Title: Polarized Proton Acceleration and Collisions
1Polarized Proton Acceleration and Collisions
- Spin dynamics and Siberian Snakes
- Polarized proton acceleration in AGS and RHIC
- Possible RHIC proton-proton luminosity upgrades
- Polarized proton acceleration in HERA
2RHIC Spin Physics
- Spin structure functions of gluon and
anti-quarks - Parity violation in parton-parton scattering
3Spin Dynamics
- Precession Equation in Laboratory Frame
- (Thomas 1927, Bargmann, Michel, Telegdi 1959)
- dP/dt - (e/gm) GgB? (1G) B? ? P
- Lorentz Force equation
- dv/dt - (e/gm) B? ?
v - For pure vertical fieldSpin rotates Gg times
faster than motion, nsp Gg - For spin manipulationAt low energy, use
longitudinal fieldsAt high energy, use
transverse fields
4Depolarizing Spin Resonances
Spin tune Number of 360 degree spin rotations
per turn Depolarizing resonance
condition Number of spin rotations per turn
Number of spin kicks per turn Imperfection
resonance (magnet errors and misalignments) Gg
nsp n Intrinsic resonance (Vertical focusing
fields) Gg nsp Pn ny P Superperiodicity
AGS 12 ny Betatron tune AGS 8.75
5Siberian Snakes (Local Spin Rotators)
cos(180? nsp) cos(d/2) cos(180? Gg)
d ? 0? ? nsp ? n No imperfection
resonances Partial Siberian snake (AGS) d
180? ? nsp ½ No imperfection resonances
and No Intrinsic resonances Full Siberian
Snake Two Siberian Snakes in RHIC
6(Naïve) Limits for Siberian Snakes
- Spin rotation of Siberian snake gt Spin rotation
of driving fields - Imperfection resonances e ? Energy
- Intrinsic resonances e ? ?Energy
- Partial Siberian snake (AGS, d 9? ) e d/360?
- One full snake e 1/2
- Two full snakes (RHIC) e 1
- N full snakes (HERA, LHC) e N/2
7Polarized proton collisions in RHIC
RHIC pC Polarimeters
Absolute Polarimeter (H jet)
Siberian Snakes
Spin Rotators
2 ? 1011 Pol. Protons / Bunch e 20 p mm mrad
Partial Siberian Snake
Pol. Proton Source 500 mA, 300 ms
AGS Internal Polarimeter
200 MeV Polarimeter
Rf Dipoles
8High intensity polarized H- source
KEK OPPIS upgraded at TRIUMF 75 - 80
Polarization 15?1011 protons/pulse
at source 6?1011 protons/pulse
at end of LINAC
9Proton polarization at the AGS
- Full spin flip at all imperfectionresonances
using partial Siberian snake - Full spin flip at strong intrinsic resonances
using rf dipole - Remaining polarization lossfrom coupling and
weakintrinsic resonances - New tune working point and smaller horizontal
emittancewill reduce polarization loss
10First Siberian Snake in RHIC Tunnel
Siberian Snake 4 superconducting helical
dipoles, 4Tesla, 2.4 m long with full 360?
Funded by RIKEN, Japan Designed and constructed
at BNL
11Commissioning with a single snake in RHIC
Gg 48 or 60.3
Gg 46.5 or 55.7
- Inject vertically pol. beam with snake off
- Turn on snake ? Horizontally pol. beam
- Accelerate
12Polarized proton injection into RHIC
Injection at Gg 46.5 without snake vertical
ny 29.11
Sensitive to betatron tune setting
ny 29.23
13Snake operating points
14Acceleration with single snake
15Measured RHIC asymmetries
P ? 19 P ? 40 at AGS
Asymmetry (? 10-3)
31.5 GeV
16Spin resonances in RHIC (w/o Snakes)
Inj. Energy Gg 46.5 E 24.3 GeV
Gg 60.3 E 31.5 GeV
Gg 55.7 E 29.1 GeV
Gg 48
17Spin tracking with single snake (single
rms orbit distortions ___ 0 mm ___ 1 mm ___ 2
mm Need well corrected orbit!
Longitudinal beam polarization opposite of snake
Strong spin resonance
Radial beam polarization at the polarimeter
18Typical closed orbits at injection
Before correction
After correction
19Spintracking trough strongest RHIC resonance
Whole beam
- Two Siberian snakes
- 1 mm rms misalignment(Survey lt 0.5 mm)
- 0.2 mm rms closed orbit
- 20 p mm emittance (95)( 10 p mm in RUN2000 )
Edge particle
20Polarized proton status and plans (1)
- FY2000 run
- Single Siberian snake and pC polarimeter
installed in blue ring - New polarized proton source 1012 pol.
protons/pulse - Accelerated polarized beam in blue ring
- FY2001/ FY2002 run
- All four Snakes and pC polarimeters installed in
blue and yellow ring - Goal 100 GeV?100 GeV collision with long. pol.
at interaction regions Accelerate with two
Snakes Collide beams with one Snake per ring for
longitudinal polarization Polarization ? 50
1011 protons per bunch 60 bunches b 2 m
L 5 1030 cm-2 s-1 Integrated luminosity per
week 1.5 (pb)-1 (50 availability) Accelerate
polarized beam to 250 GeV
21Polarized proton status and plans (2)
- FY2003 run
- All eight spin rotators installed
- Goal 250 GeV?250 GeV collision with long. pol.
at STAR and PHENIX - FY2004 run
- Polarized hydrogen jet target for absolute
polarimetry installed
22Luminosity Upgrades
- RHIC Spin RHIC II Future Upgrade
- Emittance(95) pmm 20 12 12
- Beta function at IR m 1 1 0.3
- Number of bunches 120 120 360
- Bunch population 1011 2 2 2
- Beam-beam parameter per IR 0.007 0.012 0.012
- Angular size at IR mrad 112 86 157
- RMS beam size at IR mm 112 86 47
- Luminosity 1032 cm-2 s-1 2.4 4.0 40.0
- RUN2000 Au-Au luminosity 3.3?1025 cm-2 s-1 N-N
luminosity 1030 cm-2 s-1 - RHIC II Beam-beam tune shift limited for 2
interaction regions - Future Upgrade Mini-beta quads and more bunches
- Will also require major detector upgrades
23Polarized protons in HERA
- Difficulties for polarized protons in HERA
- Not perfect symmetry
- Vertical bends (Remedy flattening Snakes)
- Not built for polarization
- Hardly space for more than 4 Siberian Snakes
- Very high energy (920 GeV) and spin tune (1758)
24Invariant spin field
25Requirements and installation
- Very successful first RHIC spin commissioning
run - RHIC Polarimeter commissioned
- Single Siberian snake works
- With two snakes per ring and improved tune and
orbit control during acceleration expect 100 GeV
on 100 GeV polarized proton collisions this year. - Collisions of polarized protons at 500 GeV and 2
? 1032 cm-2 s-1 possible by FY2004 - Luminosity upgrade for RHIC possible to 4 ? 1033
cm-2 s-1