Title: Outline
- Problem creating good MR images
- MR Angiography
- Simple methods outperform radiologists
- Parallel imaging
- Maximum likelihood approach
- MAP via graph cuts?
- An application of scheduling
2MR is incredibly flexible
- CT and X-ray can only measure tissue opacity
- MR can image a variety of tissue properties
3Image construction problem
- MR requires substantial cleverness in image
formation - Unique among image modalities
- Under-appreciated part of what Radiologists do
- Huge field involving software, algorithms and
hardware - Easy to validate algorithms!
4Challenge time versus accuracy
- The imaging process is slow
- Few body parts can hold still for very long
- MR images are vulnerable to motion artifacts
- Consequence of a very strange camera
5MR Imaging Process
- Imagine a camera that takes pictures row by row
- A few seconds to create the image
Cartesian sampling
6k-space representation
7MRI Motion artifacts
8Automatic Creation of Subtraction Images for MR
9Magnetic Resonance Angiography
- Angiography imaging blood vessels
- Video of MRIs as dye is injected
Desired output
- Select a before (pre-contrast) image and an
after (post-contrast) image - Easy problem if there is no motion
- Currently done by hand
- Radiologist finds a pair where the difference
image allows them to see what they are looking for
11Mask images (Before contrast)
Contrast agent arrival
Arterial phase images (After contrast)
12MRA Motion Trouble
13Simple but effective algorithm
- Divide the images into before and after
- Image processing to detect contrast arrival
- Find the pair whose difference is most
artery-like - Evaluation function looks for long, thin
structures - Arteries are predominantly vertical
- More complex methods didnt work
14 masks 1 masks 2 masks 3 masks
4 masks 5
15Deep Blue analogy
- Evaluation function isnt very smart
- Doesnt know any anatomy
- But if it thinks an image is great, its usually
right - We consider a lot of different pairs
- Skip ones that are unlikely to give good images
16Projection onto Convex Sets (POCS)
- POCS algorithm is widely used, but not for MRA
- Method to impose constraints on a candidate
solution - Repeatedly project a candidate onto convex sets
- Good performance when sets are orthogonal
- Most data is good use it to fix bad data
- Nudge each input towards a reference image
- Define desirable properties as convex projections
17POCS Projections
- Reference frame
- Projection P1 small change in k-space magnitude
- Projection P2 similar to P1, for phase
- Projection P3 flesh should stay constant
- Projection P4 background should be black
18POCS Algorithm
K- space
Image space
19Evaluation criterion
20Another example
21How much better is the expert?
Statistically significant at p0.016
22Need a better approach
- Simple methods are surprisingly effective
- They consider the input to be images
- Which is wrong, even for Cartesian sampling
- Input comes one line (row) at a time
- Motion occurs at a set of lines
23Motion by lines
Image 1
Image 2
24Spiral imaging
- Asymmetry of cartesian sampling is still a
problem - Motion in the middle of k-space destroys the
image - Solution spiral sampling of k-space
25Parallel Imaging
26Basics of Parallel Imaging
- Used to accelerate MR data acquisition
- k-space is under-sampled, aliased
- De-aliased using multiple receiver coils
- In MR, speed saves lives (literally)
- This is the hot topic in MR over the last 5 years
27Reconstructed image
Imaging target
- Each coil sees a different image
- Different multiplicative factors
- spatial sensitivity
- Can use this to overcome aliasing
- introduced by undersampling
28Parallel Imaging Reconstruction
Under-sampled k-space
Under-sampled k-space
29Parallel Imaging Model (Noiseless)
30Parallel Imaging Models
- y H x (1) noiseless
- y H x n (2) instrumentation
noise only - y (H ?H) x n (3) system and
instrumentation noise - For noise model (2) with iid Gaussian noise,
least squares computes the maximum likelihood
estimate of x - Famous MR algorithm called SENSE
- What about noise model (3)? TL-SENSE
- With noise model (3) and iid instrumentation
Gaussian noise, TLS finds the maximum likelihood
estimate - Well-known method of Golub Van Loan
- Unfortunately, system noise is not iid!
- Need to derive a maximum likelihood estimator
- Based on a reasonable noise model
32Structure of system matrix
33Maximum likelihood solution
- Assume n, d are iid Gaussian n, d are
uncorrelated - Then total noise g(x) y-Ex (n?H x) is
Gaussian - The ML solution maximize
- Pr(yx) ? exp-½ (y - Ex) R-1 (y - Ex)
- where RRg(x)eg(x)g(x)H is the total noise
cov. matrix - ML estimate depends on x (data), hence non-linear
- Note that there is no dependence between
neighboring pixels
34ML algorithm
- We have shown that the ML problem reduces to
- arg min? y ??2
- 1(ss/sn)2
?2 - where ? is a collection of aliasing pixels of
desired image, and ? the corresponding collection
of pixels from sensitivity maps. - A standard LS problem, but with non-linear
denominator - ? is slowly-varying as we iterate
- Converges almost as fast as quadratic
35Example results
36Beyond TL-SENSE
- Gaussian noise for sensitivity maps (TL-SENSE) is
much more realistic than no noise (SENSE) - However, the real noise will have structure
- Coil positioning differences, e.g.
- Can we estimate sensitivity maps from patient
data? - Can we use priors instead of ML?
- Medical imaging has stronger priors than vision
37Priors via Graph Cuts
- Consider equations of the form
- Image denoising if H is identity matrix
- No D for non-diagonal H
Unknown image
Observed image