Title: SciQuest
iBuy Training Shopper
Office of the Senior Associate Vice President for
- Introduction of Instructor
- Expectations
- iBuy Central
- News
- Suppliers
- Training
- Overview of iBuy
- Dashboard/User Profile
- Catalog Search
- Punch-Outs
- Hosted Catalog
- Non-Catalog Item
- Assigning Carts
- Withdrawals, Deletions Unassigning
- Receiving
4(No Transcript)
- iBuy Central
- Overview of iBuy
- What is iBuy?
- Benefits
- Commodities
- Suppliers
- Dashboard/User Profile
- Catalog Search
- Punch-Outs
- Hosted Catalog
- Non-Catalog Item
- Assigning Carts
- Withdrawals, Deletions Unassigning
- Receiving
6Overview of iBuy
- What is iBuy?
- iBuy is an eProcurement solution from the vendor
SciQuest - What are the Benefits?
- Non-EAS users able to shop
- One-stop shopping experience
- Reduced procurement timeline
- Consolidated supplier base and vendor pricing
- Maintenance, Repair, and Operation items (MRO)
- Office Supplies
- Office Furniture
- Lab Supplies
- Scientific Supplies
- Computer Supplies
- Computer Hardware
- Catering
- Purchasing Showcase GWs Preferred Suppliers
- Currently, iBuy supports almost 50 suppliers.
These suppliers were selected because GW does
frequent business with them. A complete list is
available at iBuyCentral. (http//ibuycentral.gwu.
- iBuy Central
- Overview of iBuy
- Dashboard/User Profile
- iBuy Login
- iBuy Dashboard
- User Profile
- Review Contact Info
- Shipping Address
- Adding a Cart Assignee
- Catalog Search
- Punch-Outs
- Hosted Catalog
- Non-Catalog Item
- Assigning Carts
- Withdrawals, Deletions Unassigning
- Receiving
10iBuy Login
Your lowercase NetID and password are the same
used to access Colonial Mail
If you can not remember your password please
visit the password reset page
11iBuy Dashboard
Text Font Size This feature will toggle font
sizes from small to large for the entire
Purchasing Showcase Suppliers These are the
universitys preferred suppliers
Organization Message this area is used for
communication, quick links, etc
Action Items - This is where to find pending and
approved carts
12User Profile
- The first time you log in you will need to do the
following - Review Your Contact Information
- This information is driven from Banner. It may
take 24 hours for this information to refresh in
iBuy after corrected. - Set a default Shipping Address
- Set up Cart Assignees
13User Profile (Contd)
Click on Profile
14User Profile (Contd)
Verify the information listed
15Shipping Address (contd)
Click on Purchasing
Next Click on Addresses
16Shipping Address (contd)
Select Address for Profile
17Shipping Address (contd)
Click Search
Search for your address and then click Search
18Shipping Address (contd)
Select the radio button
19Shipping Address (contd)
You can add as many addresses as you would like
but only one default
Click Save
If this is your default select Default
Add your Room/Dept
20Assigning a Cart
- As a shopper you will only be able to assign your
cart to your appropriate requestor. - Your requestor will be a person in your group
that has access to EAS and probably currently
does the bulk of ordering. Your department
manager or FD will know for sure. - Adding Cart Assignees to your profile will save
steps on every new order.
21Adding a Cart Assignee
Click on Profile
22Adding a Cart Assignee (contd)
Click on Purchasing
Click on Cart Assignees
23Adding a Cart Assignee (contd)
Add Assignees
24Adding a Cart Assignee (contd)
Click Search
Enter the Assignees name
25Adding a Cart Assignee (contd)
Click on the radio button next to the name
Choose Selected User
26Adding a Cart Assignee (contd)
Note You may have more than one assignee but
only one preferred
Select your preferred assignee by clicking on the
radio button
- iBuy Central
- Overview of iBuy
- Dashboard/User Profile
- Catalog Search
- Simple or Advanced Search?
- Results Screen
- Go-To Links
- Filters
- Refining Your Search
- Punch-Outs
- Hosted Catalog
- Non-Catalog Item
- Assigning Carts
- Withdrawals, Deletions Unassigning
- Receiving
28Catalog Search - Simple
Click Go
Type in a description, part number or supplier
29Catalog Search - Advanced
Click advanced search
30Catalog Search - Advanced
Click Search
Provide the specific information available
31Catalog Search - Results
Some results will show Order from Supplier
Clicking a part number will search all catalogs
Others will have pricing and quantities
Review your results
32Catalog Search Part Link
Part being searched is displayed here
Items can be reviewed and ordered
33Catalog Search Using Filters
This area can be used to filter and refine your
This icon will open a checklist for each category
34Catalog Search Using Filters
Make your selections using the check box
Click Filter
- iBuy Central
- Overview of iBuy
- Dashboard/User Profile
- Catalog Search
- Punch-Outs
- Benefits
- Navigation
- Example Order
- Cart Review Assignment
- Hosted Catalog
- Non-Catalog Item
- Assigning Carts
- Withdrawals, Deletions Unassigning
- Receiving
36Punch-Out - Benefits
- Punch-out Catalogs - are catalogs of products
with GW prices where users will punch-out to the
vendors website to search and select products. - This allows for the following
- Up-to-date item availability and pricing
- Negotiated deals
- Customized Shopping
37Punch-out Catalog - Navigation
This clock shows time remaining before you are
logged out of iBuy
Cancel Punch-Out Allows you to return to iBuy
without making any items from the session
This area can be used to search by part number or
This area has links to begin searching by
different categories
38Punch-out Cart Example
Select Staples as the Punch-out Catalog
39Punch-out Cart (contd)
Select Envelopes
40Punch-out Cart (cont'd)
Select Standard Envelopes
41Punch-out Cart (cont'd)
Select recycled envelopes
42Punch-out Cart (cont'd)
Add two quantity of the recycled envelopes
Add to Order
43Punch-out Cart (cont'd)
Click on Submit
44Punch-out Cart (cont'd)
Click on Submit
45Punch-out Cart Simple Cart
Click Update
When your shopping is complete, Click Proceed to
Checkout to review your carts details, or click
Assign Cart
Add Cart Name
46Punch-out Cart (cont'd)
Click Final Review
Note As a shopper you are not able to update any
accounting information. Your appropriate
Requestor will need to update this before
submission. Workflow and Alias/Account warnings
in this area can be ignored.
47Punch-out Cart (cont'd)
Review the items and provided information listed
here. If you need to provide information to your
requestor and/or approver you can place Internal
Notes and Attachments.
Click on Edit
48Punch-out Cart (cont'd)
Please add any internal comments or attachments
here and click save
Note If you know your accounting information
(Alias and Account) please add this under
Internal comments
49Punch-out Cart (cont'd)
Click on Assign Cart
50Punch-out Cart (cont'd)
Your default requestor will appear, or you can
Select from profile values
(Optional) Add any notes to your requestor
Click Assign
51Punch-out Cart (cont'd)
Confirmation of your cart
- iBuy Central
- Overview of iBuy
- Dashboard/User Profile
- Catalog Search
- Punch-Outs
- Hosted Catalog
- Benefits
- Example Order
- Cart Review Assignment
- Non-Catalog Item
- Assigning Carts
- Withdrawals, Deletions Unassigning
- Receiving
53Hosted Catalog - Benefits
- Hosted catalogs are catalogs of products with GW
prices that are hosted in iBuy. - Users will be able to search iBuy for products by
description, category and vendor, while also
being able to compare products and prices within
the hosted catalog. - Science Catalog are a subset of hosted
catalogs. - These catalogs primarily consist of scientific
products. - Higher-Education discounts applied.
54Hosted Catalog Cart
Search for your item within the Search Hosted
Catalog area
Click Go
55Hosted Catalog Cart (contd)
Click on Add to Cart
Find your item and add the correct quantity
56Hosted Catalog Cart (contd)
Your cart has been updated. Click on the cart to
review your cart
Your items have been added to the cart
57Hosted Catalog Cart (contd)
Click Update
When your shopping is complete, Click Proceed to
Checkout to review your carts details, or click
Assign Cart
Add Cart Name
58Hosted Catalog Cart (cont'd)
Your default requestor will appear, or you can
Select from profile values
(Optional) Add any notes to your requestor
Click Assign
59Hosted Catalog Cart (cont'd)
Confirmation of your cart
- iBuy Central
- Overview of iBuy
- Dashboard/User Profile
- Catalog Search
- Punch-Outs
- Hosted Catalog
- Non-Catalog Item
- When Why to use
- Workflow Differences
- Example Order
- Cart Review Assignment
- Assigning Carts
- Withdrawals, Deletions Unassigning
- Receiving
61Non-Catalog When Why
- A Non-Catalog order contains items that are
specialized and not currently available in either
the Punch-Outs or Hosted Catalog. - A Non-Catalog order is routed to Procurement for
review and approval. The assigned buyer will
work with the suggested supplier to source the
item. - This type of item should be used only when it is
not available in either catalog or is part of a
special request.
62Non-Catalog Cart
Click on Non-Catalog Item
63Non-Catalog Cart (contd)
Type a suppliers name
64Non-Catalog Cart (cont'd)
Click the Supplier or press Enter
65Non-Catalog Cart (cont'd)
Packaging will be Each
Enter the maximum price you would like to pay for
the item
Enter the product description
Enter the quantity
Enter N/A under Catalog No. unless you know the
catalog number
66Non-Catalog Cart (cont'd)
If applicable select the product flags
Save and Close
67Non-Catalog Cart (cont'd)
Your item has been saved into your current cart
Click on your cart
68Non-Catalog Cart (cont'd)
Click Update
When your shopping is complete, Click Proceed to
Checkout to review your carts details, or click
Assign Cart
Add Cart Name
69Non-Catalog Cart (cont'd)
Your default requestor will appear, or you can
Select from profile values
(Optional) Add any notes to your requestor
Click Assign
70Non-Catalog Cart (cont'd)
Confirmation of your cart
- iBuy Central
- Overview of iBuy
- Dashboard/User Profile
- Catalog Search
- Punch-Outs
- Hosted Catalog
- Non-Catalog Item
- Assigning Carts
- Requestor to Approver
- Approval Workflows How long before I have a PO?
- Withdrawals, Deletions Unassigning
- Receiving
72Assigning a Cart
- Once you assign a cart to your appropriate
requestor they will review the information and
submit for approval. - Once your cart is approved it will become a
Purchase Order (PO) and will be sent to the
73Approval Flows
- The amount of time it take for your cart to
become a purchase order depends on the number of
approvers. - Catalog and Non-Catalog items should be submitted
on separate requisitions. - Grants and Non-Grant items should be submitted on
separate requisitions. - If necessary, both or all can be combined on a
single order but will significantly increase the
amount of time before the cart becomes a Purchase
Order and is sent to the supplier
- iBuy Central
- Overview of iBuy
- Dashboard/User Profile
- Catalog Search
- Punch-Outs
- Hosted Catalog
- Non-Catalog Item
- Assigning Carts
- Withdrawals, Deletions Unassigning
- Un-assign a Cart
- Deleting a Cart
- Withdrawing a Requisition
- Receiving
75Unassigning Deleting Carts
Click draft carts
Click carts
Click Unassign
In the My Drafts Assigned to Others section,
find the cart that needs to be unassigned
76Unassigning Deleting Carts
Click draft carts
Click carts
Click Delete
In the My Drafts section, find the cart that
needs to be deleted
77Withdrawing a Cart
- Once your cart has been submitted by a Requestor
it becomes a requisition. A shopper can no
longer unassign the cart, they will need to
withdraw the entire requisition. - You can withdraw a cart up until the final
approval. Once final approval has taken place
carts can not be withdrawn because the order has
been encumbered and sent to the supplier.
78Withdrawing a Cart (contd)
Click on Pending under Requisitions
79Withdrawing a Cart (contd)
Note If your cart has been approved you will not
be able to withdrawal. You will need to contact
the assigned requestor.
Find the cart you would like to withdraw
Click on the number
80Withdrawing a Cart (contd)
Click on the dropdown box under Available Actions
and select Withdraw Entire Requisition
Click Go
81Withdrawing a Cart (contd)
Enter a reason for withdrawing your cart and
click on Withdraw Entire Requisition
82Withdrawing a Cart (contd)
The cart has been withdrawn
- iBuy Central
- Overview of iBuy
- Dashboard/User Profile
- Catalog Search
- Punch-Outs
- Hosted Catalog
- Non-Catalog Item
- Assigning Carts
- Withdrawals, Deletions Unassigning
- Receiving
- Receiving Policy
- Fully Received PO
- Partial Receipts
84Receiving - Policy
- If your goods have been delivered to you and the
Purchase Order is 2500 or over you will need to
enter a receipt into iBuy. Only the person who
created the original cart is capable of receiving
the order. - For more details, please visit GWs Policy site
- http//policy.gwu.edu
85Receiving A fully received PO
Click on Recently Completed Purchase Orders
86Receiving (cont'd)
Click on the PO Number
Find your Purchase Order
87Receiving (cont'd)
Then click Go
Select the drop box and find Create Quantity
88Receiving (cont'd)
Click Complete
If your order was received in full, all that is
needed is to click complete. All other values
should be filled in automatically.
89Receiving - Partial
If your order was only partially received, use
the check boxes next to the line that needs to be
Select Remove Selected Items from the drop-down
and click Go
Select the check box next to the line or lines
that are not part of this receipt
90Receiving - Partial
Click Complete
Confirm the correct quantities received are
91Receiving (cont'd)
This is your confirmation that your receipt has
been entered
- iBuy Central
- Overview of iBuy
- Dashboard/User Profile
- Catalog Search
- Punch-Outs
- Hosted Catalog
- Non-Catalog Item
- Assigning Carts
- Withdrawals, Deletions Unassigning
- Receiving
93iBuy Central
946-4477 830 AM 5PM Standard Business Days
- For any inquiries please submit a HelpDesk
ticket. Please use the category of iBuy.
96Any Questions?