Title: LIGO Data Analysis: Status and Plans
1LIGO Data Analysis Status and Plans
- Patrick Brady
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- LIGO Scientific Collaboration
2Outline of talk
- First LIGO science data run (S1)
- Summary of run
- Organization of LIGO data analysis efforts
- Status of each effort
- Detailed discussion of burst/inspiral analysis
- Emphasis because of TAMA/LIGO coincidence
analysis - Plans for second LIGO science data run (S2)
- Online analysis plans/status
- Tools used in control room
- Summary
3LIGO Run Schedule
- Science runs are interspersed with engineering
runs and commissioning activities
strain noise per root Hz
Jan 2002
Jan 2003
4LIGO sensitivity at start of S1
- S1 run
- 23 Aug 9 Sep, 2002
- Standard candle
- 2 x 1.4 Msun optimally oriented binary
- S1 reach includes
- Milky Way
5Data from S1 run
H1 235 Hours
H2 298 Hours
L1 170 Hours
3x 95.7 Hours
- S1 total run time 408 hours 17 days
- H1 (4km, Hanford) duty cycle 57.6
- H2 (2km, Hanford) duty cycle 73.1
- L1 (4km, Livingston) duty cycle 41.7
- Triple coincidence duty cycle 23.4
Green bands with black borders indicate locked
6Data analysis groups
- Burst and other transients
- Sam Finn and Peter Saulson (co-chairs)
- http//www.ligo.caltech.edu/ajw/bursts/bursts.htm
l - Continuous Wave
- Michael Landry and Mariallessandra Papa
(co-chairs) - http//www.lsc-group.phys.uwm.edu/pulgroup/
- Inspiral
- Patrick Brady and Gabriel Gonzalez (co-chairs)
- http//www.lsc-group.phys.uwm.edu/iulgroup/
- Stochastic
- Peter Fritschel and Joe Romano (co-chairs)
- http//feynman.utb.edu/joe/research/stochastic/up
7Burst Group Activities
- Search for bursts of unknown origin/waveform
- Generate event triggers using SLOPE, TFCLUSTERS,
POWER - Veto triggers due to instrumental artifacts
- Determine upper limit on rate as function of
strain - Monte Carlo by simulated injections of
astrophysical motivated signals (Zwerger et al)
and other burst waveforms - Search for bursts associated with GRBs.
- Triggered analysis of on-source times
- Result by comparison of on-source versus
off-source distributions - First EM triggered search with LIGO
8Continuous Wave Group Analysis
- Known pulsar searches
- Catalog of known pulsars
- Heterodyne narrow BW folding data
- Coherent frequency domain search using Hough
transform - All sky unbiased
- Sum short power spectra (no doppler correction)
- Wide area search
- Hierarchical Hough transform code is under
development - Demodulation is functioning and used in known
pulsar search - Demodulation points on sky under control
- Efficient positioning of spindown/sky points
under development
9Inspiral Group Activities
- Binary Neutron Star Search
- Bread n butter source for LIGO
- Determined upper limit on the rate of BNS
inspirals in the universe - Black hole MACHO binary search (0.5ltm1,m2lt1.0)
- Speculative source
- MACHO search will use same pipeline as BNS
- Unbiased search and upper limit will follow
neutron star result - Binary black hole search (m1,m2 gt 3.0 Msun)
- An unbiased search will not be made due to
proximity of S2 - Will use the full S1 data set to explore
techniques for S2 - Need to better understand veto strategies for BBH
10Stochastic Group Activities
- Analytic calculation of expected upper limits
(100 hrs) - W for LHO 2k-LHO 4k will provide the most
stringent direct observational upper limit to
date - Coherence measurements of GW channels show little
coherence for LLO-LHO 2k correlations - Investigation of effect of line removal for LHO
2km-LHO 4km correlations (e.g., reduction in
instrumental correlated noise) - Injection of simulated stochastic signals into
the data and extraction from the noise to
validate end-to-end capability of analysis - Correlations between LLO with ALLEGRO bar
detector - ALLEGRO was rotated into 3 different positions
during earlier E7 run - Analysis in progress
11Playground Data Set
- Representative sample of data distributed over
run - Not used in determining astrophysical results
- Used to tune thresholds
- Determine veto cuts
- Gain experience without introducing bias into
upper limit analyses - Characteristics
- 9 hours of triple coincident data was selected
for this purpose - Chosen by Gabriela Gonzalez in consultation with
others on site - Representative of broad range of instrumental
behavior - Which groups used it?
- Inspiral group
- Burst group
- Stochastic group
12Burst Trigger Generation
- One hour summary plot
- Confidence
- Log( probability that trigger is caused by
Gaussian noise) - Large negative value is loud burst
- Time-frequency plot
- Green 0 gt confidence gt -100
- Red confidence lt -100
- No. of events
- Triggers per 10 seconds
- Event definition
Trigger in 200-400Hz band with duration 100 sec
13Inspiral Trigger Generation Templates
- Use template based matched filtering algorithm
- Template waveforms for non-spinning binaries
- 2.0 post-Newtonian approx.
- Computational efficiency
- Stationary phase approximation to Fourier
Transform - Discrete set of templates labeled by M1, M2
- 1.0 Msun lt m1, m2 lt 3.0 Msun
- 2110 templates
- At most 3 loss in SNR
14Inspiral Trigger Generation
- AS_Q processed in chunks of 256 seconds
down-sampled to 4096Hz - Each chunk is divided into 7 segments of 64
seconds overlapped by 32 seconds - For each template
- Compute the SNR large values indicate that GW
channel correlates well with the template - If SNR gt 6.5, compute a2 small values
indicate that SNR was accumulated in a manner
consistent with an inspiral signal. - If a2 lt 5.0, record trigger
- Triggers are clustered within duration of each
template, but multiple templates can trigger at
same time.
15Dealing with Non-Gaussian Spurions
- Example at LIGO Louisianna
- Cattle Guard
- (Gonzalez, Chickarmane, Saulson during E7)
- How to deal with them?
- Auxiliary channels vetoes
- Can physical cause be tracked?
- Use PEM other channels
- Potential vetoes
- Evaluated vetoes generated by several tools
16Veto Investigations
- Tuned veto SNR thresholds and windows using the
playground data focused on eliminating the
highest-SNR candidates without introducing much
deadtime - Best channels turned out to be auxilliary
interferometer channels - Example from inspiral analysis (similar for
burst) - Livingston 4km Net deadtime 2.8
- Hanford 4km Net deadtime 0.3
- Hanford 2km Net deadtime 3.2
- Must check that veto conditions would not veto a
real gravitational wave! - Studied coupling using hardware injections in
differential control end mass excitations - Found some surprise couplings which may involve
abandoning certain vetoes
17Effectiveness of Vetoesfor S1 Playground Data
So, how do triggers vetoes fit together in
analysis pipeline?
18GW Injections
Auxiliary Channels
Matched Filter
Veto Triggers
H1 clean Not L1
L1 clean Not H1
L1 H1 clean
H1 Sees?
Event Candidates
19Sample Population Monte Carlo
- Binary Neutron star population
- Mass distribution derived from population
synthesis models - Spatial distribution out to 200kpc including
Milky Way, LMC and SMC - LMC and SMC contribute about 12 of a Milky Way
equivalent Galaxy - Signals injected into data stream and used to
determine efficiency of pipeline to detection of
BNS population
20Testing with Hardware Injection
Inspiral Injections into hardware
21Testing with Hardware Injections
- Pre-run 2 x 1.4 Msun into L1LSC-DARM_CTRL-EXC
Pre-run 2 x 1.4 Msun into L1LSC-ETMX-EXC
22LIGO First Science Run Synopsis
- Compact object inspiraling waveforms
- BNS coverage will include the Milky Way, plus
LMC, SMC - Black hole MACHO search under way
- Bursts/transient events
- 96 hours of 3X coincidence
- 2 different (complementary) filters applied to
data - frequency-time clustering algorithm, time-domain
slope detector - Efficiency using astrophysically motivated SNe
waveforms and other. - Continuous wave sources
- Initial searches target known EM sources, e.g.
- - PSR J19392134 (P 1.557 ms, search and
analysis in progress) - Sco X-1 (in progress - 500 Hz - 600 Hz,
multi-parameter search) - Stochastic background
- Limiting sensitivity for W will be better than
previous direct GW observational determinations
with resonant bars (narrowband)
23Plans for S2
- S2 14 Feb 14 April 2003
- Working groups
- have well defined primary analysis path for S2
data - Plan to extend/enhance methodology from S1
- Some new tools are under development, e.g
coherent multi-detector analysis - Veto development will be a major focus of the S2
detector characterization effort - Desire to understand the instrumental origin of
glitches - Significant effort has been put into hardware
injection plan - Daily hardware injections of astrophysical
signals to help calibrate systematics
24Plans for S2
- Trigger generators to run in real-time
- Inspiral searches
- Known pulsar demodulation
- External trigger searches
- Issues that caused problems in S1 but have been
fixed - Accurate, real-time calibration data available
- On-line monitoring tool to provide alarms to
control room
- LIGO Scientific Operation
- Started in Aug. 2002!
- Analysis has been proceeding
- First results should be announced in Mar 2003
- Second run scheduled 14 Feb - 15 Apr 2003
- Sensitivity should be almost 10x better than S1
- Moving towards real-time analysis environment
- Looking forward to the TAMA/LIGO coincidence