Title: EEC LowSwing Shifter
1EEC Low-Swing Shifter
2Circuit Diagram
Low-Swing Signal
Low Swing Driver
Shifter Muxes
3Basic Idea
Pull-up NMOS should turn off pass-transistor
across shifter
Pull-down NMOS must fight PMOS across shifter
Higher VBIAS Adv More current for NMOS
pull-down ? helps with the current fight ? faster
falling transition Disadv Cannot turn transistor
off unless we use higher Vswing ? more power for
two reasons.
Lower Vswing Adv Less dynamic power Disadv
Difficult to turn off n-pass transistor. Could
lower VBIAS but then pull-down NMOS cannot fight
the PMOS ? too little current.
Do we need to turn off amp n-pass? If we dont,
we draw static current in both logic states
6Rough Energy and Delay Comparisons for Critical
Restoring PMOS weaker Driving NMOS weaker
7Sources of Noise
Coupling with full-swing wires
Power Supply Noise
- More noise
- Process variations (Vth, transistor mismatch)
- Soft errors
Reference Voltage Variations
Coupling with adjacent low-swing wires
8Sources of Noise
- But most of these sources also exist in
conventional CMOS. - Differences
- No restoring stage anywhere in between
- path goes up and down the shifter a few times
before being restored. - Swing is about 6-10x less ? noise is 6-10x as
9Coupling Capacitances
10Effects of Coupling Capacitance Aligned
11Effects of Coupling cap - 90 Phase shift
12Coupling cap - 90 Phase shift
13Power Supply noise Coupling Cap
14Power Supply Noise
15Power supply noise (2)
16Ccouple Supply Vbias Vswing
17Ccouple Supply Vbias Vswing
18Ccouple Supply Vbias Vswing
20Energy/Delay for Noise Models
LS(1) Coupling wires switching in opposite
directions simultaneously LS(2) Coupling wires
switching in opposite directions with 90 degress
phase-shift LS(3) LS(2) 17Vdd Drop LS(4)
LS(3) Vbias and Vswing Drop