Title: Prediction of Tropical Cyclones
1Prediction of Tropical Cyclones
- Tropical Cyclogenesis
- Convection in mature tropical cyclones
- Severe convection in landfalling tropical cyclones
3Hurricane Community
- Very long history
- Ideas continually rediscovered
- Research and operational communities used to work
closely together - Many things are hotly debated
- Collision of theory and empiricism
4Important Papers
- Eliassen 1952
- Charney and Eliassen 1964
- Ooyama 1964, 1969
- Gray 1968, 1979
- Shapiro and Willoughby 1982
- Schubert and Hack 1982
- Emanuel 1986
- Rotunno and Emanuel 1987
- Many recent articles
- Most form 5º-20º N or S gt Rotation needed
- Pre-existing disturbance required
- Easterly Waves
- Monsoon Troughs
- Cold-troughs on DT with surface fronts
- Many more disturbances than tropical cyclones
- Moist environment (esp 2-6 km MSL)
- High SST (26º C or higher, maybe)
- Weak vertical shear (or maybe not)
- Organized deep convection
6Genesis Parameters
habsolute vorticity HRH at 600 mb
Vpotpotential intensity Vshear850-200 mb
shear Vpot F(SST,Outflow temperature, ambient
From Camargo, Emanuel and Sobel, unpublished
See also Gray 1979, DeMaria 2001
7How Well Does It Work?
8Development Theories
Conditional Instability of the Second Kind
(CISK) Charney and Eliassen 1964 Wind Induced
Surface Heat Exchange (WISHE) Emanuel 1988
Rotunno and Emanuel 1987
- Finite-Amplitude Instability
- Does not require CAPE
- Relies on surface enthalpy flux
- Surface fluxes
- Release of heat in clouds
- Intensified warm core
- Stronger surface winds and fluxes
CISK Linear Instability Requires CAPE Relies on
frictional convergence
Craig and Gray, 1996 JAS
9Maximum Potential Intensity
Emanuel 1988
10Eliassen Balanced Vortex
absolute vorticity x inertial frequency
Note that with v0, Cgt0 (i.e. an f-plane is
inertially stable)
11Efficiency of Heating
- Efficiency is
- Localized to where dm/drgtgt0
- Strong function of intensity
- Always very low well outside the core
Aweak depression Ehurricane
12A Larger C
- Axis of easterly wave
- Flank of westerly phase of MJO (a large-scale
region) - Monsoon trough
- Front
13Atlantic Genesis Issues
- Large-scale influences (waves, troughs)
- Mesoscale (MCSs, MCVs, fronts)
- Convective scale (convective bursts, VHTs)
- Numerical prediction capability
- Critical observations?
14Developing versus Non-developing Systems
Zehr and McBride 1981
15Atlantic Genesis (1975-2005)
Black 1975-1993 Red 1994-2005
16Not Easy to Predict
17Tropical Cyclogenesis (N. Pacific)
Eastern Pacific
Western Pacific
Dependence on MJO Phase
From Maloney and Hartmann 1999
18Easterly Waves
Courtesy Chris Thorncroft (I think)
19Easterly Wave Genesis
600 mb
Variance at Dakar
850 mb
Thorncroft and Hodges, 2001 J. Clim.
20Wave-Vortex Duality
21Wave Contraction
- PV gradient ends (and then a miracle occurs)
- du/dxlt0
Webster et al. 2005, Lorenz Symposium
22MCVs and Convective Bursts or Hot Towers
Montgomery et al. 2006 JAS
23What do Those Little Things Do?
- Wind shear provided by MCV
- Tilting gives rise to vortex pairs
- Stretching intensifies cyclonic member
- Diabatic heating projects onto azimuthal mean
- Vorticity becomes axisymmetrized (eddy decays in
favor of the mean flow)
2485 GHz Polarization Corrected Temperature (PCT)
and GOES Vis/IR
0039 UTC 20 Sept.
1310 UTC 20 Sept.
0026 UTC 21 Sept.
200 km
0354 UTC 21 Sept.
1257 UTC 21 Sept.
0013 UTC 22 Sept.
Images obtained from NRL http//www.nrlmry.navy.m
25Humberto (2001) via MM5
Azimuthal mean momentum equation
26Tropical Transition
- Subtropical or Extra-tropical precursors
- Cold-core upper tropospheric lows
- Fronts
- Mesoscale Convective Vortices
- Initially cold-core (vorticity maximizes at 700
hPa or above) - May involve easterly waves
- 30-40 of Atlantic genesis cases
- Relies on finite vertical wind shear
- Diabatic-baroclinic development (strong
precursor) - Organization of convection (weak precursor)
- Mesoscale vorticity organization may have much in
common with deep tropical genesis
27Bracken and Bosart (2000) Monthly Weather Review
Shear exists in composite of developing
depressions over Northwest Atlantic!
28MM5 Simulation of Michael (2000)
Potential Vorticity (PVU) and Wind on 340 K q
Sfc. Sea-level Pressure Start 00 UTC 15 Oct.
2000 End 00 UTC 17 Oct. 2000
29MM5 Simulation of Hurricane Michael (2000)
- Nested 12.3-km grid
- Cold start from global analysis (NCEP)
- 48-h integration
- Kain-Fritsch CP
- Blackadar PBL
- Schultz Cloud Physics
Davis and Bosart, 2003 Monthly Weather Review
30Diabatic Shear Reduction
E-W Cross section of Potential Vorticity and
Absolute Momentum (Mvfx)
14 km
31Strong Baroclinic Precursors
Images courtesy of NRL http//www.nrlmry.navy.mil
32150 hPa
200 hPa
1 July 2005
30 Sept 2005
33Dynamic Tropopause Maps
- Developed for Baroclinic Cyclogenesis
(generalized Eady model) - When combined with qe in the PBL, a diagnostic of
mesoscale convection potential - When adiabatic, q on PV is conserved
PV jump
After Morgan and Nielsen-Gammon, 1998, Mon .Wea.
Surface of constant PV
Dynamic Tropopause
Large PV
Small PV
34August, 2005 on the DT
Potential Temperature on PV1.5 PVU
Red Contours 900 hPa Relative Vorticity (1, 2,
4, and 8x10-5 s-1)
35A PV-qe View
July-Sept, 2005
Longitudes 105W to 10 W Results similar for 60W
to 20W
36Development of Mariaq, Wind on DT, z at 950 hPa
00 Z 30 Aug
00 Z 01 Sep
00 Z 02 Sep
00 Z 31 Aug
Potential Temperature on PV1.5 PVU
Red Contours 900 hPa Relative Vorticity (1, 2,
4, and 8x10-5 s-1)
37 38Maria
12 Z 29 Aug
12 Z 31 Aug
qe345 K
qe350 K
qe350 K
39Cross Sections
12 Z 29 Aug
12 Z 31 Aug
44Observational Needs
- Mesoscale thermodynamics
- Baroclinity
- Moistening of lower-middle troposphere
- Existence of conditional instability (locally
enhanced) - Vertical structure of mesoscale vorticity
- Warm core versus cold core
- Penetration to PBL
- Distribution and intensity of convection
- Evolution of the PBL
- Confirmation of synoptic-scale structures
- Disturbances on the DT sometimes important for
wave genesis (e.g. Katrina, Maria, Rita, etc.) - EW is the seed, DT disturbance is the trigger
- What is the optimal structure of DT disturbances?
- (Vertical penetration, intensity, horizontal
scale, etc.) - Troughs of extratropical or subtropical origin
penetrate southward to ITCZ - Tight coupling of tropopause and PBL in time and
longitudinal mean from 12º-40ºN - Critical to better observe mesoscale dynamics
associated with transition
46AHW Configuration
- 2-way nested, vortex tracking grid at 4km,
additional nest at 1.33 km - No cumulus parameterization at 4 km or less.
- 12 km fixed grid nested into GFS, parameterized
convection (Kain-Fritsch) - 3-category cloud physics (no graupel), YSU PBL
- Initial conditions either GFS or GFDL
472005 Landfalling Cases Verified
Katrina (Cat 5)
Ophelia (Cat 1)
Maria (Cat 3)
Rita (Cat 5)
Wilma (Cat 5)
48Convection in Mature Hurricanes (Rita)
49Concentric Eye Walls
Heat Source
Shapiro and Willoughby, 1982 JAS
Heating at large radius creates subsidence over
inner eye wall
50Convective Bursts
Montgomery and Enagonio, 1998 JAS
52Results for 2005 Season
- Post real-time tests
- Flux Parameterization
- Fix u over water
- Experiment with u (CD)
- Experiment with CK
- Couple to mixed-layer ocean model
- EnKF and 3D-VAR initialization
- Add 1.33-km storm following domain
55ARW Forecast of Katrina from 00 UTC 27 Aug.
56Katrina Forecastsfrom 00 UTC 27 August
1 Km 4 Km 12 K RT Obs
- 1.3 km captures part of rapid intensification
- All forecasts intensify late (erroneously)
- Obvious initialization problems (worse w/ GFS)
- Answers depend on flux formulation
57Key Areas Needing Improvement
- Flux Formulation theory says large sensitivity
to CK/CD - Ocean Coupling cooling from wind-driven ocean
mixing a big deal - Initialization real storms from t0
- Resolution of inner core dynamics (what does it
take 4 km, 1 km, 100 m ????)
58Exchange Coefficients What do we do???????????
59Surface Flux Experiments
1 Km 4 Km 1 K D 4 K D Obs
- D Donelan Formulation
- V2.1.2 Charnock
- D has less drag than V2.1.2
- Less drag means
- Larger eye
- Stronger winds (usually)
- Higher central pressure
60Ocean Mixing
Comparison of OML and Full Ocean Models for
Idealized Vortex
Katrina 4-km grid
Mixed Layer Model
Full Ocean Model
Price (1981)
Maxima in both idealized calculations is 3.1 K
- Reduce model spinup (12 h)
- Improve intensity prediction lt 2 days
- Methods
- EnKF
- Nudging
6210-m Wind Comparison
63Radial Wind Profile Katrina
64Wind Profiles Katrina
NOAA P-3 17 UTC 28 00 UTC 29 August
AHW 19-23 UTC 28 August
65Reflectivity on 1.33-km Grid
66Vorticity Profile Katrina
67Rainbands Katrina
AHW 1.33 km 00 UTC 29 August
AHW 4 km 00 UTC 29 August
NOAA P-3 LF Radar 2347 UTC
NOAA P-3 LF Radar 2317 UTC
68Summary of Simulation Issues
- Flux Formulation
- Apparently large sensitivity
- Controls eye size, pressure-wind relationship
- CK perhaps greatest unknown (and important!!)
- Ocean Coupling
- Columnar mixed-layer model capture most
short-term effects of full ocean model - Need to incorporate altimetry data to initialize
ML depth - EnKF promising as initialization method
- Sub-2-km grid spacing necessary for inner core
- Issue of spurious Rossby waves (Katrina and Rita)
- Width of eye wall?
- Rainbands show less cellular character
- 12-km AHW surprisingly good so far Is 4-km still
no-mans land? - Verification methods are obsolete
69Irene Extratropical Transition
70SSMI Comparison
ARW 34 h Forecast
1047 UTC 18 August
1000 UTC 18 August
200 km
71Convection in Landfalling Hurricanes
00 UTC 16 Sept Univ. Wyoming
72Vertical Shear at Low Levels
73Tornadoes Spawned in Katrina
00 Z 30 Aug Shelby County Airport, Alabama
00 Z 30 Aug Peachtree City, Georgia
McCaul 1991
75Numerical Simulations
Del City Storm CAPE2600 J/kg
Centreville, AL (Danny 1985) CAPE1800 J/kg
Composite CAPE600 J/kg
Large in high CAPE environments
Important in strong vertical shear
Buoyancy Part
Dynamic Part
77Dynamic Pressure Contribution
McCaul and Weisman 1996
78What does this all mean?
- Genesis possibility handled by current models
- Genesis details not handled by any model
consistently - Baroclinic influences under-represented in
present-day forecasts - Inner core convection the key to intensity change
(may require very high resolution) - Initialization of hurricanes generally lousy, but
many promising techniques - Nobody knows how to deal with air-sea interface
at high wind speeds - Effects of the ocean may be straightforward wave
drag very difficult - Prediction of sensible weather at landfall in its