Title: Building BusinessFriendly Community Rehabilitation Programs
1Building Business-Friendly Community
Rehabilitation Programs
- RSA Region V CRP-RCEP Teleconference
- June 29, 2004
- Richard Luecking
- TransCen, Inc.
3Marketing Maxim
- It is more effective to find out what customers
need and want and match it to what you have to
offer, - than it is to get them to buy what you are
4Purposes of Presentation
- Gauge your level of business friendliness
- Review important employer perspectives
- Examine influences of organization development
(OD) on service delivery and - Review a process for re-tooling how CRPs interact
with businesses
- An expanding array of service strategies and
workplace supports
- Employment rates remain unacceptably low
6Reason for Low Employment Rates
- People with disabilities unprepared for
workplace???? - OR
- Workplaces not ready for people with
7Reasons for Low Employment Rates
- OR
- rehab processes and protocols that are unfriendly
to employers and their workplaces?
8Credible partners with business
- It is not sufficient for CRPs to do good, i.e.,
find jobs for people with disabilities - CRPs and their staff must be good, i.e.,
provide quality service
9What Employers Want
- Programs that address a particular workforce need
of the company - Programs that address an industry-wide workforce
need and/or - Programs that address a perceived community-wide
need that makes it a good place to do business.
10What Employers Need
- Quality service from workforce programs
- Convenient access to workforce programs
- Products and services that support employees in
the workplace (including supports for people with
11What Employers Often Get
- Programs defined by job seeker category
- Programs defined by geography
- Programs of varying quality
- Confused and frustrated!
12Organizational Development
- A series of planned processes by which human
resources are identified, utilized, and developed
in ways that strengthen organizational
effectiveness by increasing problem solving
capabilities and planning. - (Rothwell, Sullivan, McLean, 1995)
13Organization Development
- Output quality of products/services by
continually addressing internal quality areas - Job design
- Employee selection and management
- Employee role clarification
- Work flow dynamics
- Supervisory communication
14Links in the Service-Outcome Chain
Operating Strategy and Service Delivery System
Employee Satisfaction, Retention, Productivity
Internal Service Quality
Customer Satisfaction Loyalty
External Service Value
Jobs Outcomes Funding Growth
- Workplace design
- Job design
- Employee selection and
- development
- Employee rewards and
- recognition
- Tools for serving customers
- Service designed
- and delivered to
- meet targeted
- customers needs
- Retention
- Repeat business
- Referral
Service concept Results for customers
Adapted from Heskett, Jones, Loveman, Sasser
Schlesinger (1996)
15Common Factors affecting Internal Quality
- Staff turnover
- Regulation compliance
- Reporting requirements
- Service hours
- Staff training
16Re-tooling for business friendliness
- Step 1 Performance analysis
- How are we doing?
17Re-tooling for business friendliness
- Step 2 Cause analysis
- Why is this happening?
18Re-tooling for business friendliness
- Step 3 Intervention
- What can we do about it?
19Re-tooling for business friendliness
- Step 4 Implementation
- Rolling out the Action Plan
20Re-tooling for business friendliness
- Step 5 Managing Change
- Where is support needed?
21Re-tooling for business friendliness
- Step 6 Evaluation and measurement
- What changed and what do our customers think?
22Guiding Questions
- Do the organizations mission and value
statements reflect commitment to external
customers? - Do the organizations procedures help or hinder
employer relationships? - Are staff rewarded for service to external
23Guiding Questions
- Do job descriptions reflect attention to external
customers? - Do staff development activities feature external
customer service strategies?
24Guiding Questions
- Do employers come back for more? (repeat
customers) - Is the organization receiving more referrals?
- Are job seekers getting jobs they want?
25For more information
- Working Relationships Creating Career
Opportunities for Job Seekers with Disabiltities
through Employer Partnerships (Luecking, Fabian,
Tilson) www.brookespublishing.com
26Contact Information
- Richard Luecking
- TransCen, Inc.
- rluecking_at_transcen.org
- www.transcen.org