Title: Did You Know
1Did You Know?
2Program Improvement Whats Up with That?
3We are here to help! Seriously!!
- Introductions
- Why Are We Here Whats New?
- Program Improvement Instrument Overview
- Program Improvement Process Overview
- Inventory
- Budget and Amendment Process
- Data
- Meet Your Cluster Specialist
- Career Cluster Update
- Improving Programs Increasing Results Data
Worksheet Packets - Verify Approved Program Lists
- And Much More!
- Questions? Questions? Questions?
5Why Are We Here Whats New?
- Perkins Accountability and Federal Reporting
Requirements (CAR) - Perkins IV Focus and Purpose
6The Focus of Perkins IV
- Telling the CTE story
- Career Clusters
- Pathways
- Programs of Study
- Connecting program improvement to
- the local program approval application and local
transition plan, - accountability data,
- Perkins budget requests, and
- Program monitoring (Program Improvement Process
(PIP) - More accountability State and Local
7Perkins IV The Purpose
- Developing the academic and career and technical
skills of CTE students - Preparing students for careers in high skill,
high wage, high demand occupations - Integrating rigorous, challenging academic
instruction in CTE courses
8Perkins IV The Purpose
- Emphasis on practices to improve CTE programs
- Linking secondary and postsecondary CTE
- Providing opportunities throughout a lifetime to
attain the knowledge and skills needed to keep
the U.S. competitive - Using data to drive program improvement
9- 2008-2009 program approval application
template.doc - Perkins Budget Requests
- Local Transition PLAN REQUIREMENTS for PIP.doc
- Program Improvement Process
10(No Transcript)
11- Why Changes in Perkins IV and the Program
Improvement Process?
12Perkins IV A Reflection of No Child Left
Behind Accountability
- Requires changes in monitoring documents and
processes to become - More rigorous
- More specific, with
- New attention to
- State monitoring of eligible recipients (PIP)
- Allocating funds accurately (Grants Management
Office) - Procurement (Local standards for obtaining
equipment, supplies, etc.) - Equipment and inventory management (Recipient
13Increased Monitoring Requirements from U.S.
Department of Education
- Broader-based reviews to include program reviews
and reviews of use of funds and local inventory
records - State Policies and Procedures in place
- A process to identify high risk grantees
14Criteria for Determining On-site Reviews
- Size, scope and quality of program
- Quality program indicators (Pages 6-8 of
Instrument) - Program of Study
- Data Results for Standards and Measures
(Performance) - Data used for program improvement
15Other Criteria for Program Visits
- New Programs
- New Teachers
- Recipients of state funds
16Changes in PIP
- New Look
- New Content
- New Expectations
- Elimination of regional PIP approach
17OCTE Statewide Expectations and Goals to Improve
CTE Programs
- Students engaged
- Rigorous coursework
- Teachers working cooperatively
- Programs of study
- Teachers involved in career guidance
- Equipment enhances student learning
- Holistic program improvement planning
18Draft PIP Calendar
- Year 1, 2007-2008
- All programs complete the PIP Instrument and
develop goals and action plans - Some programs have technical assistance visits or
on-site reviews - Year 2, 2008-2009
- All programs submit progress report on goals and
action plans - Some programs have technical assistance visits or
on-site reviews - Year 3, 2009-2010
- All programs submit progress report on goals and
action plans - Some programs have technical assistance visits or
on-site reviews - Year 4, 2010-2011
- All programs complete the PIP Instrument, revisit
goals and action plans - Some programs have technical assistance visits or
on-site reviews - Year 5, 2011-2012
- All programs submit progress report on goals and
action plans - Some programs have technical assistance visits or
on-site reviews
19Program Improvement Process Steps
- Review PIP Instrument
- Attend PIP In-service
- Set a date for an advisory committee meeting
- Complete PIP Instrument with advisory committee
- Send to state career cluster specialist on or
before due date November 16, 2007
20Inventory Controls
- OCTE no longer maintains equipment inventory
- Accurate equipment records maintained by the
local district - Adequate internal controls to account for
location and custody of equipment - Regular physical inventory of equipment
- Equipment purchased with Perkins funds clearly
marked in recipients inventory - Perkins-purchased equipment marked with a
sticker, tag, or other unique identifier
21Budget and Amendment Process
- Teacher may visit with OCTE about new requests
(e-mail, phone, etc.), BUT . . . - Budget requests and amendments must go to
consortium, multi-district, or school district
CTE director. - Consortium, multi-district, or school district
CTE director e-mails requests for pre-approval
for any amendments to OCTE - Upon approval by OCTE, consortium,
multi-district, or school district CTE director
makes changes to spreadsheet and renames it to
Consortium XYZ, Amendment 1, 2, 3, etc. - OCTE approves amended application, sends to
Grants Management Office. Letter with new
amended budget sent to consortium,
multi-district, or school district CTE director
22DATA OH, NO!!!!!!
23Improving Programs Increasing Results A
Step-by-Step Process
- Is data collection and reporting more than an
obligation? - How can the data help you develop a program
improvement plan? - What does the data mean?
- Whos doing well? Who is not?
- Why is the data the way it is?
24Increased Local Accountability
- Must meet performance level for each core
indicator - Failure to meet any indicator requires Local
Improvement Plan -
25Local Improvement Plan
- Identifies specific indicators not met
- Local Education Agency conducts an assessment of
deficiencies - Districts, consortiums and multi-districts
develop and implement Local Improvement Plan
(based on 2005-2006, 2006-2007 data results) - Revise curriculum to address deficiencies
26Local Improvement Plan
- Identifies specific strategies and person(s)
responsible - Sets implementation timeline
- Includes an evaluation in the final narrative
- Cluster specialists evaluate improvement plans
- Cluster specialists provide technical assistance
27OCTE Website
- http//doe.sd.gov/octe/
- http//doe.sd.gov/octe/highschools/index.asp
- (contains teaching strategies, reading and math
strategies and best practices) - Fax - 773-4236