Title: Perkins CAD Grant
1Perkins CAD Grant
- Randy Shannon
- Benton County
- Career and Technical Center
21. Describe briefly the status of progress
towards your grants stated goals.
- We were able to implement 100 of our stated
32. What modifications (if any) to your original
goal proposal were necessary and give a
justification for those changes.
- No modifications were necessary to meet our
stated goals.
43. Did you spend funds as specified in your
Budget Narrative? If not, list any changes to
your budget.
- All funds were spent as specified in the Budget
Narrative -
- Amount of unexpended grant funds 0.00
54. Was the timeframe for the project reasonable?
List any major challenges or changes to your
submitted timeline.
- Biggest challenge was drawing down funds from the
state. This put the project off from October to
February in getting into place.
65. What have been the greatest success and/or
challenge resulting from the implementation of
the grant?
- Working with the students and seeing their
success has been the greatest success in this
project. - Dealing with the state on drawing down funds has
been the greatest challenge in this project.
76. What one thing would have made this
project/process work better?
- Start the bid process the moment we got the grant
so that we could have had the machinery in place
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