Title: Aeolian Iron Input and Ocean NitrogenCarbon Cycle
1Aeolian Iron Input and Ocean Nitrogen/Carbon
Cycle Yuan Gao Dept. of Earth and Environmental
Sciences Rutgers University Newark, NJ
2Current Project Natural Iron Fertilization in
the Ocean and Its Impacts on Ocean Nitrogen
Fixation and Carbon cycles Investigators Yuan
Gao (Rutgers) Paul Falkowski (Rutgers) Yoram
Kaufman (NASA/GSFC) Daniel Sigman
(Princeton) Michael Follows (MIT) Sponsor NASA
Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program
3- Project Components
- Quantifying the variability of dust source
functions and aeolian Fe bioavailability - Quantifying nitrogen fixation and its
relationship with Fe supply - Quantifying the feedbacks between aeolian iron
supply, nitrogen fixation and carbon
sequestration through biogeochemical modeling.
4 LAND (dust source functions)
N Cycle
5Temporal and spatial distributions of aeolian
Fe. (Gao, Y., Y. Kaufman, D. Tanré, D. Kolber,
and P. Falkowski, GRL, 2001)
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7- Simulations using a GFDL SKYHI transport model
- Iron input to the ocean is largely carried out by
wet deposition through precipitation scavenging - (2) Annual input of dissolved Fe by
precipitation - 0.5 to 4x1012 g yr-1, highlighting the role of
precipitation on natural iron fertilization in
the ocean. -
(Gao, Y., S. Fan, and J. Sarmiento, JGR, 2003)
8 Quantifying aeolian Fe input to the ocean 1.
Variability associated with aeolian Fe solubility
and speciation bioavailability 2.
Variability associated with aeolian Fe source
functions dust source characterization.
9Dust Particles over the North Pacific
(Gao and Anderson, JGR, in revision)
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11- Figure 2. (a) Grain of calcite in an aerosol
sample near Xian with a small grain of calcium
sulfate on it. (b) Grain of clay with two patches
of aggregated calcium sulfate. - Gao, Y and J. Anderson, JGR,
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13Fe solubility build up the acid coating to
dissolve Fe
Key processes (1) acid coating (2) Fe dissolving
14- TO address aeolian Fe solubility and speciation
- Model simulations of dissolved Fe deposition to
the global ocean, using GFDL MOZART-2, - 2. Heterogeneous chemistry of Fe-containing
minerals, focusing surface chemistry, - 3. Improvement of the in situ Fe measurements
through the use of nano-technology,
15MOZART-2 Fe solubility (experiment 1)
16- To address aeolian Fe source functions
- Particle Size Distribution of dust in
entrainment and effects on dust loading and
deposition, - Role of land use changes (desertification) on
dust emissions, using modeling/remote sensing, - 3. Dust source development and associated
paleoclimate records.
17MOZART-2 Global Transport model
Table 1 Dust size distribution in entrainment
Sd1 wind-carrying dust in dAlmeida, 1987 Sd2
background dust in dAlmeida, 1987 Sd3
wind-carrying dust in dAlmeida et al., 1991
Sd4 background dust in dAlmeida et al., 1991.
Dvg mass median diameter sg,n standard
deviation of the log-normal size distribution
mn mass fraction of each mode mi mass
fraction of each size bin. Dust size bins in
radius (µm) 0.1, 1.0, 1.8, 3.0, 6.0, 10.0.
18Table 2 Dust annual budget and loading
The numbers in parentheses correspond to
particles with r lt 1µm Sd1 to Sd4 corresponds to
Experiment1 to Experiment4 respectively.
19Loess Plateau
Luochan Loess Profile (Dust accumulation record
of 2.5 million years)
20N fixation signal - low ?15N
- Measurements from N. Atlantic
- Low ?15N consistent with remineralization of
newly fixed nitrogen - (Daniel Sigmans work at Princeton)
21- Numerical Model
- Sub-surface DINxs maximum only possible with
preferential remineralization of organic P - Depth of maximum depends on relative
remineralization rate and NP of exported organic
DINxs and SigmaT same remin rate for organic N, P
DINxs and SigmaT faster remin rate for organic P
From Mick Follows of MIT
22- Ongoing work
- Overlay nitrogen isotope fractionation
- address observed nitrogen isotope signatures
- Coupling of explicit iron cycle model (Parekh et
al., 2005 Dutkiewicz et al., 2005) - sensitivity of N2 fixation and geochemical
signatures to dust deposition - Explicit denitrification and coupling of oxygen
cycle - explore relationships of O2, Fe and N cycles
23ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Drs. Larry Horowitz,
GFDL/NOAA Paul Ginoux, GFDL/NOAA Song-miao
Fan, GFDL/NOAA Helen Yang, Rutgers
University Profs Zhisheng An, Chinese Academy
of Sci. Min Hu, Peking University, China
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25Si-Al particles
Composition (atomic fraction)
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27Table2 Dust flux to the HNLC regions (Tg/yr)