Title: Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9. Nifty 59 (Page 6) Exercise 1 ..
1Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9
- Nifty 59 (Page 6)
- Exercise 1Complete Training
- Step-by-Step Instructions for First Enrollment
2Training Exercise 1Complete Training
- In the New User Wizard dialog box, type your name
(first and last). - The Language box should read U.S.English.
- The Dictation source should show Microphone
plugged into Mic-in jac unless you are using a
USB microphone. - Leave Vocabulary as General.
- Click Next
Skipping training is NOT recommended.
3Training Exercise 1Complete Training
Choose your headset and adjust your microphone so
it is near the edge of your mouth, but not in
front of it. (Do not touch the actual microphone
part as you adjust it.)
4Training Exercise 1Complete Training
Once your microphone has been adjusted for proper
placement, you will perform the volume check.
When you are ready, click the Start Volume
Check button and begin reading the material in
the box in your normal voice. You do not have to
say the punctuation.
5Training Exercise 1Complete Training
Now you must perform the quality check. When you
are ready, press the Start Quality Check button
and begin reading the material in the box. The
computer will let you know when you have read
If you have passed the check, you will receive a
message like this one. You may click on Next
and continue.
6Training Exercise 1Complete Training
If you get an error message similar to this
saying sound level is too high or too low, click
on OK. If your Audio Quality Check says PASSED
just click next and continue. If your Audio
Quality Check says FAILED check your headset
connections and repeat. You may also want to
click on play to hear what your voice sounds like.
7Training Exercise 1Complete Training
You are now ready to read practice sentences,
press Go and say Welcome to general
training. You should only have to read it once.
After processing, it will take you to the next
8Training Exercise 1Complete Training
Read Training is about to begin after pressing
the Go button.
9Training Exercise 1Complete Training
Now you must choose which selection you want to
read. The first choice Talking to your
Computer is recommended because it is easy and
gives you hints about using the Dragon software.
Once you have decided what to read, click OK.
10Training Exercise 1Complete Training
Read in your natural voice at a natural speed.
Dont worry about the computer keeping up with
you. However, if it does stop and shows the
arrow somewhere in the middle of the box, start
reading at the arrow.
Choose Pause if you need to stop.
Choose Redo if you make a mistake.
Choose Skip if you get stuck on a word.
11Training Exercise 1Complete Training
After you have finished reading, the computer
will display this message. Press OK and wait
until it is finished adapting your user files.
12Training Exercise 1Complete Training
The estimated time to adapt user files often will
state a much longer period than what the system
actually takes. This example stated 22 minutes
and 37 seconds and took aprx. 4 minutes.
However, you should plan on at least 3-7 minutes.
13Training Exercise 1Complete Training
Once the files have been adapted, you will see
this dialog box. Uncheck the Documents
section and Check the Skip this step. When
the Next button becomes active, press it to go
to the next dialog box.
14Training Exercise 1Complete Training
Ask your teacher if the tutorial has been loaded
with your software, if not you should choose
Begin dictating and then click Finish.
15Training Exercise 1Complete Training
To keep this dialog box from opening up every
time you start Dragon, uncheck the Show Tips at
Startup and close this box.
16Congratulations! You have completed your first
enrollment and are ready to continue with the
Nifty 59- Page 7.