Dutch Law Pollution Surface Water LPSW - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dutch Law Pollution Surface Water LPSW


Cattle could not drink from the ditches. People could no more swim in the lakes ... to put unusual chemicals in the water (medicines, paint residues, car oil) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: lpsw | dutch | law | pollution | surface | water


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dutch Law Pollution Surface Water LPSW

Dutch Law Pollution Surface Water(LPSW)
  • Since 1960 the quality of surface water in The
    Netherlands (Holland) deteriorated rapidly
  • In next slides 4 examples are given
  • To improve the situation the LPSW was created.
  • The law went into operation in 1971

Example 1 of water pollution
  • Before 1960 people could swim in the river Rhine
    and families had picnics along the shore
  • After 1960 swimming as forbidden due to bad
  • After 1970 there were no more fish in the river!

Example 2 of water pollution
  • The city of Rotterdam gets its drinking water
    from the river Meuse
  • After 1960 the water had to be treated so
    strongly before it could be used y the households
    that the taste was not nice
  • People were used to drink water from the tap but
    now they bought bottled mineral water

Example 3 of water pollution
  • Horticulture in glasshouses uses river water for
    sprinkler irrigation
  • After 1960 the leaves of the plants got damaged
    by the bad quality water
  • The farmers suffered great economic losses

Example 4 of water pollution
  • Holland has many rivers, canals, watercourses,
    drains and lakes
  • After 1960 the waters got choked with algae due
    to excess nitrogen and phosphorus and oxygen
    levels were low
  • The waters smelled badly and aquatic life
    disappeared. Cattle could not drink from the
  • People could no more swim in the lakes

General features of LPSW
  • No one is allowed to discharge used water into
    surface water without permission
  • Permission can be obtained from Water
    Administration Authorities (WAA)
  • The polluter pays!
  • There are WAA at different levels of government
  • WAA must adhere to the law when issuing
  • Permissions contain conditions about the water
    quality of the effluent that the permission
    holder must obey

Government levels
  • 1. State government with popularly elected
    parliament, which has the supreme power
  • 2. Provinces with popularly elected council,
    which has the highest authority within the
    province. Provinces are supervised by the state
  • 3. Municipalities and water-boards, each having
    its own popularly elected council. They are
    supervised by the province
  • 4. Civilians and enterprises pay taxes at all

Water Administrative Authorities (WAA)
  • WAA at state level controls the large
    inter-provincial rivers and lakes. Task have been
    delegated to ministry of public works and
  • WAA at provincial level (PROV) control the
    smaller waterways and lakes within the province.
    Tasks are delegated to water-boards (WB).
    Sometimes there are inter-provincial WB.
  • PROV controls groundwater under another law (Law
    Environmental Management)
  • Municipalities (MUN) control the sewage and
    municipal drainage in the built up areas only.
  • Drainage within in MUN but outside the built up
    areas (agricultural land) is controlled by WB

Interdependent WAA (1)
  • MUN must collect water from households (HH).
    Households are free to discharge normal HH waste
    water but they pay sewage charges to MUN. It is
    forbidden to put unusual chemicals in the water
    (medicines, paint residues, car oil).
  • MUN also collects water from industries. They
    need permission from MUN.
  • MUN delivers sewage water to WB, therefore MUN
    needs permission from WB.
  • WB discharges into state waters and need ok from
    state WAA. Condition treatment plant. Norms are
    BOD, COD, Nitrate, Phosphate, solid matter

  • At each WAA level inspection officers check
    whether water disposers fulfill their obligations
  • If not, WAA can impose administrative sanctions
    (e.g. fine, take action and send bill, withdraw
  • Also WAA can prosecute infractions in court
  • If disposers disagree with WAA they can also got
    to court.
  • Some times WAA at different level sue each other
    in court

Industries (IND)
  • IND can discharge in the sewage but also directly
    in surface water. They need gt1 permission.
  • There is a list of all different kinds of IND
    with standard financial charges for pollution
  • IND pay extra charges for dangerous matter and
    heavy metals, but only when there are no
    economical means to prevent their discharge
  • To reduce the cost of the permission IND can have
    their own purification and recycling systems
  • Infractions against the permission can be
    punished up to 1 million Euro or 6 years jail.

Industrial associations (IAS)
  • The government can discuss norms of permissions
    with IAS.
  • When agreements are reached, the norms will be
    applied to the all the permissions given to
    industries in the same group.
  • In the agreements, law requirements (black list
    of dangerous matter, gray list) must be adhered
  • The agreements can be contested in court by any
    person or organization who feels that they harm
    their interest or are against the law.

Results of LPSW
  • Not all problems have been solved, but fish is
    back in the Rhine, the drinking water of
    Rotterdam is tasty again, the horticultural crops
    in glasshouses can be sprinkled and the
    watercourses in the country side have come to
    live again.
  • However the work must go on. Still we can not
    swim in the Rhine and still there are cancerous
    fish from heavy metals in the sea that we cannot

  • Because of the hurry to improve water quality the
    LPSW is only effluent oriented
  • New European directives have come that the
    quality of the recipient waters must be targeted.
    Hence governments must classify the waters and
    prescribe quality standards.
  • This will bring about a new phase in the
    protection of environmental quality.
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