Title: Presentation by:
1Basic Facts
- Presentation by
- Heather Etzel, Fourth Grade
- Alicia Fornal, Fifth Grade
- Adapted from presentation by
- Donn Hicks, Supervisor of Elementary Education,
2Our Purpose
- To share and discuss strategies and activities
that parents can use to help their children learn
the basic number combinations.
3Warm Up
Take 30 seconds to memorize this slide!
- A ?
- B ? ? ? ?
- C ? ?
- D ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
- E ? ? ? ? ? ?
- F ? ? ?
4Which letter belongs in each box?
5Basic Fact Memorization What Does Research Show?
- Children who have a strong conceptual
understanding of addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division are more successful
at memorizing their facts. - When children have a firm conceptual foundation
and can use fact strategies, memorizing facts
becomes a matter of efficiency. -
6Building Number Concepts
Concrete Manipulatives
Pictorial Representation
Abstract Symbols
4 4 8 2 x 4 8
?Significant time must be spent working with
concrete materials and constructing pictorial
representations in order for abstract symbol and
operational understanding to occur.
7Benchmarks for Kindergarten
- Model addition by combining sets of concrete
objects and describe the results using words and
pictures - Model subtraction by separating sets of concrete
objects and describe the results using words and
8Benchmarks for First Grade
- Quick recall of all addition facts with addends
to 10 and sums to 10 - Demonstrate quick recall of all subtraction facts
with minuends to 5 - minuend- subtrahend difference
- addend addend sum
9Benchmarks for Second Grade
- Demonstrate quick recall of all addition facts
with addends to 10 and sums to 15 - Demonstrate quick recall of all subtraction facts
with minuends to 10
10Benchmarks for Third Grade
- By the end of grade 3, students will have
- memorized all addition facts with addends to 10
and sums to 18. - memorized all subtraction facts with differences
to 10, minuends to 18 and subtrahends to 10. - memorized all multiplication facts up to and
including the 5s table.
11Benchmarks for Fourth Grade
- While in grade 4, students are expected to
- retrieve from memory all addition facts with
addends to 10 and sums to 18. - retrieve from memory all subtraction facts with
differences to 10, minuends to 18 and subtrahends
to 10. - have memorized all multiplication facts up to and
including the 10s table. - have memorized all division facts with divisors
to 10 and quotients to 10.
12Benchmarks for Fifth Grade
- While in grade 5, students will be able to
retrieve from memory - all addition facts with addends to 10 and sums
to 18. - all subtraction facts with differences to 10,
minuends to 18 and subtrahends to 10. - all multiplication facts up to the 10's table.
- all division facts with divisors to 10 and
quotients to 10
13 14Strategies to Support Fact Learning Addition
- Count on Used when adding zero, one, two or
three - 8 2 put the eight in your head and count on 2.
- Doubles- the addends are the same.
- 7 7 14
- Doubles 1 Think of your doubles fact and then
add 1. - 78 Think 7714 115
15Strategies To Support Fact Learning Addition
- Turn Around Facts Commutative Property- The
order of the addends does not affect the sum.
437 347 - Make-Ten
- Knowing pairs of addends that equal ten
- 010 19 28 37 46 55
- So when you have a problem 85
- Think 8210 3
17Strategies To Support Fact Learning Subtraction
- Count BACK Strategy This strategy works best
when subtracting 0,1,2,3. - Ex 12-3 start from 12 and count back three
11,10,9. - Count UP Strategy- This strategy works best when
subtracting two numbers that are close together.
- 11-83 Put 8 in your head and count up 9,10,11
19Strategies To Support Fact LearningMultiplication
- Zero Rule- any number multiplied by zero is zero
- 5 x 0 0
- One Rule- the product is itself
- 6 x 1 6
- Two Rule- add the number to itself
- 8 x 2 8 8 16
- Three Rule- double the number, then add the
number again - 7 x 3 14 7 21
20Strategies To Support Fact LearningMultiplication
- Four Rule- double the number twice.
- 6 x 4 12 12 24
- Silly Saying (Youve got to be 16 to drive a 4 x
4) - Five Rule- count by fives. Products will end
with 0 or 5. - 3 x 5 15 4 x 5 20 5 x 5 25
- Six Rule - think five groups of the number plus
one more group. 6 x 7 5 x 7 7 42
21Strategies To Support Fact Learning
- Seven Rule- memorize two facts
7 x 7 49 and 7 x 8 56 - Brain hook..56 is 7 x 8Think 5..6..7..8
- Eight Rule- Memorize one fact 8 x 8 64
- Silly Saying
- (I ate and I ate until I got sick on the floor!)
- 8 8 6
22Strategies To Support Fact LearningMultiplication
- Nine Rule- subtract 1 from the number you are
multiplying with nine. Then think.What should I
add to that number to equal 9? - 7 x 9 One less than 7 is 6. 6 ? 9
- 6 3 9 so the product is 63
- Ten Rule- put a zero on the number you are
multiplying by. - 9 x 10 90
23 24Connect to Multiplication
- Fact Families Strategy - Can be used with all
division facts. -
6 x 3 18 3 x 6 18 18 ? 6 3 18 ? 3 6
25CCPS Website
- http//www2.carrollk12.org/instruction/elemcurric/
math/parent.HTM - Interactive Multiplication Games
- http//www.multiplication.com/interactive_games.ht