Title: Log4j In 30 Minutes Or Less
1Log4j In 30 Minutes Or Less
2The Who, What, When and Where
- Part of the Jakarta project, a sub-project of
Apache - Jakarta is the sub-heading for all the Java
oriented Apache projects - Open source, BSD style license library providing
logging for Java programs - Precursors first appeared in 1996
- Http//jakarta.apache.org/log4j/docs/index.html
3The Basics
- Logger
- A hierarchical tree with Appender, Level, and
Layout settings at every level - Settings can also inherit to lower tree levels
- Level
- Five built in levels (plus all and off)
- Appenders
- Appenders handle log output
- Many appenders available
- Layouts
- The biggest difference between System.out.println
and Log4J is loggers - Creates a hierarchy that we use to set logging
options - Flow of settings is outward toward leaves of tree
- Hierarchy based on dotted names (i.e. com.pdxinc
is parent to com.pdxinc.nhinar) - The same scheme is used for Java classes so you
can just use your class name for your logger name
- Allows you to prioritize your logged messages
- Debug, Info, Warn, Error and Fatal
- Other priorities possible but usually unnecessary
- Determines which log items are actually logged
- For example, a given line of code might always
attempt to log an item at Debug level but if the
logger tree is not set to log items below Error
level then the log message will be ignored and
not make it to an appender
- Console, file, rolling file, GUI, TCP/IP, NT
Event log, Unix Syslog daemon, JDBC, SMTP, JMS - Multiple appenders can be used
- An appender could service only part of the tree
- One appender could be used for auditing while
another is used for general logging
- Method of customizing output from logger
- Simple, HTML, Pattern, TTCC, and XML layouts are
included - Pattern layout can be used to format according to
a pattern string (ala printf) - Custom object renderers can be installed
- PropertiesConfigurator
- Some options cannot be set in the config file but
the file is easier to edit and read than its XML
equivalent - DOMConfigurator
- XML file specifies configuration
- Can set up asynchronous logging
- Runtime configurable
- Any option that can be set at startup can be set
while a program is running - configureAndWatch() method allows configuration
updates to a running program
9An Example
import org.apache.log4j. public class Demo
static Logger log Logger.getLogger(Demo.class.
getName()) public static void
main(String args) BasicConfigurator.co
nfigure() log.info("Starting
up...") log.setLevel(Level.WARN)
log.info("This message should not
appear!") try //
Divide by zero. int x 5
int y 20 / (5 - x) catch (Exception
e) log.error("Oops!", e)
10Log Output From The Example
0 main INFO Demo - Starting up... 10 main
ERROR Demo - Oops! java.lang.ArithmeticException
/ by zero at Demo.main(Demo.java17)
- Chainsaw
- Bundled with Log4j 1.2
- Captures log messages sent via TCP/IP
- Can load a log generated in XML form
- Lumbermill
- Captures log messages sent via TCP/IP
- A little more attractive than Chainsaw and it has
the nifty feature that it builds a logger tree on
the fly and allows you to do filtering on the
client machine - No XML log support
- When the generation of your logging message takes
a long time, you might want to check to see if it
will ever make it to an appender - Functions like isDebugEnabled() and
isEnabledFor() on the Logger class allow you to
test first (testing is very fast) and then
generate the string and log it if you know the
message will actually be logged
13Why Log4j?
- Features
- Easy to use, even with existing code
- Optimized for speed
- Thread-safe
- Frequently used more robust
- Free and open source
- Synchronous and asynchronous logging