Chapter Four: Solving the Network Management Problem - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter Four: Solving the Network Management Problem


A complete GUI feature consisting of one or more ... Auto-learning. MPLS SP Score ... centric and fulfill specific FCAPs (fault, configuration, accounting, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter Four: Solving the Network Management Problem

Chapter FourSolving the Network Management
  • Eleni Hailu

The solutions include
  • Filing the Development skills gap
  • Smarter NMs
  • Smarter MIBs
  • Smarter NEs
  • One data Model
  • Distributed Server
  • Policy-based Network Management
  • Directory Enabled Networking

Filing the development Skills gap
  • Managing any given technology resolves down
    to the associated managed objects and management
  • In Solution Engineering, the overall focus is not
    on a single item of work rather a combination of
    all the following components
  • A complete GUI feature consisting of one or more
    screen pages
  • The provisioning code for a feature such as IP
    traffic engineering
  • A topology backend combined with fault management
  • Performance monitoring software

  • Adding special-purpose NMs software
    infrastructure is particularly useful when
    software problems occur on used sites.
  • The user can generate trace files and email them
    back to the developers for analysis and the
    developers can dial into the site and generate
    the trace files themselves.
  • This helps avoid the need for developers to
    travel and can result in fast problem
    identification and accurate resolution.

  • There are many ways of adopting a solution
    engineering such as
  • Web Browsing
  • Virus Detection
  • Document Processing
  • Software Development

  • Identifying and learning the constituent
    components usefully leverage the intellectual
    property freely available with GUI-based
    applications. This is beneficial because many of
    the components have become standard desktop
    objects such as
  • Pull-down menus
  • Dialog boxes
  • Toolbars
  • Icons
  • Task bars

  • An important aspect of components is that they
    should model real-world objects as closely as
    possible, including relationships to other
  • The components should be easy to combine,
    provision and monitor so that the appropriate
    relationships are maintained between the two
    enterprise sites.

  • NMS also have other components that add value by
    being as loosely coupled as possible, such as
  • Scheduling facilities
  • Virtual connection creation, modification, and
    deletion facilities
  • NE firmware backup and restore features
  • NE configuration database backup and restore,
    including network inventory details like port
    configuration settings, IP addresses, protocol
    settings, and virtual connections.

Cross-functional Cooperation
  • The complexity of NMs software development is
    such that many different people are generally
    involved in its production, including
  • Sales and marketing executives
  • Specifications and release planning experts
  • Designers and domain experts
  • Developers
  • QA/Test personnel
  • IT Managers
  • End Users

  • Quality Assurance (QA) can also assist in the
    early stages of development by first testing
    paper models and later testing stubbed software
    builds. These builds provide the skeleton of the
    end system with much of the function not yet
  • The setup and maintenance of modern NEs
    increasingly require professional system
    administration skills. The contribution that IT
    can make to this is significant, particularly
    when many users are sharing the NEs.

  • Ownership and moving around the development
    environment need to be balanced against the needs
    of the developers. These are include
  • GUI
  • Backend
  • Middleware
  • Database
  • Deployment facilities for software installation
    and upgrade

Software Deployment
  • Deployment software is the first thing the end
  • sees during installation of a give NMS. The
    following are guidelines for successful
  • Ease of use the NMs Should install/upgrade
  • Speed deployment should be fast, minimizing
  • Function deployment should, if possible, not
    require any downtime as new code is applied.
  • Auditable it should be possible to verify that
    new code has been successfully (or
    unsuccessfully) deployed.
  • Ease of removal the NMs should uninstall
    cleanly and efficiently.

Smarter NMs
  • NMs (Network Management System) is a term that
    describes a computer based software application
    suite dedicated to the management of networks of
    network elements.

Smarter NMs.
  • NMs must increasingly support high level of
  • Reliability
  • Availability
  • Maintainability
  • Preprocessing NE requests in order to reduce the
    number of messages sent to the network
  • Discovering static NE data
  • Minimizing the amount of data retrieved from NEs.

Adding Service Management
  • The NMs offers a high-level service management
    capability over a MPLS backbone , because NMs
    deals interms of services rather than just
    connections and devices.
  • Service management can be made up of more than
    one connection and requires a new type of managed
    object for
  • Visual representation
  • Provisioning
  • Monitoring
  • Auto-learning

  • An interesting aspect of MPLS is that
    it will allow enterprise network cores to become
    more generic. Regardless of traffic type, it
    will be transported over LSPs/tunnels.

Cross Connections To SP Core
  • NEs must provide
  • Unified signaling across multiple domains
  • Srevice level traps.
  • Implementing services is difficult in a network
    comprised of several different domains, such as
    ATM, IP, MPLS, Frame Relay and X.25.

NMs Structure
  • Most NMs are vertical applications and Stovepipe
    fashion is implemented and data flows up and
  • There is little horizontal communication between
    the stovepipes because they are both database and
    NE-centric and fulfill specific FCAPs (fault,
    configuration, accounting, performance and
    security) function.

  • FCAPS function are the OSI functional areas of
    network management.The following figure
    illustrates the baseline FCAPs structure.

Database (Schema)
Database Access Layer
Fault Management
Configuration Management
Performance Management
Security Management
Accounting Management
Database Access Layer
Notifications, Responses
Sets, Gets
Managed Network (Object Model)
  • NMs needs additional software such as
  • Toplogy management
  • NE firmware backup and restore
  • NE configuration and database backup and restore.
  • Topology components may contain subordinate
    objects, such as
  • Nodes contain interfaces
  • Interfaces carry virtual connections
  • Links join together adjacent interfaces

Smarter MIBs (Management Information Base)
  • MIBs represent a shared name space between SNMP
    agents and Managers.
  • They allow an operator to leverage the management
    facilities deployed in the network.
  • MIB notes are primarily intended to promote NE

NE Manageability
  • High levels of NE manageability offer a number of
  • The NE is easier and cheaper to incorporate into
    a network and an NMs.
  • The specific NE features are easier to access and
  • End-user confidence levels are raised with regard
    to the vendor.
  • The NE acquires a degree of product

  • Some aspects of MIBs that improve manageability
  • MIB Note Avoid MIB object semantic dependencies
  • MIB Note Provide default MIB object values
  • MIB Note Centralize MIBs to match NE features.

MIB table column
  • Semantic dependencies complicate provisioning
    code because the NMs software has to understand
    the columnar relationships. In addition, they
    also complicate the database schema when the
    columnar relationships have to be duplicated.
  • Default values can be given to extraneous MIB
    objects. This object is used when creating a
    tunnel in which the user wants to constrain the
    signaling path through an MPLs cloud so that it
    uses only a specific type of interface on each

MIB table.
  • This is similar to solution engineering
    considerations MIBs should be structured so that
    solution components are clearly expressed and
    easily accessed.
  • MIB Notes provide good reason for the developers
    of NMs maintaining the MIBs to work in close
    cooperation with the NE developers.

One Data Model
  • The data stored and maintained in the managed
    network must, at some point, be imported into the
    NMS and stored in some type of persistent
  • Repository data is manipulated by the NMs and for
    actions such as provisioning, is written to the
    network as MIB object instance values.
  • The data model is the glue for bringing together
    the managed NE Data and the users view of the

  • Maintaining parity between NMs and its managed
    network is fundamentally limited by
  • Network size and bandwidth
  • NE density the number of managed objects
  • NE agent resources
  • The NMs must try to maintain data parity and, at
    the same time, minimize NE access.

Distributed Server and Client
  • NMs are increasingly large, complex application
    suites. Rather than using a single server with
    multiple distributed client, more than one server
    machine can be used and it helps to distribute
    the processing among a number of host machines.
  • NMs can also be operated in redundant mode. This
    constitute of deploying a primary server with one
    or more backup server.

Deploying Primary Server
  • Allows for the Entire NMS to be backed up in a
    number of configurations
  • Hot standby the secondary takes over with no
    data loss.
  • Warm Standby The secondary takes over with some
    data loss.
  • Cold Standby The secondary is started up and
    switched into services.

Smarter NEs
  • The NEs
  • Follow the installed policy guidelines
  • Watch for the indicated conditions.
  • Execute the required actions.
  • Policies are a little like SNMP notifications in
    that the NE performs work independently of the
  • The need for advanced, real-time services, such
    as voice and video-overIP, on enterprise and SP
    networks is also resulting in a need for greater
    NE intelligence.

Policy-Based Network Management (PBNM)
  • PBNM is one of the most important direction being
    taken in network management. It recognizes that
    trying to manage individual devices and
    connections using a simple get/set/notification
    mode is no longer sufficient because of the
    demands increasingly being placed on networks.

  • PBNM introduces a number of new and interesting
    entities into network management. PBNM
    architectural elements are
  • Policy Console
  • Policy Repository
  • Policy server/decision point (PDP)
  • Policy Enforcement Point (PEP)

Network Management Policies
  • Network management policies can be simple
    resource allocation such as
  • Give traffic from IP address a. b.c.d. the
    highest priority forwarding treatment.
  • Assign email traffic the lowest priority
    forwarding treatment.
  • Assign VoIP traffic assured forwarding treatment.

Network Management
  • Other network management policies can be in the
    form of NE configuration information such as
  • Protocols
  • Interfaces
  • Network-wide settings.

Directory-Enabled Networking (DEN)
  • DEN is the way in which the managed objects, such
    as nodes, interfaces, links, virtual connections,
    network clouds, routes and resource blocks are
    represented inside the NMs.
  • The purpose of DEN is to bind users and services
    to NEs, Network paths, bandwidth and other
    network parameters.

  • DEN is a specification of an object-oriented
    information model, such as
  • Classes, such as generic nodes
  • Class attributes, such as location,
  • Class methods, such as delete a specified node
    for notification
  • Class relationships, such as a node that owns
    connections that originate on it and terminate on
    other nodes.

  • The focus on DEN lies in providing a type of
    single system by combining
  • A technology-independent information model.
  • A directory system for storing policies, the
    object model and the network devices.
  • A policy system as discussed earlier
  • A traditional SNMP based NMs.

Information Model
  • There are 2 important standard information
  • The common Information Model (CIM)
  • An Extension to CIM called Directory-enabled
    networking (DEN)
  • CIM is an object-oriented model that describes
    how a system and its components may be managed.

Information model.
  • CIM model components are
  • System
  • Devices
  • Application
  • Network
  • DEN is an extension of CIM. DEN provides a
    mapping of the information to a format that can
    be stored in an LDAP-based directory system.
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