Title: CIS303 Advanced Forensic Computing
1CIS303Advanced Forensic Computing
2Relational data mining
- Relational data mining is the data mining
technique for relational databases. - Unlike traditional data mining algorithms, which
look for patterns in a single table
(propositional patterns), relational data mining
algorithms look for patterns among multiple
tables (relational patterns). - For most types of propositional patterns, there
are corresponding relational patterns. - For example, there are relational classification
rules, relational regression trees, relational
association rules, and so on. - The most important theoretical foundation of
relational data mining is inductive logic
3Rule-Based Learning
positive examples
negative examples
- Goal Induce a rule (or rules) that explains ALL
positive examples and NO negative examples
4Inductive Logic Programming (ILP)
- Encode background knowledge in first-order logic
as facts
containsBlock(ex1,block1A). containsBlock(ex1,bloc
k1B). is_red(block1A). is_square(block1A).
is_blue(block1B). is_round(block1B). on_to
and logical relations
above(A,B) - onTopOf(A,B) above(A,B) -
onTopOf(A,Z), above(Z,B).
5Inductive Logic Programming (ILP)
- Covering algorithm applied to explain all data
Choose some positive example
Generate best rule that covers this example
Remove all examples covered by this rule
Repeat until every positive example is covered
6Inductive Logic Programming (ILP)
- Saturate an example by writing everything true
about it - The saturation of an example is the bottom clause
positive(ex2) - contains_block(ex2,block2A),
contains_block(ex2,block2C), isRed(block2A),
isRound(block2A), isBlue(block2B),
isRound(block2B), isBlue(block2C),
isSquare(block2C), onTopOf(block2B,block2A),
onTopOf(block2C,block2B), above(block2B,block2
A), above(block2C,block2B),
7Inductive Logic Programming (ILP)
Selected literals from ?
- Candidate clauses are generated by
- choosing literals from ?
- converting ground terms to variables
- Search through the space of candidate clauses
using standard AI search algo - Bottom clause ensures search finite
Candidate Clause
positive(A) - containsBlock(A,B),
onTopOf(B,C), isRed(C).
8Contact lense dataset
9Contact lense decision list
IF Tear-production reduced THEN Lenses none
(12) ELSE / Tear-production normal / IF
Astigmatic no THEN Lenses soft (6/1)
ELSE / Astigmatic yes / IF
Spectacles myope THEN Lenses hard (3)
ELSE / Spectacles hypermetrope /
Lenses none (3/1) Confusion Matrix
a b c lt-- classified as 5 0 0 a
soft 0 3 1 b hard 1 0 14 c none
10Contact lense association rules
1. (1.00) Tear-productionreduced 12 gt
Lensesnone 12 2. (1.00) Astigmaticyes
Tear-productionreduced 6 gt Lensesnone 6 3.
(1.00) Astigmaticno Tear-productionreduced 6
gt Lensesnone 6 4. (1.00) Spectacleshypermetro
pe Tear-productionreduced 6 gt Lensesnone 6
5. (1.00) Spectaclesmyope Tear-productionreduced
6 gt Lensesnone 6 6. (1.00) Lensessoft 5 gt
Astigmaticno Tear-productionnormal 5 7. (1.00)
Astigmaticno Lensessoft 5 gt
Tear-productionnormal 5 8. (1.00)
Tear-productionnormal Lensessoft 5 gt
Astigmaticno 5 9. (1.00) Lensessoft 5 gt
Tear-productionnormal 5 10. (1.00) Lensessoft 5
gt Astigmaticno 5 11. (0.86) Astigmaticno
Lensesnone 7 gt Tear-productionreduced 6 12.
(0.86) Spectaclesmyope Lensesnone 7 gt
Tear-productionreduced 6 13. (0.83)
Astigmaticno Tear-productionnormal 6 gt
Lensessoft 5 14. (0.83) Spectacleshypermetrope
Astigmaticyes 6 gt Lensesnone 5 15. (0.80)
Lensesnone 15 gt Tear-productionreduced 12 16.
(0.75) Astigmaticyes Lensesnone 8 gt
Tear-productionreduced 6 17. (0.75)
Spectacleshypermetrope Lensesnone 8 gt
Tear-productionreduced 6 18. (0.75)
Agepresbyopic 8 gt Lensesnone 6
B ?B H 12 315 ?H 0 9 9
B ?B H 6 915 ?H 2 7 9
11Clauses sorted by confirmation
1. (.76 .00) Tear-prodreduced gt Lensesnone
2. (.76 .12) Lensesnone gt Tear-prodreduced
3. (.67 .04) Lensesnone gt Agepresb or
Tear-prodreduced 4. (.63 .04) Astigmno and
Tear-prodnormal gt Lensessoft 5. (.54 .00)
Astigmno and Tear-prodnormal gt Agepresb or
Lensessoft 6. (.50 .08) Astigmyes and
Tear-prodnormal gt Lenseshard 7. (.50 .08)
Lensesnone gt Agepre-presb or
Tear-prodreduced 8. (.47 .04) Lensesnone gt
Specshmetr or Tear-prodreduced 9. (.47 .04)
Lensesnone gt Astigmyes or Tear-prodreduced 10
. (.47 .00) Lensessoft gt Astigmno 11. (.47
.00) Lensessoft gt Tear-prodnormal 12. (.47
.00) Specsmyope and Astigmyes and
Tear-prodnormal gt Lenseshard 13. (.47 .00)
Lensesnone gt Agepresb or Specshmetr or
Tear-prodreduced 14. (.47 .00) Lensesnone gt
Agepresb or Astigmyes or Tear-prodreduced 15.
(.45 .00) Specshmetr and Astigmno and
Tear-prodnormal gt Lensessoft 16. (.44 .29)
Astigmno gt Lensessoft 17. (.44 .29)
Tear-prodnormal gt Lensessoft
B ?B H 12 315 ?H 0 9 9
B ?B H 5 0 5 ?H 71219
12A toy example
13East-West trains (flattened)
- Example eastbound(t1).
- Background knowledgehasCar(t1,c1).
hasCar(t1,c2). hasCar(t1,c3).
hasCar(t1,c4).cshape(c1,rect). cshape(c2,rect).
cshape(c3,rect). cshape(c4,rect).clength(c1,shor
ong).croof(c1,none). croof(c2,none).
croof(c3,peak). croof(c4,none).cwheels(c1,2).
cwheels(c2,3). cwheels(c3,2).
cwheels(c4,2).hasLoad(c1,l1). hasLoad(c2,l2).
hasLoad(c3,l3). hasLoad(c4,l4).lshape(l1,circ).
lshape(l2,hexa). lshape(l3,tria).
lshape(l4,rect).lnumber(l1,1). lnumber(l2,1).
lnumber(l3,1). lnumber(l4,3). - Hypothesis eastbound(T)-hasCar(T,C),clength(C,s
hort), not
14East-West trains (flattened)
- Example eastbound(t1).
- Background knowledgehasCar(t1,c1).
hasCar(t1,c2). hasCar(t1,c3).
hasCar(t1,c4).cshape(c1,rect). cshape(c2,rect).
cshape(c3,rect). cshape(c4,rect).clength(c1,shor
ong).croof(c1,none). croof(c2,none).
croof(c3,peak). croof(c4,none).cwheels(c1,2).
cwheels(c2,3). cwheels(c3,2).
cwheels(c4,2).hasLoad(c1,l1). hasLoad(c2,l2).
hasLoad(c3,l3). hasLoad(c4,l4).lshape(l1,circ).
lshape(l2,hexa). lshape(l3,tria).
lshape(l4,rect).lnumber(l1,1). lnumber(l2,1).
lnumber(l3,1). lnumber(l4,3). - Hypothesis eastbound(T)-hasCar(T,C),clength(C,s
hort), not
15East-West trains (terms)
- Example eastbound(car(rect,short,none,2,load(cir
c,1)), car(rect,long,
car(rect,long, none,2,load(rect,3))). - Background knowledge member/2, arg/3
- Hypothesis eastbound(T)-member(C,T),arg(2,C,sho
rt), not arg(3,C,none).
16East-West trains (terms)
- Example eastbound(car(rect,short,none,2,load(cir
c,1)), car(rect,long,
car(rect,long, none,2,load(rect,3))). - Background knowledge member/2, arg/3
- Hypothesis eastbound(T)-member(C,T),arg(2,C,sho
rt), not arg(3,C,none).
17ER diagram for East-West trains
18Train-as-set database
19Individual-centred representations
- ER diagram is a tree (approximately)
- root denotes individual
- looking downwards from the root, only one-to-one
or one-to-many relations are allowed - one-to-one cycles are allowed
- Database can be partitioned according to
individual - Alternative all information about a single
individual packed together in a term - tuples, lists, trees, sets, multisets, graphs,
21Complexity of learning problems
- Simplest case single table with primary key
- attribute-value or propositional learning
- example corresponds to tuple of constants
- Next single table without primary key
- multi-instance problem
- example corresponds to set of tuples of constants
- Complexity resides in many-to-one foreign keys
- non-determinate variables
- lists, trees, sets, multisets, graphs,
22Subgroup discovery
- An interesting subgroup has a class distribution
which differs significantly from overall
distribution - This can be modelled as classification with
profits (for true pos/neg) and costs (for false
pos/neg) - Requires different heuristics and/or trade-off
between accuracy and generality
23Upgrading to first-order logic
- Use function-free Prolog as representation
language - normal-form logic, simple syntax
- specialisation well understood
- For rule evaluation, generate all grounding
substitutions - specialisation may increase sample size
- if problematic, use first-order features and
count only over global variables
24First-order features
- Features concern interactions of local variables
- The following rule has one boolean feature has
a short closed car - eastbound(T)-hasCar(T,C), clength(C,short),
not croof(C,none). - The following rule has two boolean features has
a short car and has a closed car - eastbound(T)- hasCar(T,C1),clength(C1,short
), hasCar(T,C2),not croof(C2,none).
25Propositionalising rules
- Equivalently
- eastbound(T)-hasShortCar(T),hasClosedCar(T).
- hasShortCar(T)-hasCar(T,C1),clength(C1,short).
- hasClosedCar(T)-hasCar(T,C2),not croof(C2,none).
- Given a way to construct and select first-order
features, rule construction is semi-propositional - head and body literals have the same global
variable(s) - corresponds to single table, one row per example
26First-order feature bias in Tertius
- Flattened representation, but derived from
strongly-typed term representation - one free global variable
- each (binary) structural predicate introduces a
new existential local variable and uses either
global variable or local variable introduced by
other structural predicate - utility predicates only use variables
- all variables are used
- NB. features can be non-boolean
- if all structural predicates are one-to-one
27The Tertius system
- A, anytime top-down search algorithm
- optimal refinement operator
- 7500 lines of GNU C
- propositional Weka plug-in available
- P.A. Flach N. Lachiche (2001),
Confirmation-guided discovery of first-order
rules with Tertius, Machine Learning 42(1/2)
6195 - www.cs.bris.ac.uk/Research/MachineLearning/Tertius
28Subgroups vs. classifiers
- Classification rules aim at pure subgroups
- Subgroups aim at significantly higher (or
different) proportion of positives - essentially the same as cost-sensitive
classification - instead of FNcost we have TPprofit
29Relational Data Mining
- Single-table assumption
- (Multi-)relational data mining and ILP
- FO representations
- Upgrading propositional DM systems to FOL
- A case study Mining Association rules
- Conclusions
30Standard Data Mining Approach
- Most existing data mining approaches look for
patterns in a single table of data (or DB
- Each row represents an object and columns
represent properties of objects. - Single table assumption
31Standard Data Mining Approach
- In the customer table we can add as many
attributes about our customers as we like. - A persons number of children
- For other kinds of information the single-table
assumption turns out to be a significant
limitation - Add information about orders placed by a
customer, in particular - Delivery and payment modes
- With which kind of store the order was placed
(size, ownership, location) - For simplicity, no information on the goods
32Standard Data Mining Approach
- This solution works fine for once-only customers
- What if our business has repeat customers?
- Under the single-table assumption we can
- Make one entry for each order in our customer
- We have usual problems of non-normalized tables
- Redundancy, anomalies,
33Standard Data Mining Approach
- one line per order ? analysis results will really
be about orders, not customers, which is not what
we might want! - Aggregate order data into a single tuple per
- No redundancy. Standard DM methods work fine, but
- There is a lot less information in the new table
- What if the payment mode and the store type are
34Relational Data
- A database designer would represent the
information in our problem as a set of tables (or
35Relational Data Mining
- (Multi-)Relational data mining algorithms can
analyze data distributed in multiple relations,
as they are available in relational database
systems. - These algorithms come from the field of inductive
logic programming (ILP) - ILP has been concerned with finding patterns
expressed as logic programs - Initially, ILP focussed on automated program
synthesis from examples - In recent years, the scope of ILP has broadened
to cover the whole spectrum of data mining tasks
(association rules, regression, clustering, )
36ILP successes in scientific fields
- In the field of chemistry/biology
- Toxicology
- Prediction of Dipertene classes from nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra - Analysis of traffic accident data
- Analysis of survey data in medicine
- Prediction of ecological biodegradation rates
- The first commercial data mining systems with ILP
technology are becoming available.
37Relational patterns
- Relational patterns involve multiple relations
from a relational database. - They are typically stated in a more expressive
language than patterns defined on a single data
table. - Relational classification rules
- Relational regression trees
- Relational association rules
- IF Customer(C1,N1,FN1,Str1,City1,Zip1,Sex1,SoSt1,
In1,Age1,Resp1) - AND order(C1,O1,S1,Deliv1, Pay1)
- AND Pay1 credit_card
- AND In1 ? 108000
- THEN Resp1 Yes
38Relational patterns
- IF Customer(C1,N1,FN1,Str1,City1,Zip1,Sex1,SoSt1,
In1,Age1,Resp1) - AND order(C1,O1,S1,Deliv1, Pay1)
- AND Pay1 credit_card
- AND In1 ? 108000
- THEN Resp1 Yes
- good_customer(C1) ?
- customer(C1, N1,FN1,Str1,City1,Zip1,Sex1,SoSt1,
In1,Age1,Resp1) ? order(C1,O1,S1,Deliv1,
credit_card) ? - In1 ? 108000
- This relational pattern is expressed in a subset
of first-order logic! - A relation in a relational database corresponds
to a predicate in predicate logic (see deductive
39Relational decision tree
- Equivalent Prolog program
- class(sendback) - worn(X), not_replaceable(X),
!. - class(fix) - worn(X), !.
- class(keep).
40Relational regression rule
Induced model
41Relational association rule
likes(KID, piglet), likes(KID, ice-cream)
? likes (KID, dolphin) (9, 85)
likes(KID, A), has(KID, B) ? prefers (KID, A, B)
(70, 98)
42First-order representations
- An example is a set of ground facts, that is a
set of tuples in a relational database - From the logical point of view this is called a
(Herbrand) interpretation because the facts
represent all atoms which are true for the
example, thus all facts not in the example are
assumed to be false. - From the computational point of view each example
is a small relational database or a Prolog
knowledge base - A Prolog interpreter can be used for querying an
example. -
43FO representation (ground clauses)
- Example
- eastbound(t1)- car(t1,c1),rectangle(c1),short(c1
),none(c1),two_wheels(c1), load(c1,l1),circle(l1
),one_load(l1), car(t1,c2),rectangle(c2),long(c2)
,none(c2),three_wheels(c2), load(c2,l2),hexagon(
l2),one_load(l2), car(t1,c3),rectangle(c3),short(
c3),peaked(c3),two_wheels(c3), load(c3,l3),trian
gle(l3),one_load(l3), car(t1,c4),rectangle(c4),lo
ng(c4),none(c4),two_wheels(c4), load(c4,l4),rect
angle(l4),three_load(l4). - Background theory
- polygon(X) - rectangle(X)
- polygon(X) - triangle(X)
- Hypothesis eastbound(T)-car(T,C),short(C),not
44Background knowledge
- As background knowledge is visible for each
example, all the facts that can be derived from
the background knowledge and an example are part
of the extended example. - Formally, an extended example is the minimal
Herbrand model of the example and the background
theory. - When querying an example, it suffices to assert
the background knowledge and the example the
Prolog interpreter will do the necessary
45Learning from interpretations
- The ground-clause representation is peculiar of
an ILP setting denoted as learning from
interpretations. - Similar to older work on structural matching.
- It is common to several relational data mining
systems, such as - CLAUDIEN searches for a set of clausal
regularities that hold on the set of examples - TILDE top-down induction of logical decision
trees - ICL Inductive classification logic (upgrade of
CN2) - It contrasts with the classical ILP setting
employed by the systems PROGOL and FOIL.
46FO representation (flattened)
- Example eastbound(t1).
- Background theorycar(t1,c1). car(t1,c2).
car(t1,c3). car(t1,c4).rectangle(c1).
rectangle(c2). rectangle(c3).
rectangle(c4).short(c1). long(c2).
short(c3). long(c4).none(c1).
none(c2). peaked(c3).
none(c4).two_wheels(c1). three_wheels(c2).
two_wheels(c3). two_wheels(c4).load(c1,l1).
load(c2,l2). load(c3,l3).
load(c4,l4).circle(l1). hexagon(l2).
triangle(l3). rectangle(l4).one_load(l1).
one_load(l2). one_load(l3).
three_loads(l4). - Hypothesis eastbound(T)-car(T,C),short(C),not
47FO representation (terms)
- Example eastbound(c(rectangle,short,none,2,l(cir
cle,1)), c(rectangle,long,none,3,l(hexa
gon,1)), c(rectangle,short,peaked,2,l(t
riangle,1)), c(rectangle,long,none,2,l(
rectangle,3))). - Background theory empty
- Hypothesis eastbound(T)-member(C,T),arg(2,C,sho
rt), not arg(3,C,none).
48FO representation (strongly typed)
- Type signature data Shape Rectangle
Hexagon data Length Long Shortdata
Roof None Peaked data Object Circle
Hexagon type Wheels Int type Load
(Object,Number) type Number Inttype Car
(Shape,Length,Roof,Wheels,Load) type Train
CareastboundTrain-gtBool - Example eastbound((Rectangle,Short,None,2,(Circ
le,1)), (Rectangle,Long,None,3,(Hexagon
,1)), (Rectangle,Short,Peaked,2,(Triang
le,1)), (Rectangle,Long,None,2,(Rectang
le,3))) True - Hypothesis eastbound(t) (exists \c -gt
member(c,t) proj2(c)Short
proj3(c)!None) - Example language Escher functional logic
49FO representation (database)
50Individual-centered representation
- The database contains information on a number of
trains. - Each train is an individual.
- The database can be partitioned according to
individual to obtain a ground-clause
representation - Problem sometime individuals share common parts.
- Example we want to discriminate
- black and white figures on the basis of their
- position.
- Each geom. figure is an individual
51Object-centered representation
- The whole sequence is an object, which can be
represented by a multiple-head ground clause - black(x11) ? black(x12) ? white(x13) ?
black(x14) - - first(x11), crl(x11), next(x12,x11), crl(x12),
- sqr(x13), crl(x14), next(x14,x13),
next(x13,x12) - This is the representation adopted in ATRE.
52How to upgrade propositional DM algorithms to
- Identify the propositional DM system that best
matches the DM task - Use interpretations to represent examples
- Upgrade the representation of propositional
hypotheses attribute-value tests by first-order
literals and modify the coverage test
accordingly. - Structure the search-space by a more-general-than
relation that works on first-order
representations - ?-subsumption
- Adapt the search operators for searching the
corresponding rule space - Use a declarative bias mechanism to limit the
search space - Implement
- Evaluate your (first-order) implementation on
propositional and relational data - Add interesting extra features
53Mining association rules a case study
- A set I of literals called items.
- A set D of transactions ts such that t ? I.
- X ? Y (s, c)
- "IF a pattern X appears in a transaction t, THEN
the pattern Y tends to hold in the same
transaction t" - X ?I, Y ?I, X?Y?
- s p(X?Y) support
- c p(YX) p(X?Y) / p(X) confidence
- Agrawal, Imielinsky Swami.
- Mining association rules between sets of items in
large databases. - Proc. SIGMOD 1993
54What is an association rule?
Example market basket analysis. Each
transaction is the list of items bought by a
customer on a single visit to a store. It is
represented as a row in a table IF a customer
buys bread and butter THEN he also buys cheese
(20, 66) Given that 20 of customers buy
bread, cheese and butter, 66 of customers who
buy bread and butter also buy cheese
55Mining association rules The propositional
- Problem statement
- Given
- a set of transactions D
- a couple of thresholds, minsup and minconf
- Find
- all association rules that have support and
confidence greater than minsup and minconf
56Mining association rules The propositional
- Problem decomposition
- Find large (or frequent) itemsets
- Generate highly-confident association rules
- Representation issues
- The transaction set D may be a data file, a
relational table or the result of a relational
expression - Each transaction is a binary vector
57Mining association rules The propositional
- Solution to the first sub-problem
- The APRIORI algorithm (Agrawal Srikant, 1999)
- Find large 1-itemsets
- Cycle on the size (kgt1) of the itemsets
- APRIORI-gen Generate candidate k-itemsets from
large (k-1)-itemsets - Generate large k-itemsets from candidate
k-itemsets (cycle on the transactions in D) - until no more large itemsets are found.
58Mining association rules The propositional
- Solution to the second sub-problem
- For every large itemset Z, find all non-empty
subsets Xs of Z - For every subset X, output a rule of the form X ?
(Z-X) if support(Z)/support(X) ? minconf. - Relevant work
- Agrawal Srikant (1999). Fast Algorithms for
Mining Association Rules, in Readings in Database
Systems, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. - Han Fu (1995). Discovery of Multiple-Level
Association Rules from Large Databases, in Proc.
21st VLDB Conference
59Mining association rules The ILP approach
- Problem statement
- Given
- a deductive relational database D
- a couple of thresholds, minsup and minconf
- Find
- all association rules that have support and
confidence greater than minsup and minconf
60Mining association rules The ILP approach
- Problem decomposition
- Find large (or frequent) atomsets
- Generate highly-confident association rules
- Representation issues
- A deductive relational database is a relational
database which may be represented in first-order
logic as follows - Relation ? Set of ground facts (EDB)
- View ? Set of rules (IDB)
61Mining association rules The ILP approach
- Example Relational database
likes(joni, ice-cream) atom
likes(KID, piglet), likes(KID, ice-cream)
? likes (KID, dolphin) (9, 85)
likes(KID, A), has(KID, B) ? prefers (KID, A, B)
(70, 98)
62Mining association rules The ILP approach
- Solution to the first sub-problem
- The WARMR algorithm (Dehaspe De Raedt, 1997)
- L. Dehaspe L. De Raedt (1997). Mining
Association Rules in Multiple Relations, Proc.
Conf. Inductive Logic Programming - Compute large 1-atomsets
- Cycle on the size (kgt1) of the atomsets
- WARMR-gen Generate candidate k-atomsets from
large (k-1)-atomsets - Generate large k-atomsets from candidate
k-atomsets (cycle on the observations loaded from
D) - until no more large atomsets are found.
63Mining association rules The ILP approach
- Breadth-first search on the atomset lattice
- Loading of an observation o from D (query result)
- Largeness of candidate atomsets computed by a
coverage test
- Breadth-first search on the itemset lattice
- Loading of a transaction t from D (tuple)
- Largeness of candidate itemsets computed by a
subset check
64Mining association rules The ILP approach
false ?q Q1 ? ? is_a(X, large_town) ?
intersects(X, R) ? is_a(R, road) ?q Q2? ?
is_a(X, large_town) ? intersects(X,Y) ?q Q3? ?
is_a(X, large_town) ?q true
65Mining association rules The ILP approach
Refinement step
is_a(X, large_town), intersects(X,R), is_a(R,
Pruning step
66Mining association rules The ILP approach
is_a(X, large_town), intersects(X,R), is_a(R,
road), adjacent_to(X,W), is_a(W, water)
?- is_a(X, large_town), intersects(X,R), is_a(R,
road), adjacent_to(X,W), is_a(W, water)
ltXbarletta,Ra14,Wadriaticogt ltXbari,Rss16bis,W
67Mining association rules The ILP approach
is_a(X, large_town), intersects(X,R), is_a(R,
road), adjacent_to(X,W), is_a(W, water)
68Conclusions and future work
- Multi-relational data mining more data mining
than logic program synthesis - choice of representation formalisms
- input format more important than output format
- data modelling e.g. object-oriented data mining
- new learning tasks and evaluation measures
- Reference
- Saso Dzeroski and Nada Lavrac, editors,
- Relational Data Mining,
- Springer-Verlag, September 2001