Title: 232 Money Markets and Financial Institutions
1232Money Markets and Financial Institutions
- Prof. Greg Duffee
- Haas School of Business
- Fall 2004
2Money markets
- Common features
- Markets for borrowing and lending at short
maturities (one year or less) - Very large wholesale markets (large
transactions) - Near zero default risk
- Our discussion will also introduce concepts of
- Primary and secondary markets
- Brokers and dealers
- Money market yield conventions
3The commercial paper market
- CP is issued by major financial and non-financial
corporations - For former, an important source of funding
- Maturities average about 30 days max 270
- Unsecured IOUs
- Two main uses
- Long-term financing (rolling over maturing CP)
- Matching fluctuating demands for cash
- Purchasers
- MM mutual funds, insurance companies, pension
funds - Advantage as an investment vehicle is very low
5CP markets
- Two types of primary markets (initial issuance of
IOUs) - Dealer market investment banks buy CP from
issuer, market to investors - Direct placements issuer sells directly to
investors (bilateral negotiation) - Roughly equal in size nonfinancial CP typically
uses dealer - Minimal secondary market (subsequent trading of
IOUs before maturity)
6Economics of the CP market
- Facts about the market
- About 500 firms in US issue CP
- All have their CP rated by credit rating agencies
- Market effectively requires high rating to issue
CP - At least medium investment-grade
- For issuers, CP financing is cheaper than
longer-term debt - Questions
- Why cant lower-quality borrowers use the CP
market (junk CP)? - Why is it so cheap for issuers?
- How do issuers deal with rollover risk?
7- Answers
- Moral hazard limits issuance of unrestricted IOUs
- Covenants required for lower-quality firms
- Short maturity of CP means that high-quality
firms do not have enough time to get into
trouble low credit risk - CP issuers have backup lines of credit from
commercial banks (with covenants)
8Recent trends in CP
- Yield spread between two CP ratings
9Themes to remember
- Nature of the market is strongly affected by
- Asymmetric information
- Transaction costs
- Temporary supply/demand fluctuations can produce
sharp, short-run variations in rates - Not as obvious as simple economic principles
might suggest financial instruments are
typically highly substitutable
10CP yield conventions
- CP yields are quoted on a 360 day discount basis
- Assumes a year is 360 days
- Interest is figured as a fraction of amount paid
back, not amount borrowed
11- GE issues CP with a face value of 100, payable
in 30 days. It sells today for 99.85. What is
the yield quoted in the CP market? What is the
bond-equivalent yield?
12Treasury bills
- ZCB with maturities 1 year or less
- Yield convention same as CP 360-day discount
- 900 billion outstanding
- About ΒΌ of Fed debt
- Uses the same as CP Long-term financing by
rolling over, matching fluctuating demands for
13Treasury bills
- Investors
- Foreign central banks
- The Fed (open market operations)
- Wholesale investors MM mutual funds, insurance
companies, pension funds, banks - Individuals
- Lowest interest rates among all taxable
investments - Strong demand for zero default risk, low
interest-rate risk
14Markets for Treasury bills
- Originally sold at auction (primary market)
- Secondary market
- Inter-dealer market is a broker market
- Brokers have computer systems on which dealers
post prices, quantities to buy/sell with other
dealers - Rest of market is a dealer market
- Individuals, companies call a dealer to get
price, make trade - Wholesale (inter-dealer) market is a broker
market - Separate markets is a common feature of secondary
trading in financial instruments
15The primary market for Treasury bills
- 60 billion auctioned each week
- Currently, weekly auctions of 26-week, 13-week,
and 4-week bills - Occasional cash management bills
- Purchasers are
- Dealers (competitive bidders)
- Individual investors (competitive bidding
through dealers or noncompetitive) - Foreign governments, the Fed (noncompetitive)
- Amounts auctioned determined by Treasury based on
funding requirements and perceived demand - Auctions are run by the Fed
16Auction mechanics
- The bidders
- Competitive qualified dealers, on own account
or for customers - Each can bid for up to 35 of entire amount
auctioned - Small number of big players mostly major
investment banks - Noncompetitive others
- The bids
- Competitive bids are pairs of quantity and yield
- Example 10 million at 1.8
- Noncompetitive bids are quantities only
- Sealed-bid method used
17Auction mechanics
- Treasury announces amount a few days in advance
- Example Thursday, June 24, announce 17 billion
of 13-week bills and 15 billion of 26-week bills
to be sold on Monday, June 28 (plus whatever the
Fed buys) - Single-price (aka uniform-price) system is used
- All winning bidders pay same price
- All noncompetitive bids are added up and
subtracted first - Bids at highest yield (stop-out yield) are
prorated so total amount of bids equals issuance
amount) - Stop-out yield determines the bonds price
18Hypothetical bidding example
- Auction of 11.5 billion in 182-day notes
- 500 million in competitive bids
19(No Transcript)
20More about Treasury auctions
- With slight modifications, same procedure is used
to issue longer-term Treasury securities - Auctions used to be multiple-price auctions
- Winning bidders paid the yield they bid
- Why the change?
- Holding bids constant, single-price auctions
raise less money - But bidding patterns cannot be held constant
winners curse - Single-price bids are more aggressive
- Economic theory leans towards single-price
empirical evidence is mixed
21Secondary markets for Treasury bills
- Trading activity is very heavy
- Combined trades of most active participants is
about 10 turnover/day - Reasons for trading
- Continual rebalancing of portfolios
- Nonfinancial corporations sweeping spare funds
into treasuries - Mutual funds adjusting to redemptions or new
funds - Speculation/hedging
- Positions can be used to bet on direction of
short-term rates - Common use hedge much interest-rate risk in
other securities - More discussion when we consider longer-term
Treasury securities
22The Fed funds market
- Used primarily by commercial banks to borrow and
lend bank reserves - Banks keep funds on account at the Fed
- Banks with excess funds lend to those with
insufficient funds (based on withdrawals, reserve
requirements) - Lending takes place in this market
- Maturity primarily, same-day borrowing of
reserves overnight - Term Fed funds exists
- Trade size about 25MM, daily volume 100
billion - Brokers usually arrange trades (thousands of
23Fed funds
- No collateral
- Interest rates vary from transaction to
transaction (supply/demand, not credit risk,
which is small) - Most commonly seen rate effective Fed funds
rate - Volume-weighted average of daily rates
- Rates can fluctuate dramatically because of
market segmentation - Same-day funds are hard to come by
- The Federal Reserve defines monetary policy in
terms of a target effective Fed funds rate
24Fed funds yield convention
- Fed funds quoted on a 360-day add-on basis
- Also called money market basis
- Simple interest calculation, 360-day year
- Example Borrow 10 million overnight at 2.
What is paid back?
25Yield conventions
- For the same economic transaction, rank the
following rates 360-day discount, 360-day
add-on, simple interest with 365-day year - Lowest is 360-day discount Interest figured off
of higher base amount - Middle is 360-day add-on
- Highest is simple interest with 365-day year.
The period over which you are borrowing is a
larger fraction of a year when a 360-day year
is used, so rate is smaller.
26General principles of yield conventions
- Money-market rates are used when the transaction
is like a loan of X. - Discount rates are used when the transaction is
like the sale of a security with face value of X.
27Eurodollar deposits
- Eurodollars are -denominated time deposits in
banks outside of the US - Maturity from one day and up
- Interest received is Eurodollar deposit rate
(competitive depends on bank) - Eurocurrencies are deposits denominated in a
currency that is not the home currency of the
bank - Multinational corporations use Euro deposits to
simplify payment systems
28The market for Eurodollar deposits
- Major banks use Euro deposit market heavily to
borrow and lend funds (borrow and lend deposits) - Primary market is a broker/dealer market
- Potential borrowers/lenders contact brokers or
major banks in London (center of market) directly - Deposit rate is negotiated with dealer
- Primary market is liquid for maturities ranging
from day to year - No collateral for borrowed deposits
- Small amount of credit risk, priced into the rate
29The Eurodollar market
- Secondary market is small (Eurodollar CDs)
- Average rate of interest charged by London banks
to lend deposits to other (A-rated) banks is
called LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate - Term structure of LIBOR
30The importance of LIBOR
- LIBOR is the baseline for pricing interest-rate
instruments floating-rate debt, interest rate
swaps, caps, floors. Priced at spread to LIBOR - Why?
- LIBOR is less responsive to idiosyncratic
supply/demand fluctuations that affect other
markets - With issuers limited in number (Treasury), in
ability to react quickly (Treasury, CP), or with
institutional restrictions on trading (Fed
funds), idiosyncratic demand shocks move rates - With Eurodollars, major financial institutions
can be on either side, no institutional
restrictions to slow their reaction
31The RP (repo) market
- A market for short-term collateralized borrowing
and lending - Used by financial institutions, Gov
organizations. Very large market (4 trillion
outstanding/day) - Mechanics
- Primary market only a dealer market
- Funds usually borrowed for next-day delivery
- Market liquid for maturities ranging from one day
to many months (term repo) - Collateral is usually Treasury securities, but
other publicly-traded securities can be used
32The RP market
- Legally, RP is a matched sale-repurchase
- Buy security for 10MM today
- Simultaneously agree to forward contractsell
security back for 10MM one days interest
tomorrow - Therefore for one day, lender of funds has
unrestricted use of security (contrast with
borrowing to buy car/house) - Can think of RP as borrowing money or borrowing a
security - Terminology
- To repo (borrow money), to do repo (lend money),
to reverse in securities (borrow securities), to
reverse out securities (lend securities)
33Credit risk in repo
- Low and two-way
- Credit risk for party that reverses in the
security is created by the possibility that the
securitys price falls and the counterparty
defaults - Haircuts apply to collateral (maybe 0.25 for
100 in bills, 1 to 3 for longer-term bonds) - Haircuts reduce this risk
- Credit risk for the party that reverses out the
security is created by the possibility of a price
increase coupled with a counterparty default - Haircuts raise this risk
34The RP market
- One-day RP rate closely tracks Fed funds rate
- Funds rate typically higher credit risk
- The Fed conducts monetary policy through the RP
market - The RP market is used extensively by investment
banks to fund positions they take in securities
markets - Also popular with non-financial institutions that
want to store funds in liquid, collateralized form
35Financing Treasurys in the RP market
- Speculating without much cash
- To go long, buy, reverse out the security no
money down - To go short, sell, and reverse in to deliver
- Short example a CP dealer buys 50MM (face) of
6-month CP on Wednesday, will sell entire amount
to customers on Monday. Goal is to hedge general
market interest rate risk of position - Desired hedge short-sell 50MM of 6-month
T-bills at Wednesdays rate, close out short
position at Mondays rate. - But short-selling Treasurys is equivalent to
borrowing at the Treasury rateno one will lend
to the CP dealer at that rate w/o collateral - More generally shorts must deliver!
36RPs and shorts
- The CP dealer can hedge using repos
- Key intuition with repos, lender of cash
(reversing in securities) has temporary ownership
of securities but does not face price risk of
securities - Hands securities back at future date at price
fixed today - Application
- Short-sell Treasury bills
- Lend proceeds in RP market, taking same bills as
collateral - Hand over bills to counterparty in short position
- Close out RP position when hedge is no longer
needed - Buy bills in cash market, hand over to close out
RP position returned principal plus interest in
repo loan pays for bills
37RPs and shorts
- Short-sellers demand for securities is a major
reason for heavy use of repo market - We will return to this use of the repo market
later in the semester
38Observations on money markets (1)
- Money market instruments impose no restrictions
on borrowers (other than obligation to pay back
the loan) - Borrowing without restrictions is limited to
financially secure firms over short time horizons - If same firms want to borrow long term, or if
lower-quality firms want to borrow short or long
term, restrictions are always imposed on the
borrower - Only default-free entities have easy access to
long-term borrowing without restrictions
39Observations on money markets (2)
- Rates on mm instruments are linked because they
are close substitutes for many investors and
borrowers - Commercial banks can borrow unsecured funds in
Fed funds, Eurodollar markets - Large investors who want extremely low risk
investments can buy Treasury bills or lend in
repo market - Large investors willing to accept slightly more
risk can buy CP or deposit money in Eurodollars
40Observations on money markets (3)
- Primary markets are structured to minimize
transaction costs in linking buyers and sellers - Methods include direct search, brokers, dealers,
and auctionswe will deal with these more
systematically later - Secondary markets range from extremely active to
non-existent - No technological barriers to trading CP,
Eurodollars in secondary markets, but too little
demand to justify expense of market
41Appendix Explicit example of short-selling and
- CP dealer buys 50MM (face) of 6-month CP on
Wednesday, will sell entire amount to customers
on Monday. Goal is to hedge general market
interest rate risk of position.
42- Wednesday
- Sell 50MM (face) of newly-issued 6-month T-bills
for delivery on Thursday at yield 1.75 - Next-day overnight repo reverse out bills at
1.75 (determines price), repo rate of 1.90 - Thursday
- Receive 50MM(1-0.0175)(182/360)49,557,639 for
T-bills - Hand over cash to RP counterparty, receive the
bills - Deliver the bills to counterpart of short
position - Arrange another next-day overnight repo at
(assumed unchanged) Treasury yield of 1.75, repo
rate of 1.90
43- Friday
- Close out original RP transaction
- Receive principal plus interest of
49,557,639(10.0190/360) 49,560,255 - Return T-bills
- Perform under 2nd RP transaction
- Lend 50MM(1 0.0175(181/360))49,560,069
- Receive T-bills as collateral
- Pocket 186 from T-bill RP spread
- Arrange another next-day overnight repo at
(assumed unchanged) Treasury yield of 1.75, repo
rate of 1.9
44- Monday
- Close out 2nd RP transaction
- Receive principal plus 3 days interest of
49,560,069(1 0.0190(3/360))49,567,916 - Return T-bills
- Perform under 3rd RP transaction
- Lend 50MM(1 0.0175(178/360))49,567,361
- Receive T-bills as collateral
- Pocket 555 from T-bill RP spread
- Buy T-bills for next-day delivery at (assumed
higher) yield of 2
45- Tuesday
- Close out 3rd RP transaction
- Receive principal plus interest of
49,567,361(10.019)49,569,977 - Deliver T-bills
- Perform under cash transaction
- Pocket difference of 59,644 as profit from short
position in T-bills - Buy T-bills at 50MM(1 0.02(177/360))49,508,33