Title: Drafting Conservation Easements for Agriculture
1Statewide Plan for Agricultural Policy and
Resource Management
Doug Green, Maryland Agriculture Commission Kevin
Schmidt, American Farmland Trust November 15,
2Maryland Agriculture is Important!
- 1.5 billion direct sales annually from farming,
750 million direct from forestry - Covers more than 2 million acres (33 percent) of
state land area - Well-managed farms support the health of the Bay
3Why Was the Plan Conducted?
- To address the many challenges farmers face
- Fragmentation
- High land prices
- Foreign competition
- Difficulty gaining access to markets
- Environmental regulations
4How Was the Plan Funded?
- First, needed to secure funding to conduct the
strategic plan - Decided that a consultant was needed to complete
in time - Initial estimate of 200,000 needed (plus another
110,000 in-kind) - Approached conservation foundations and
agricultural organizations - Raised 163,000 for project
5Who Conducted the Plan?
- Governor Ehrlich asked Secretary Riley for policy
recommendations - Secretary Riley asked the Maryland Agriculture
Commission to develop a statewide plan - Agriculture Commission appointed an Advisory
Committee to coordinate a strategic planning
process, report, and recommendations for next
6How Was the Plan Conducted?
- Stakeholder surveys
- Listening sessions
- Conference calls with experts
- Governors Agricultural Forum
7Stakeholder Surveys
- In May 2005, MDA conducted mail survey of 126
agricultural and 53 conservation leaders (35
percent response rate). - Survey was divided into four topic areas
- - Profitability
- - Land use and management
- - Value-added, diversification and alternative
enterprise opportunities - - Bio-security
8Listening Sessions
- Agricultural Commission called for farm
community input - Organized 7 listening sessions
- gt600 farmers other community members attended
- Participants expressed concerns made
9Conference Calls with Experts
- 13 conference calls with small groups of experts
- To refine issues, identify current programs and
activities develop draft recommendations
10Governors Agricultural Forum
- Held in February 2006
- Participants included 300 farmers, key ag and
conservation leaders - Purpose was to provide opportunity to
- Review and give feedback on draft plan
- Prioritize recommendations
- Discuss preparing for the unexpected
11What Were the Planning Criteria?
- Vision General recommendations that serve all
agriculture - Horizon Next 10 years, with specific actions to
take in 5 years or less - Scale and scope Both large-scale commodity
agriculture smaller-scale specialty
value-added enterprises
12What Were the Planning Criteria?
- Chesapeake Bay To stay viable, agriculture must
be environmentally sound - Next generation Encourage the next generation of
Maryland farmers and ensure their success - Prepare for the unexpected Help farmers be ready
for potential negative events positive
13What Were the Major Issue Areas?
- Enhance profitability
- Ensure an adequate base of well-managed
agricultural land - 3. Advance research, education advocacy of
14Enhance Profitability
- Improve marketing access to markets Â
- Provide business development assistance Â
- Reduce the costs of production
- Clarify, harmonize and improve regulations to
encourage profitable agriculture - Reduce the tax burden on agriculture
15Ensure an Adequate Base of Well-Managed
Agricultural Land
- Stabilize the land base Â
- Encourage agricultural stewardship
- Strengthen protect Right-to-Farm
- Advance forestry as an agricultural enterprise
16Advance Research, Education Advocacy of
- Advance research and education for future
viability of Maryland agriculture - Advocate for agriculture
- Support encourage the next generation of
17Where Are We Now?
- Plan released in June 2006
- All documents posted on MDA Web site
- Public outreach piece developed and inserted in
agricultural publications in July and October
2006 - Implementation Committee currently being formed
by MDA, to start in December 2006