Title: Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
1Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
- Accomplishments for State FY06
- November 6, 2006
- Elmer C. Bartels, Commissioner
2The MRC Mission
- The purpose of the Massachusetts Rehabilitation
Commission is to provide comprehensive services
to people with disabilities that will maximize
their quality of life and economic
self-sufficiency in the community - This is accomplished through multiple programs in
the three service delivery areas
- Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Community Services (Independent Living)
- Disability Determination Services
3Employment Services
- Public Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Extended Employment Services
- Community-Based Supported Employment Services
4Public Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Assists people with disabilities go to work
- (MCB serves the Blind)
- Eligibility
- Consumers must have a physical or mental
disability constituting a barrier to employment
and there must be a reasonable expectation they
will go to work if services are provided - Budget 52 Million
5Accomplishments FY06
- 75 still employed after one year
- 86 satisfied with MRC services
- 90 days of work before closure
- 215 QVRCs in 25 Area
Offices served
- 34,000 VR Consumers
- 3,602 Consumers get jobs
- Combined earnings60 M.
- Average wage/hour 11.66
- Average hours/week 29
6Extended Employment Services
- A facility based work program providing support
services to enable people with severe
disabilities to enter and maintain paid work as a
participant of a community rehabilitation
provider or to develop work skills for a future
goal of transition into competitive work. - Budget 5 Million
7Accomplishments for FY06
- Enrollment at Years End was 779
- Consumers Transitioned to 36
- Competitive Employment
- There are 50 individuals awaiting funding to
enter this program
8Community-Based Supported Employment Services
- Assists individuals with severe disabilities to
identify, obtain, and maintain competitive
employment in integrated settings
- Provides competitive integrated jobs in the
community through
- Assessment
- Job Placement
- Individual Employment Supports
- Extended Services
- Budget 2.4 Million
9Accomplishments for FY06
- 853 individuals served
- Percentage who achieved their goals in the
following components
- Assessment 90
- Placement 40
- Completers 95
- 310 individuals received long term supports to
stay employed
- 95 of individuals receiving long term supports
stayed employed one year or more
- Numbers on Waiting List - 80
10Employment Benchmark Results
- FY05
- Consumers Served 35,000 36,000
- Consumers Employed 3,421 3,602
- Total Earnings 56.8M 60M
- Average Hourly Wage 11.48 11.66
- Consumer Satisfaction 81 86
11Employment Benchmark Results
- FY05
- Consumers Served 826 786
- Consumers Employed 4 36
- Consumers Served 538 543
- Consumers Employed 181 172
- Extended Supports 237 310
12Community Services
- Statewide Head Injury Program (SHIP)
- Home Care Assistance Program (HCAP)
- Independent Living Centers and Services
- Adult Supported Living Housing Services
- Assistive Technology Program (AT)
- Turning 22 Services
- Transition to Adulthood Program (TAP)
- Nursing Home Initiative for Individuals with
Developmental Disabilities (Rolland)
- Protective Services
- Consumer Involvement
13Statewide Head Injury Program
- Serves individuals of any age who have sustained
an externally caused traumatic brain injury (TBI)
which has resulted in significant cognitive,
behavioral and physical impairments - Provides community-based supports to maintain
and/or increase independence in the home,
community or workplace, resulting in reduced high
cost services and re-institutionalization - Budget 16.4 Million
14Accomplishments for FY06
- Served 974 individuals with TBI
- Provided IR services to 250 Consumers
- Provide 304 individuals with service coordination
without paid services
- 1 of New Applicants Were from Diverse
- Held 26 Focus Groups Around the State to Identify
Needs and Gaps in Service
- Approximately 3,000 are on the waiting list
15Home Care Assistance Program
- Provides homemaker services to individuals with
disabilities, age 18-59 years, to avoid repeat
hospitalizations, to maximize their independent
living potential and stay out of more expensive
institutional settings, like nursing homes - Budget 5.5 Million
16Accomplishments for FY06
- Served 1,930 consumers and received 1,052
referrals in the year (88 per month)
- Maintained services to 1,571 consumers each
- Assisted 88 consumers transition to elder
- Assisted 38 consumers transition to MassHealth
17Independent Living Centers (ILC) and Services
- Assists people with disabilities to gain
knowledge, skills and support to live more
independently with their family or in their own
community - Assists individuals with disabilities living in
institutional settings such as nursing homes to
move into the community
- Budget 4.6 Million in state and federal dollars
18Accomplishments for FY06
- Eleven ILCs Served more than 15,000 People with
All Disabilities.
- The Centers Assisted 71 People in Leaving Nursing
Homes and other Institutional Settings.
- The Centers Assisted over 500 People Stay out of
Nursing Homes.
19Adult Supported Living
- Supports adults with significant disabilities age
18 to live in the community or move into the
community from nursing homes or other
institutions - Budget 908,904
20Accomplishments for FY06
- Served 91 People with Significant Disabilities on
a Continuing Basis.
- 86 People Achieved Their Goal to Remain in
- 5 Achieved Their Goal of Moving into the
Community from Nursing Homes or Other
Institutional Settings.
- 25 People Were on Waiting List at End of Year.
- 2,000 Could Benefit from SL Services.
21Assistive Technology Program
- Provides low and high tech solutions to increase
independence in major life functions such as
seeing, hearing, breathing, manual dexterity,
mobility, communicating, learning, working or
self-care - People eligible to receive AT services from
Special Education, Vocational Rehabilitation and
other EOHHS agencies may not receive services
through this program - Budget 824,295
22Accomplishments for FY06
- 359 Individuals with Disabilities were Provided
AT Evaluations, Equipment and Training to Achieve
their Goal
- Number on Waiting List was 94 at End of Year.
23Turning 22 Services
- Provides supports to DD individuals Turning 22
to live as independently as possible in the
- Provides a continuum of community living options
- Minimal supported living case management for
those residing in their own apartment.
- Intensive supported living services with 24/7
supports in a secure residential setting
- Budget 2.86 Million
24Accomplishments for FY06
- 163 Consumers Were Served with Severe Physical
- 58 Maintained Their Goal of Living in the
- T22/SHIP Placed 2 New T22 Consumers with TBI
- TAC- Provided Service Coordination to 33 TAC
Assigned Consumers that Were Not VR Eligible
- Provided Training on Transition and CH.688 to VR
Area Office and CS Staff
- 0 on waiting list from Special Education
- 10 additional TAC assignments expected
25Transition to Adulthood Program (TAP)
- Provides DD youth Turning 22 and their parents
with the information and skills needed to
transition from special education to adult
living - All students who receive services identify and
work on goals through-out the school year
- Budget 378,000
26Accomplishments for FY06
- Served 89 Students with Disabilities.
- ILCs Worked with the MRC/VR Staff and Selected
Schools in their Catchment Areas.
- Added New TAP Provider in Western Mass-Stavros IL
27Nursing Home Initiative(Rolland)
- Supports Individuals with Developmental
Disabilities Who Are Non-MR to Transition to
Community Living
- Increase Independence of People Served
- Facilitates Community Integration and Long-term
- Budget 6.1 Million
28Accomplishments for FY06
- Transitioned 14 People with Developmental
Disabilities (Non- Diagnosed as MR) into the
Community from Nursing Facilities
- Provided Case Management for 81 Rolland Members
in the Community
- Assessed 24 Individuals for Possible Community
Placement in FY06
29Protective Services Program
- Conducts civil investigations into complaints of
caregiver abuse of persons with physical
disabilities from the ages of 18 to 59
- Provides protective services to eliminate abuse
or reduce further risk through consumer advocacy,
safety plans and securing community resources, as
needed - Budget 638,696
30Accomplishments for FY06
- 250 Investigations Conducted
- 87 Protective Service Plans Written
- 159 Individuals Achieved Goals
31Consumer Involvement and MRC.
- MRC is Committed to Consumer Involvement at all
Levels and in all Programs.
- Consumer Involvement is Part of all Agency Policy
- Consumer Involvement Proposes Solutions to Agency
- The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) is
Appointed by the Governor and Mandated by State
and Federal Law.
32 Accomplishments for FY 06.
- Conducted 5 Regional SRC Community Meetings.
- Held 31 SRC Standing Committee Meetings.
- Held 13 SRC Task Force Meetings.
- Attended 12 Regional Consumer Advisory Council
- Outreached to Many Communities to Ensure
Diversity and Participation in the SRC.
- Over 750 Individuals Participated in SRC and
Regional/Area Advisory Councils in the Year.
33- Recommended a Full Slate of SRC Members to the
Governor for Statutory Appointments in the SRC.
- Expanded the ICC Register with 65 Qualified
Individual Consultants Who will be Available to
all EOHHS.
- Produced 4 Editions of Quarterly Newsletter
Consumer Voice with Over 2,500 Issue
34- Produced SRC Annual Report with over 2,000
Circulation Nationally.
- Published Artists with Disabilities Calendar.
- Hosted MRC 25th Anniversary Consumer Conference
with 350 attendees.
35Community Benchmark Results
- FY04 FY05
- Benefits Planning
- Plans Comp 700 751 901
- Protective Services
- Investigations Done 251 282
- Service Plans Done 114 123
36Community Benchmark Results
- FY04
FY05 FY06
- Head Injury Services
- New Applications 257
333 240
- New Eligible Consumers 210
246 175
- Consumers Served 546 867
- HomeCare Services
- New Applications N/A N/A
- Consumers Served/Month 1,380 1,410
- Consumers Served/Yr 1,480 1,640
37Community Benchmark Results
- FY04
FY05 FY06
- IL Turning 22 Services
- Consumers Served 61
56 50
- TAP Consumers Served 64
90 100
- SL Consumers Served 44
48 50
- Supported Living Services
- New Applications 25
30 35
- Consumers Served 91 56
38Community Benchmark Results
- FY04
FY05 FY06
- Housing Registry
- New Vacancies 580
625 700
- Apartments Rented 540
670 650
- Visits to Website 13,031
14,010 15,000
- IL Centers Services
- IR Calls 10,000
10,250 11,500
- Consumers from Nursing
- Homes
80 90 108
- New Consumers Served 13,800 14,400
39Community Benchmark Results
FY04 FY05 FY06
- Consumer Involvement
- New ICC Projects 40
45 50
- Ongoing ICC Projects 126
150 200
- Outreach Activities N/A
N/A 100
- Transition Services
- CH 688 Eligibilities Done 340
172 230
- CH 688 Referrals Assigned 579
1,067 600
40Community Benchmark Results
FY04 FY05 FY06
- Adaptive Housing - VR
- New Referrals 36
39 35
- Consumers Served 60
81 68
- Consumers Projects Done 64
68 81
- Vehicle Modification Program - VR
- New Referrals 70
84 99
- Consumers Served 70
75 81
- Consumers Projects Done 70 75
41Community Benchmark Results
FY04 FY05 FY06
- Assistive Technology Assessments
- New Referrals 163
201 170
- Consumers Served 207
210 280
- Verizon Telephone Access
- New Referrals 1,125
1,181 1,150
- Assistive Technology IL Services
- New Referrals 118
130 140
- Newly Eligible Consumers 68
72 80
- Consumers Served 406
425 450
42Community Benchmark Results
FY04 FY05 FY06
- Assistive Technology Loan Program
- New Applications 0
60 100
- Loans Approved 0
35 70
- Consumers Served 0
35 70
- Adaptive Housing Loan Program
- New Applications N/A
- Loans Approved 55
0 175
- Consumers Served 55
0 175
43Disability Determination Services
- The DDS processes SSI and SSDI Claims for
Massachusetts Citizens to Determine Their
Eligibility for the Social Security Disability
Programs. - Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
- Ages 18- 64
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Ages Birth - 64
- Budget 36.2 Million
44Accomplishments for FY06
- Total Receipt of Cases
- SSI Claims 25,026
- SSDI Claims 21,150
- SSI/SSDI Claims 21,155
- Continuing Disability
- Review Receipts 4,133
- Accuracy of Decisions
- Measured by SSA 97.2
45DDS Benchmark Results
- FY04 FY05
- Claims Processed 84,557 83,007 73,992
- Claim Recons 13,593 14,401 13,178
- CDRs 16,956 14,705 8,030
46Other MRC Accomplishments
- Assistive Technology Loan Program
- Monitored Implementation
- Assistive Technology State Plan
- Plan for Demonstration and Loan Programs
- Housing Registry
- Planed for Integration into Virtual Gateway
- Home Modification Loan Program (HMLP)
- Continued Funding Loans with Available Resources
- Community Based Housing
- Coordinated Interagency Initiative
47Other MRC Accomplishments (cont.)
- Select Grants
- SSA Public Benefits Counseling
- Transportation Options for People with
- Veterans with TBI Returning from Iraq
- Career Quest, Careers for Keeps
- Others
48Other MRC Accomplishments (cont)
- Multicultural Outreach
- Held 2 Forums for Individuals with Brain Injury
and Their Families from the Asian and Latino
- Integrated Outreach to Diverse Community and
Department Wide Activities.
- Transition-Chapter 688 Eligibility
- Processed 226 Chapter 688 Eligibilities
- Coordinated 937 Ch688 Referrals to VR
- MRC touches the lives of 150,000 people with
disabilities each year
- MRC has a combined federal and state budget of
over 140 million
- MRC helps people with disabilities to get jobs
and become tax payers
- MRC helps people with disabilities live in their
community and use less state tax dollars
50Disability Determination ServicesOperational
- Maintained SSA Quality Targets
- Implemented SSA Paperless Case Folder (eDIB)
- Implemented SSA Commissioners New Initiatives
Scheduled for August, 2006
51Vocational Rehabilitation ServicesOperational
- Maintained VR Counselor FTE at 215
- Managed Field by FTE Statistics, NE Benchmarks,
Standards Indicators and MRCIS Reports
- Provided Training to Area Managers and
Supervisors on MRCIS and Reports
- Implemented RSA Monitoring Recommendations
- Updated Employer Development/Job Placement
- Marketed VR Cost Benefit Study
52Community ServicesOperational Accomplishments
- Continued Participation in New Community Based
Waiver Planning Task Force
- Participated in EOHHS Real Choice Systems Change
- Achieved ECBS Work Plan Lead Activities
- Defined EOHHS Assistive Technology Project
- Continued Exploration of FFP for all State
- Marketed Supported Living Database and Report
- Expanded Utilization of Assistive Technology
53MRC Operational Accomplishments
- Improved MRCIS/R911 Accuracy
- Completed MRCIS Upgrade Plan for VR
- Installed MRCIS Next Enhancements-April October
- Developed Web Page Improvements
- Celebrated 50th MRC Anniversary-Sept. 06
- Maintained Low Level of Consumer Appeals
- Increased QA Evaluation Activities
- No MRC Funding Cuts From FY05 to FY06
- Obtained .5 Million for VR in Economic Stimulus
- MRC/VR Downsized by 20 2-3 years
- MRC Staff Very Experienced
- Tuition Waiver at 2/4 Year State Colleges for VR
- MRC and IL Centers Continue to Move People out of
Nursing Homes with Existing Resources
- EOHHS Strategic Plan on Employment
- Most Programs have Waiting Lists
- Cuts/lack of Resources at Organizations and State
Agencies Assisting MRC Consumers
- Weak Economy and Job Market for VR
Consumers-Getting Better
- Federal VR funds Inadequate Due to Distribution
- Lack of Resources for Supported Living Program to
Assist More People to Leave Nursing Homes