Title: The Kamakura Period in Japan
1The Kamakura Period in Japan
2Lamp Bearers ArtistKoben Painted wood, h. 30
5/8 Kofuku-ji, Nara, Japan Kamakura Period, 1215
3Kumano Mandala Hanging scroll, color on silk, h.
52 ¾ Kamakura period, 1300 CE, Japan
4Illustrated History of the Mongol
Invasions ArtistMoko Shurai Ekotobu Section
Handscroll, in and color on paper, h. 15
½ Kamakura period, late 13th CE, Japan
5Portrait of the poetess Saigu no
Nyogo ArtistFujiwara Nobuzane (1176--1265
CE) Hanging scroll, color on paper, h.
11 Kamakura period, Japan
6Kuya Preaching Artist-- Kosho Painted wood, 46
½ Kamakura Period, before 1207 CE
7Priest Chogen ArtistSunjo-do of Todai-ji Wood,
h. 32 ¼ Kamakura period, Japan
8Jizo Bosatsu (Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha) Cypress
wood with cut gold leaf and traces of pigment
staff with metal attachmentsH. 22 ¾ Kamakura
period, Japan,1223 1226 CE
9Kongo Rikishi (Guardian Figure) Artist Unkei,
Jokaku Painted Wood, h. 276 Great South Gate of
Todai-ji Kamakura Period, dated to 1203 CE
10Kongo Rikishi (Guardian Figure) Artist Unkei,
Jokaku Painted Wood, h. 276 Great South Gate of
Todai-ji Kamakura Period, dated to 1203 CE
11Uesugi Shigefusa Wood, h. 26 7/8 Kamakura
Period, Japan