways of
thinking and solving problems, supporting their
efforts to discover new ways to approach
learning, providing a non-judgmental risk free
environment where they can present their
"different" creative thinking, encouraging them
to develop a life long love of learning -- by
enticing curiosity, and by collaborating with
their teachers to ensure academic needs and IEP
specifications are met.
Begona Farwell - Showing students as many opportunities as I can
find, so that they may make informed decisions on
paths to choose and follow. Giving students
opportunities to explore careers, post-secondary
schooling options, personal interest options.
Kristi Salgado
22School Communities
23School Centered Activities
- Design and Implement, in partnership with your
building principal, collaboration activities. - Work with teachers to develop goals and
objectives for student and monitor for
appropriate implementation. - Arrange logistics such as transportation (include
transportation form). - Arrange scheduling of courses.
24- Locate materials as needed by teacher providing
acceleration. - Document course work
- Act as a liaison for teachers, students and
parents. - Complete special education paperwork.
- Conduct annual reviews.
- Maintain current knowledge related to House Bill
25AES Collaborative Activities
- Enrichment
- Teacher Consultation on Gifted Ed Strategies
- Service Learning
- Special Extra-Curricular Activities
26Professional Development
- Researching, purchasing and presenting materials
to teachers to support and extend coursework - Disseminating information to staff from any
presentations, workshops - Make professional literature available
- Writing Staff Newsletters
- Lead Group Discussion and Staff Development
Meetings - Present at the Teachers Teaching Teachers
Conference - http//lcps.k12.nm.us/departments/sped/aes/lesson_
27Members of
- Matrix Bank Committee
- Parent Involvement
- Child Study Team
- Discipline Committee
- Birthday Committee
- Spelling B Committee
- Technology Committee
- Site Based Management Team
- Science Committee
- Character Counts
28- Technology Management Team
- Vertical Alignment
- Underachiever Intervention Team
- Reading Literacy Committee
- Team Leaders Plus
- Magnet Teams Committees
- Renaissance Committee
- Picacho Recruitment committee
- AP Vertical Team
- CAPS/Transition
- Teachers' Center Policy Board
- NEA -LC Board of Directors
- Battle of the Books
- Spelling Bee
- Math Night
- Underclassmen Academic Awards Ceremony
- Future Educators of America Club
- College fair day
30- Student Council
- National Honor Society
- Word Masters
- Laramie Project NMSU
- After School Canine Club
- Career Day
- Magnet Lunch Presentation
31Chairperson for
- HB 36 Advisory Committee
- Section 504
- AP Coordinator
- coordinator's evaluation committee
- Technology Chair
- Hispano Student Awards Ceremony
- PREP Committee
- AP Exams
- Disabilities Tester for ACT
- Explore
- NM Competency
- Otis Lenon (Gifted Screening)
- School Forensics Club
- Science Fair
- Spelling Bee
- Spanish Team Competition
34Activities for ALL Students
- Provide College Prep Scholarship Training
- http//lcps.k12.nm.us/departments/sped/aes/College
/INDEX.htm - Teach monthly critical thinking activities
- Co-Teach HOTS
- Tutoring
- Assisting with Field Trips
- Hall, Bathroom Monitoring-concession stand
- Registration and Scheduling
- Teach ACT Prep Class
35AES Parents
36Parents and Advocates of Gifted Education
- Dripping Springs Family Trip
- Understanding Your Childs Results in Laymens
Terms - White Sands Missile Range Family Trip
- College Application Seminar
- March/February - Family Trip to the Bosque- Date
to be Announced - April - Dr. James Webb - Date to be Announced
- May - Agricultural Field Trip -Details to be
Announced - http//lcps.k12.nm.us/departments/sped/aes/PAGE/in
37Parent Centered Activities
- Act as a liaison between school and parent.
- Clarify IEP goals.
- Complete interim reports, as needed.
- Initiate long range and transition planning.
- Provide financial aid information at the
secondary level.
38AES benefits parents by
- providing a service to my student's parents by
communication on IEP goals, communication about
student needs and progress, communication about
gifted issues in the form of articles and
newsletters, serve as liaison between PAGE and
parents of students I serve. Susan Grandle - providing a service to my students parent by
writing informative newsletters, disseminating
information, I make phone calls for various
reasons, I counsel parents, make a library
available to them, complete the IEP process, do
the transition meetings, and attend the Open
House where I meet parents. Erma Brooks - providing a service to my parents by being here
and being available to talk, vent, discuss,
brainstorm or gather information, provide a
working parent library to check out books,
provide current research to parents through
e-mail and attachments with updates on goals and
objectives. Michelle Harris
39LCPS Community
40Service Learning
- Involved in protest to NM Legislature to prevent
cutting the arts. - Renaissance Faire participation
- PEACE JAM Fighting Racism and Discrimination
among Native Americans Leadership Conference
Opportunity - Rigoberta Menchu Tu, Nobel Laureate
1992 from Guatemala - Nursing Home Trip Service Learning Project
- Food Can Drive
41Service Learning
- Reading to the Primaries
- Supporting the Animal Shelter
- Basic Necessities Project
- Supporting Salvation Army
- Laramie Project
- Jardin de Los Ninos
42AES benefits the community by
- encouraging students to provide community
service, teaching them how to provide service.
Kristi Salgado - making parents aware of college/scholarship
opportunities through our AES website. Lorraine
43The State of New Mexico
44AES benefits the state of NM
- Piloting Mary Frasier Talent Assessment Portfolio
Alternative Assessment - Piloting DISCOVER Alternative Assessment
- 1 of 2 Gifted Education Websites in NM
- 2 participants on the NM Gifted Task Force
Technology Spotlight - 3 participants on the NM Gifted Committee
- Written-Linguistic
- Logical-Mathematical
- Spatial-Artistic
- Spatial Analytical
- Oral Linguistic
47AES Website
- http//lcps.k12.nm.us/departments/sped/aes
- Aztec, Lovington, Hobbs, Gallup
48Technology Spotlight
- http//www.charm-bracelet.org/spotlight/
- NM Gifted Education Committee
492004 Initiatives
50Service Initiatives
- Elementary Critical Thinking Skills Curriculum
- Middle School 7 Habits for Highly Successful
Teens and Service Learning - High School College Preparation
- K-12 Differentiating the Curriculum
51Research Initiative
- Twice Exceptional Students
- Social Emotional Needs of the Gifted