Title: Water Ski
1Water Ski Wakeboard CanadaMembers Review on
Strategic Direction
To more widely educate congress members and seek
feedback and gain consensus on the key issues
facing towed water sports and what we should do
about them
- Introduction, background emerging trends
- Strategic questions
- WSWC Strategic Plan
- Rationale behind objectives
- Questions Discussion
3Introduction Background
- Change is having a profound impact on towed water
sports - Social, economic, technical, environmental,
demographic and political trends are having a
profound impact on towed water sports. - Executive Board (EB) began a strategic planning
process in 2007 to anticipate and recommend new
practices to better manage these changes - Retained services of a strategic organization
design consultant - Bring new strategic objectives to this Congress
- Ensure broad stakeholder input
- Provincial Sport Organizations (PSO)
- Sponsor/donors
- Members and other stakeholders
- We need to validate issues, ensure support for
the strategic objectives and seek feedback, ideas
and a consensus for how best to put them into
effective and permanent practice
4Thoughts for Congress to consider
- Is there anything that we cannot/must not change
as we develop our strategic plan or plan its
implementation? - What are the emerging trends that are critical to
our sport today and how do we address these
within the strategic plan? - Are there other issues for the Executive Board to
address first? How should priorities be set?
Resources allocated? - Who do we serve i.e., who is our customer?
provincial associations, participants, spectators
or athletes?
5Conclusions of Executive Board
- WSWC must evolve or it will become irrelevant
- Emerging trends are threatening towed water sport
in general - Organizations value proposition needs to be
clarified and refined - New goals may require a new delivery model. What
structure is needed for implementation? - Limited resources live within our means or grow
the revenue to acquire the resources - WSWC must bring forward a new strategic plan
- Significant organization, culture and strategy
change is possible - WSWC community needs to participate actively in
the discussion to ensure alignment
6Emerging Trends
- Demographics
- Very small slice of sport population participate
in WSWC - Insurance membership continues to grow
- Registration is dominated by families
- In the last 15 years membership has declined
- Ontario from 1,200 to less than 700
- NL from 352 to 0 this year
- NB from 110 to 0
- Competitive memberships declined in 2008
- Recently become accessible to adaptive
participants - Water ski population is aging
- Wakeboarding is generally a younger Wakeskating
is younger again - Sport generally attracts affluent people
- General
- Volunteerism declining
- Sport is evolving
- Rate of change exceeds organizational capability
to respond - Sports facilities are not publicly supported
- Less government funding available
- Fewer people are participating
- Economic
- Impact of current economic downturn
- Few athletes can make a living at the sport
- Expensive becoming more so
- Most clubs ski. Most schools ride
- Industry economics/profit demands move to
wakeboarding - Technology
- Ski boat production is dropping. Has wakeboard
boat production peaked? Will some manufacturers
fail? - Water skiing has an insatiable desire to add
technology which may improve objectivity but adds
strain to - Cost / Complexity / Knowledge
7Emerging Trends
- Environmental
- More competition for waterways
- Negative perception of power boat noise /
pollution - Eco concerns
- Shutting down lakes
- Requirements to put in equipment
- Green movement
- Moving toward private lakes skiers
- Industry suppliers are fragmented
- Too many
- Not enough for research and sport development
- Political
- Sport Canada funding declining transitioning to
special interest groups/social agenda (i.e.
disabled / women / aboriginal, etc.) - Lack of cohesiveness between our sports
disciplines we versus they - Gaps, conflicts, frustration and mistrust between
National Sport Organization (NSO) and
Provincial Sport Organizations
8Emerging Trends
WSWC Annual Revenues, 1996 to 2008
WSWC revenue growth derived from targeted Sport
Canada programs and past success of the classic
discipline. Federal funding will decline due to
non-Olympic status
PSO total revenues declining to levels of 10
years ago reflecting declining provincial
government support for sport
9Strategic Questions
- Is our Funding model stable or adequate?
- Why is membership such a small fraction of towed
water sport participants? - Is WSWC organization management and governance
efficient and effective in meeting stakeholder
10Is our Funding model stable or adequate?
- Current Revenue Model WSWC
- Government and agencies 70
- Community 15
- Sponsor/donors 15
- Revenue 1,000,000
- High dependence upon government support is
inherently risky - Shift toward Olympic sport and specific social
agendas are not consistent with our sports
priorities - Inflexible formula-based funding model
- Penalizes new sport development
- Can have resources invested in initiatives
inconsistent with our sports priorities - Declining provincial government funding
- Membership appears unwilling to pay full cost for
services - Small proportion of participants are members or
competitors - Minimal participation in value offerings e.g.,
insurance, RipnRide, competitions - Volunteer officials, membership competitors are
declining while the number of disciplines expands
11Is our Funding model stable or adequate?
- Sponsorship support inadequate
- Uneconomic ROI for advertisers
- Inadequate resource allocated to generating
incremental revenues - Poor spectator appeal location, pace of
competition, complex scoring systems, etc. - Charitable Donations accepted but not pursued
- No grass roots or corporate programs to develop a
sustaining revenue model - No resources dedicated to development
12Is our Funding model stable or adequate?
- As a result, our broader sport is witnessing
- Declining revenues
- Scarce resources sometimes being spent on
non-value added services - Inadequate investment in growth opportunities
- Reactive management to government priorities
- An independent funding model is needed
- Requires greater community support and
participation - Service offerings valued and used by membership
- Broaden revenue base with donor fund raising
models and organization - Grass roots and corporate giving
- Entertaining competitions that attract, retain
and grow sponsorship
13Why is membership such a small fraction of towed
water sport participants?
- Vast majority of WSWC membership are at the
Active level for insurance benefit - Pay only nominal amount for a highly attractive
product offering - Do not appear to derive any additional benefit
from membership - Why is our boat owner market share so low
relative to the value of product? - Competitive license holders are flat to declining
- Participation down competitive licensing (13)
and national championship participation (25)
down in 2008 - Wakeboard membership very small relative to the
growth in the sport - Linkage to grass roots is poor
- Are the competition formats conducive to
14Why is membership such a small fraction of towed
water sport participants?
Membership 1993 - 2007
stagnant over the last 15 years
vs. growth in the towed water sport industry
generally and wakeboard, wakeskate and other new
disciplines specifically
15Why is membership such a small fraction of towed
water sport participants?
- WSWC culture has been historically focused on
elite athlete development vs. increased
participation - Perceived service offerings of little value
What do I gain from joining if I dont compete? - We cant effectively market to membership due to
incomplete and inaccurate information - Do majority of participants know we exist?
- Valid question for all our associations
16Is WSWC organization, management and governance
efficient and effective in meeting stakeholder
- Existing structure continues to largely reflect a
historic water ski membership funding base - 2007 Congress ratified creation of Wakeboard
position on the executive board and for the
creation of up to 3 more board members to reduce
this bias -
- WSWC has difficulty providing
- Providing newer disciplines with the attention
and resources needed - Integration or sharing of resources across
disciplines - Understanding to Sport Canada to accept newer
disciplines - Consistent execution of strategic initiatives
across disciplines and geography - Executive Board (EB) serves two conflicting
roles - Management Specific responsibilities for all
board positions - Oversight - Development and execution of strategy
- Inherent conflict
- WSWC staff serve in administrative, not
management roles - Staff do not have the mandate to set and manage
the agenda - Insufficient resources to manage the agenda even
if they were given mandate - Staff have historically had a difficult time
receiving commitment from volunteer base
17Administrative Organizational Structure
Congress (Voting delegates of member provincial
Executive Board
Finance Director Paul Melnuk
Sport Dev Director Michael Collins
Director at Large B. March-Burwell
Technical Director Matt Rini
Wakeboard Shawn Gratzfield
High Perform. Director Todd Johnson
Athlete Representative Richard Gray
Past President Peter Person
National Team (WS) Marketing
Communication Major Events
Technical (WS) Officials (WS) Coaching Waterway
s Safety
IWSF COC Nominating By-Laws
Awards Hall of Fame PSO Liaison Women
Fundraising Official Languages
LTAD Rip n Ride Barefoot Adaptive Marathon
WSWC Staff
18Is WSWC organization, management and governance
efficient and effective in meeting stakeholder
- Is Congress effective for governance oversight?
- Is an annual meeting sufficient enough to
evaluate the performance of the board? - Does rotating representation dilute understanding
and knowledge of issues, trends, provincial
strengths weaknesses - WSWC effectiveness dependent on PSO execution
- Can you commit your province?
- Exceptionally long lead times to effect change
since some items require a vote of Congress which
only meets annually
19Why is membership such a small fraction of towed
water sport participants?
- Vast majority are associate members for insurance
benefit - Our boat owner market share suggests skiers,
riders and skaters see no additional benefit in
belonging to the national or any provincial
association - Grassroots is disconnected from much of what we
are all trying to do - Number of Competitive license holders is trending
down - Wakeboard membership very small relative to the
growth in the sport - No consistent way to provide linkage from
grassroots to competitive streams - Are the competition formats conducive to
beginners? - Culture focused on elite athlete development vs.
increased participation - What do I gain from joining if I dont compete?
- We cant effectively market to membership due to
incomplete and inaccurate membership information - Do majority of participants know we exist? How
would they find out about the PSO or NSO?
20Strategic Goals
- Mission Statement
- To organize, develop and promote water skiing,
wakeboarding and other towed water sports from
beginner to pro.
21Strategic Goals
- To organize, develop and promote water skiing,
wakeboarding and other towed water sports from
beginner to pro. - Grow membership of Provincial Sport Organizations
- Increase organizational effectiveness for towed
water sports in Canada - Organizational structure
- Capacity
- Communication
- Culture
- Implement our Long Term Athlete Development
program - Deliver a sustainable revenue model
- Superb technical, well-attended and profitable
2009 World Water Ski Championship Festival - Permanent structure for fundraising charitable
22Goal 1 Grow Membership of Provincial Sport
- Growth in our sport has to be reflected in growth
in membership of PSO bodies - WSWC members are limited to competitive athletes
insurance policy holders - Create deliver programs and services that PSOs
want and are committed to delivering - Rip n Ride
- SkiAbility
- TowSmart
- Policy growth has increase dramatically in last
year - Form committee to create new methods for
delivering insurance - Improve communication so that membership benefits
are more broadly communicated, understood
utilized - Expanded reach for WSWC property and program
availability - Magazine / Website / LTAD / Ripn Ride
- Critical for government funding membership
renewal rates
23Goal 2 Increase organizational effectiveness
for towed water sports in Canada
- Communication
- Discussion and agreement on priorities
- Improve existing and add new channels
- Culture
- Improve co-operation, openness support
exchange across boundaries - Discipline, NSO-PSO,
- Develop better alignment, ownership and
accountability towards items of common value and
interest - Capacity
- Improve program delivery through better (earlier)
engagement of PSOs. - Better priority management to best use limited
resources available - Leadership by capacity management
24Goal 2 Increase organizational effectiveness
for towed water sports in Canada
- Review Water Ski Wakeboard Canadas
- Governance to ensure better alignment with
strategic objectives - Congress, executive board, WSWC staff volunteer
committees - Organizational design so that current gaps are
improved - Marketing Communications
- Fundraising Sponsorship
- Provincial representation
- Separation of duties and roles
- Executive board oversight vs. management
- Accountability
- Management of association by staff
25Goal 3 Implement LTAD
LTAD is the over-arching framework upon which
on-water programs, competitive structures, high
performance results and athlete management is
26Goal 3 Implement LTAD
- Improvement of the understanding of LTAD to
increase advocacy and support - Integration of WSWC on-water programs inside
LTAD model - Coaching / Rip n Ride / SkiAbility
- Improve our already outstanding elite results
- Achieve podium placements at world titled events
- All Disciplines, All Levels (Junior, Adaptive
27Goal 4 Deliver a sustainable revenue model
- Optimize Sport Canada Provincial sources
- Share best practices information for PSOs to
pursue - Access to funding to support deployment of LTAD
- Review current Sport Canada funding and scoring
of WSWC to optimize dollars - Provide leadership to create major events
- 2009 World Water Ski championships
- Develop follow-on opportunities
- Local, Regional, National International
- Leverage database to create profitable service
offerings - Insurance
- Discounting of products from participating
vendors - Other
- Develop Charitable giving model
- Measure profitability of each revenue source
28Conclusions of Executive Board
- Are we on track?
- Are there other emerging trends that are critical
to our sport today that should be considered
inside our strategic plan? - Are these the right issues for the EB to address
first? If not, what issues would be more
important to you? - Is there anything that we cannot/must not change
as we implement our strategic plan? - Who do we serve i.e., who is our customer?
participants, spectators or athletes? - This afternoons sessions will focus on 3 of the
4 strategic goals - Grow membership of Provincial Sport Organizations
- Increase organizational effectiveness for towed
water sports in Canada - Deliver a sustainable revenue model
- LTAD will be discussed at next Saturdays session
30Discussion Group Topics
- Grow Membership of PSOs
- Moderators Richard Gray / Barb March-Burwell
- Goal To discuss and promote some ideas about
delivering sustained membership growth
provincially - Questions to consider
- Does your Province have goal and a plan to grow
membership? - What is the percentage of membership retention
within your province? If more or less than 80,
what do you attribute this success or less than
desirable result to? - How can provinces better reach and attract the
mass majority of towed water sports participants
who do not join and often do not even know our
sport organizations exist? - What membership recruitment, retention and
management functions could be better served and
with better economies of scale if coordinated
nationally? - Do you have the capacity to grow your membership?
31Discussion Group Topics
- Increase Organizational Effectiveness of WSWC
- Moderators Todd Johnson / Peter Person
- Goal Discuss the roles of each stakeholder
inside WSWC and determine what organizational
changes can be made to assist in the delivery of
the strategic plan - Questions to consider
- What is the role of Congress? Where should
accountability and authority lie within the
sports organizational structure? - What should be the management structure for this
sport organization? Consider staff, volunteers
and PSOs. - What should be the Boards role and structure?
- What are some key elements within an ideal
organization structure?
32Discussion Group Topics
- Deliver a sustainable revenue model
- Moderators Shawn Gratzfield / Paul Melnuk
- Goal Determine some next steps to reduce our
dependency on government funding - Questions to consider
- Do you believe the assertion that Sport Canada
funding is likely to decline materially in the
next few years? Should we build a new revenue
model or simply cut back on services and cost? - What services can WSWC provide members that are
valuable and members would be willing to pay for?
- How can we make the sport more attractive to
non-industry sponsors? Is the vision of the 2008
Wakeboard Nationals and the 2009 World Water Ski
Championship Festival a viable solution? - Is the charitable tax donation status a valuable
asset of the Association and if so, how can we
exploit it effectively? Why do our members not
participate in the few programs we have launched?
- What are you willing to do to help?
34Thank You!