Title: From Inventory to CtrlAltDel
1From Inventory to Ctrl-Alt-Del
- Hamilton College
- Clinton, NY
2Hamilton CollegeDesktop Integration Support
- Gretchen Maxam
- Desktop Integration Specialist Imaging Support
- gmaxam_at_hamilton.edu
- Jesse Thomas
- Desktop Integration Specialist Academic
Facilities - jthomas_at_hamilton.edu
- Dan Sloan
- Installation Specialist
- dsloan_at_hamilton.edu
- Existing Inventory System
- Computer Serial Number
- License
- User Name, Location
- Software
- Used Ghost
- Win98
- When XP arrived
- Needed to provide unique name to computer
- Add to Domain
- Provide proper license to activate
- Added Sysprep
- Fed it with unique data from Inventory DB
- Pre-Create computer objects in AD
- and on and on
5Overview of Environment
- Academic Facilities
- 9 ITS Managed Labs
- 68 Windows
- 71 Macintosh
- 49 TE Classrooms
- 34 Windows Macintosh
- 15 Macintosh Only
6Overview of Environment
- 6 Academic Images
- 3 Windows
- 3 Macintosh
- Ghost
- AD Structure
- Terminology
- Push the button
- Group Re-image
7Ease of Imaging
- Get Hamilton Barcode(s)
- Locate machine(s) in Inventory
8Ease of Imaging
Equipment Information
9Ease of Imaging
Users Tab
10Ease of Imaging
Software Tab
11Ease of Imaging
Function Tab
12Ease of Imaging
13Ease of Imaging
14Ease of Imaging
15(No Transcript)
16Ease of Imaging
- Group Reimage
- Edit psexec command
- Schedule Task
- Verify restore
17How do we get here?
Full File on Page 1 of Supplement
- Script that runs on first boot
- Cleans up loose ends after imaging process
- Changes local account passwords
- Performs registry edits
- Re-installs anti-virus software (Sophos)
- Edits folder permissions
- Cleans up loose ends after imaging process
(contd) - Sets Computer Description
- Hides service partition
- Restarts computer
- Deletes itself
- Changes local account passwords
- net user ltusernamegt ltnew_passwordgt
- net user itsadmin unique_password
- Performs Registry Edits - Delete Keys
- reg DELETE ltKeyNamegt ltoptionsgt
- reg DELETE "HKLM\Software\Sophos\ALC
Agent\Private" /v pkc /f
- Performs Registry Edits - Change Permissions
(Citrix Web Client) - regini ltinput_filegt (text file with registry
data) - echo \Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\MSLicens
ing\HardwareID 1 5 7 13 17 gt c\Management\regin
i.txt - regini c\Management\regini.txt
- Re-installs anti-virus software (Sophos)
- msiexec ltpath_to_msigt ltoptionsgt
- msiexec.exe /i "c\Program Files\Sophos\AutoUpdate
\cache\savxp\Sophos Anti-Virus.msi" REINSTALLALL
- Edits folder permissions
- cacls ltfilenamegt ltoptionsgt
- cacls "c\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Windows Genuine Advantage"
/E /T /G EveryoneF
- Hides service partition
- diskpart /s ltdiskpart_scriptgt
- diskpart /s c\Management\diskpart_hide_winpe.txt
- diskpart_hide_winpe.txt
- select disk 0
- select partition 1
- remove
- exit
- Restarts computer
- shutdown ltoptionsgt
- shutdown -r -f -t 5
- Deletes itself
- del ltfiles or directoriesgt
- del c\Management\first_boot.cmd
Full File on Page 2 of Supplement
- minisetup - w/ sysprep.inf answer file
- PnP device installation
- product key
- sets 'Administrator' password
- sets computer name
- joins to domain
- PnP device installation
- Unattended
- UpdateInstalledDriversYes
- DriverSigningPolicyignore
- Product Key
- UserData
- ProductIDABCDE-12345-FGHIJ-67890-KLMNO
- Sets Administrator password computer name
- GuiUnattended
- AdminPasswordpaw0rd
- UserData
- ComputerNamepc-869273
- Joins domain
- Identification
- JoinDomainhamilton.edu
- DomainAdminnetworkadmin
- DomainAdminPasswordpaw0rd
- Calls first_boot.cmd
- GuiRunOnce
- Command0() "systemdrive/Management/first_boot.
36Download Image
37Downloading the Image
- Three parts
- Boot into WinPE
- Run download_production_image.cmd
- Run unique ghost.cmd
38Downloading the Image
- PART 1
- Boot into WinPE
- located on 5GB service partition
- installed using WinPE bootable CD
- DIS WinPE Utility
39Downloading the Image
- PART 2
- download_production_image.cmd
- called by startnet.cmd in WinPE
- sets-up environment
- maps drives
- sets variables for MAC address, service tag, IP
- starts VNC server
- runs machine specific ghost.cmd
Full File on Page 3 of Supplement
40Downloading the Image
- PART 2 download_production_image.cmd
- Maps drives
- net use ltdrive lettergt ltpathgt /userltusernamegt
ltpasswordgt - net use i \\casper2\DIS-WIN /useradmin paw0rd
41Downloading the Image
- PART 2 download_production_image.cmd
- Sets variables
- for /f "tokens1" x in ('ltcommandgt') do set
ltvariablegtx - for /f "tokens1" i in ('ipconfig /all gawk
-F" " "/IP Address/ print 2 "') do set
ipI - for /f "tokens1" s in ('ghost32 -lockinfo
gawk -F\" "/Serial/ print 2 "') do set
42Downloading the Image
- PART 2 download_production_image.cmd
- Starts VNC server
- regedit /s i\Ghost-G3\tools\vnc\ultravnc.reg
- start /min winvnc.exe
43Downloading the Image
- PART 2 download_production_image.cmd
- Runs machine specific ghost.cmd
- i\Ghost-G3\data\serial\ghost.cmd
44Downloading the Image
- PART 3
- machine specific ghost.cmd
- downloads appropriate image (Ghost32)
- copies files to local machine
- sysprep.inf, first_boot.cmd
- sets boot disk
- writes logging info
- reboots
45Downloading the Image
- PART 3 ghost.cmd
- Runs Ghost32.exe command
- ghost32 -clone,MODEprestore,src"i\images\2006
Images\Desktop\sysprep\GX620.gho1",dst12 -sure
Full File on Page 4 of Supplement
46Downloading the Image
- PART 3 ghost.cmd
- Sets boot disk
- diskpart /s diskpart_set_active.txt
- select disk 0
- select partition 2
- assign letter w
- active
- exit
47Downloading the Image
- PART 3 ghost.cmd
- Outputs logging info
- echo I was imaged on date time gtgt
i\Ghost-g3\logs\barcode.txt - copy i\Ghost-g3\logs\barcode.txt
48Downloading the Image
- PART 3 ghost.cmd
- Copies files reboots
- mkdir w\Management
- copy "i\Ghost-G3\data\serial\sysprep.inf"
"w\sysprep\" - copy "i\Ghost-G3\data\serial\first_boot.cmd"
"w\Management\ - exit
49Inventory System Behind the Scenes
50Inventory System Behind the Scenes
- Scripts used to format data
- Plug-in creates
- Custom directories using cpu serial
- Custom files with specific data for cpu
51Inventory System Behind the Scenes
52Inventory System Behind the ScenesAddComputerToA
- Information from the Inventory record
- Computer Barcode to create part of the name
- Current User Department to determine Academic or
Employee - Current User Building and Current User Department
to determine the current OU - Current User Name and Department for the object
53Inventory System AddComputerToAD
VB script that pre-creates the computer object in
Active Directory
strComputer "pc-barcode" strCompDesc
"CompDesc1" Set objContainer GetObject("LDAP//o
Computers, Becomes strComputer
"pc-13880" strCompDesc KJ220- 10 -
ITS-LABS" Set objContainer GetObject("LDAP//ou
KJ 220, ouAcademic Facilities, ouMANAGED
COMPUTERS, ouAll Domain Computer,
Full File on Page 5 of Supplement
54Inventory System Behind the ScenesAddComputerToA
55Inventory System Behind the ScenesAddComputerToA
56Inventory System Behind the ScenesAddComputerToA
57Inventory System Behind the ScenesPrep Button
58Inventory System Behind the ScenesPrep Button
- Information from the Inventory record is used to
create - Sysprep answer file
- Ghost.cmd
- first_boot.cmd
- Backup files
- Directory on server to store these files
59Inventory System Behind the ScenesPrep Button
60Inventory System Behind the ScenesPrep Button
61Inventory System Behind the ScenesPrep Button
- Sysprep answer file with specific data
- Admin Password (based on barcode)
- Windows License (can be volume or from cpu)
- Computer Name (based on barcode)
- Domain name
- Domain Account need to add computer to domain
- account password
- Run once file
Full File on Page 2 of Supplement
62Inventory System Behind the ScenesPrep Button
- Sysprep answer file
- GuiUnattended
- AutoLogonYes
- AdminPasswordUnique_Based_On_Barcode
- AutoLogonCount 1
- EncryptedAdminPasswordNO
- OEMSkipRegional1
- TimeZone35
- OemSkipWelcome1
63Inventory System Behind the ScenesPrep Button
- Sysprep answer file
- UserData
- ProductID ct6gt-x6tp7-9tk98-ykjq9-ykf6
- FullName"Hamilton College"
- OrgName"Hamilton College"
- ComputerName"pc-13880"
64Inventory System Behind the ScenesPrep Button
- Sysprep answer file
- Identification
- JoinDomainhamilton-d
- DomainAdminltnetworkadmingt
- DomainAdminPasswordltpaw0rdgt
- Networking
- InstallDefaultComponentsYes
- GuiRunOnce
- Command0() "systemdrive/Management/first_boot.
65Inventory System Behind the ScenesPrep Button
66Inventory System Behind the ScenesPrep Button
- Ghost.cmd file with specific data
- Image name
Full File on Page 4 of Supplement
67Inventory System Behind the ScenesPrep Button
- Ghost.cmd page of handout
- run ghost command
- echo Running Ghost...
- ghost32 -clone,MODEprestore,src"i\images\2006
-sure fx
68Inventory System Behind the ScenesPrep Button
- First_Boot.cmd with specific data
- Local User Password (based on barcode)
- Sets computer description (based on barcode)
Full File on Page 1 of Supplement
69Inventory System Behind the ScenesPrep Button
- First_boot.cmd page of handout
- using net user command
- net user itadmin UniquePassword
- Set computer description
- reg ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\la
nmanserver\parameters" /v srvcomment /d
"pc-13880" /f
70Inventory System Behind the ScenesRe-image
71Inventory System Behind the ScenesRe-image
- Startimage.cmd
- psexec \\pc-barcode -s c\management\initiate_auto
Full File on Page 8 of Supplement
72Inventory System Behind the ScenesRemote
Desktop Button
73Inventory System Behind the ScenesRemote
Desktop Button
- Remote.rpd
- screen mode idi1
- desktopwidthi1280
- desktopheighti1024
- session bppi16
- winposstrs0,1,1300,9,2542,870
- full addresssPC-BARCODE
- compressioni1
- keyboardhooki2
- audiomodei0
- redirectdrivesi0
- redirectprintersi1
Full File on Page 8 of Supplement
74Inventory System Behind the ScenesUpdate Image
Log Button
75NetworkDirectory Structure
76NetworkDirectory StructureCommands Directory
77NetworkDirectory StructureData Directory
78NetworkDirectory StructureInside Data
79NetworkDirectory StructureLogs Directory
80NetworkDirectory StructureTools Directory
81NetworkTools used - Shareware
- COREUTILS http//gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages
.html - GAWK
- http//gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages.html
- http//gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages.html
- psexec
- http//www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/uti
lities/psexec.mspx - UltraVNC
- http//ultravnc.sourceforge.net/
82NetworkTools used - Purchased
- Ghost
- http//www.symantec.com/enterprise/
- FileMakerPro
- www.filemaker.com
- Troi File plug-in for Filemaker
- http//www.troi.com/software/fileplugin.html
- Building Blocks
- Keep adding
- Can modify and add to scripts in Inventory
- Built with what we had
- Didnt need to switch to (or buy) new
technology or software - Fits our workflow
- Apply what we have to other systems
- Use for Faculty and Admin computers
- We have a parallel system for Macs
85Next Steps
- PXE boot
- WinPE2
- Add application installers
- Create a web form for self service
- Add scheduling
86Next Steps
87Thank you!Questions?