Title: Amplifying the Power to Donate Life
1Donate Life California Registryand DMV
- Amplifying the Power to Donate Life
Bryan StewartDirector of Communications,
OneLegacyDonate Life California Representative
2Current Organ Donor Registries
41 active stateregistries
3Pink Dots and Donor Cards in Action
- Distributed by the DMV since the 1970s
- The Pink Dot is not legally binding shows
intent only - A signed donor card is a legally binding
document - when its available
4Legislation Lays the Groundwork
- Registry authorized, but not funded, by SB 108
(Speier, 2001) - SB 112 (Speier, 2003) shifted the responsibility
for implementation to the states four federally
designated organ procurement organizations (OPOs) - In April 2005, Donate Life California Registry
5- www.donateLIFEcalifornia.org
6- www.doneVIDAcalifornia.org
7Registry Special Features
- Completely secure database
- Donation limitations for specific organs/tissues,
use for research, or uses of tissue - Confirmation email to self, family, friends
- Ability to update donor profile at a later date
8Signing Up Online
Terms and Conditions
9 Donation Limitations
10Signing Up at the DMV
Drivers License and ID Application/Renewal Forms
11Making the Pink Dot Stick
Pink DONOR Dot is printed ondriver licenses
and ID cards
14Legality of First Person Consent
- Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (UAGA) under Health
and Safety Code, section 7150.5(h) A valid
Document of Gift is binding upon hospitals and
families without need for further consent from
next of kin. - The Donate Life California Registry record is
the Document of Gift.
15Legality of First Person Consent (contd)
- California Vehicle Code states that the donor
registry enrollment form shall constitute a
legal document under the UAGAand shall remain
binding after the donors death despite any
express desire of next of kin opposed to the
16DMV Already Making a Huge Impact
5,000per dayvia DMV
759,484 registrations as of 10/31/06
17Numbers to Aim For
- Californias goal15MM registered in 5 years