Title: Chapter 14 Mesozoic Earth History
1Chapter 14 Mesozoic Earth History
- Paleozoic Era Assembling Pangea
- Mesozoic Era Disassembling Pangea
- 245 to 66 million years ago breakup affected
oceanic atmospheric circulation patterns, the
distribution of land water, ecosystem
distribution and terrestrial marine evolution. - Major events of the Mesozoic Era
- Opening of Atlantic Ocean
- Uplift of Rocky Mountains
- Accumulation of salt deposits
- Emplacement of batholiths
- Biologic affects of plate tectonics
2During Triassic Pangea extended from pole to
pole, covered approx. 25 of Earths surface.
Panthalassa Ocean covered most of remainder.
3Distribution of land vs. water affects oceanic
and atmospheric wind patterns, which affects the
distribution of certain climatic conditions and
ecosystems. Large land areas arid climates
Past climate condi-tions preserved in certain
types of sedi-ments. Evaporites evaporation
pre-cipitation in enclosed basins. Red beds
sand dunes arid climates. Coal humid
Triassic Period
4Pangaea breakup began with rifting between
Laurasia and Gondwana during the Triassic. By
the end of the Triassic, the expanding Atlantic
Ocean separated North America from Africa.
Late Triassic/ Early Jurassic rift separation
of North America South America produced
Newark (graben) basins. Sediments basalts
Newark Supergroup
5Late Triassic/Early Jurassic - Salts accumulated
in the restricted, rift basins.
Low latitudes high temps, high evaporation,
little external drainage ideal conditions for
evaporite accumulation.
6- Jurassic Period Paleogeography
Initial opening of North Atlantic Ocean and Gulf
of Mexico/Caribbean Sea.
7North American sequences Orogenies of Meso-zoic
Era. After Paleozoic, most of craton was not
covered by epeiric seas.
8- The two cratonic Mesozoic sequences,
- the Absaroka sequence - Late Mississippian to
Early Jurassic - And the Zuni sequence - Early Jurassic to Early
Paleocene - Most Triassic Jurassic sedimentation occurred
along the continental margins. - East coast sedimentation Appalachians still
fresh from late Paleozoic uplift. Upwelling
magma (rifting of Pangea) further uplifted
region. From Nova Scotia to Georgia, stretching
of the continent opened graben basins. As
rifting progressed, eroded materials infilled
intermontaine basins and newly opening Atlantic
Ocean basin.
9Large grabens half-grabens broke into smaller
ones as rifting progressed.
10- Exposed Newark Supergroup basins elongated
lakes/ swamps, sediments poorly-sorted,
continental detrital sediments (conglo-merates,
sands, silts, shales with basalts basalt
(diabase sills dikes). - South Carolina Georgia basins are covered by
Coastal Plain sediments
11Triassic Dinosaur tracks in mudstone/siltstone
Hartford, CT. Tracks are somewhat common,
bones are not.
12- As young Atlantic Ocean was widening, the cooling
of the continental margin resulted in a gradual
sinking. Continued weathering and erosion wore
down the mountains and devel-oped a river system
that delivered Jurassic-aged sediments into the
new continental shelf system. - Renewed uplift during the Cretaceous Period
caused the continuation of continental shelf
deposition, which gradually developed into a 3000
meter thick wedge of sediments that gently dip
toward the Atlantic Ocean. - Georgia Cretaceous just south of Fall Line,
mostly fluvial deltaic, with offshore marine
13- Gulf Coastal region Late Triassic/Early
Jurassic opening as N. America S. America
separated. Restricted basins warm climate
evaporation. As basin widened, salts were
covered by normal marine sediments. Weight of
overlying sediments
caused salt beds to flow and form rising
diapirs of salt during Tertiary Period.
14- Cordilleran margin unlike the Appalachian
margin, the Cordilleran Mesozoic history involves
the interaction between the continental margin
and the subducting Farallon Plate. - This orogenic activity progressively affected the
trench and continental slope, the continental
shelf, and the cratonic margin, causing a
thickening of the continental crust. - Late Permian/Early Triassic Sonoman Orogeny
subduction of an oceanic plate beneath the island
arc and the thrusting of oceanic and island arc
rocks eastward against the craton margin, the
orogeny culminated with the collision of the
island arc the continent.
15Jurassic Period after collision between island
arc continent, Cordil-leran margin became a
continental arc.
16- After the Sonoman Orogeny
17(No Transcript)
18Franciscan complex a Late Jurassic/Early
Cretaceous chaotic mixture of graywacke, volcanic
breccia, siltstone, black shale, chert,
pillow-basalt, and blueschist (a low temperature,
high pressure metamorphic rock) resulting from
the scraping-off of continental shelf, cont.
slope, and deep sea sediments from the Farallon
19Franciscan complex shown in pink. Reconstruction
of depositional environment (below).
16,000 meters of K cong., ss, sh, siltstone
20Cordilleran Orogeny components Jurassic
Tertiary Periods Nevadan emplacements of large
granite batholiths, Sierra Nevada, Idaho, S.
California, Coast Ranges. Sevier Shallower
sub-duction angle igneous activity moves
eastward. Laramide Rocky Mts. east of
Sevier Orogeny Cretaceous Tertiary Periods
21Style of Sevier Orogeny deformation, Cordilleran
margin, North America Mesozoic Era
22Sevier Orogeny Keystone Fault, west of Las Vegas.
Base of dark rocks marks the trace of the fault
(p. 270, Fig. 14.16).
23Early Triassic sedi-mentation consisted of
shallow-water marine ss, sh, ls - continental
shelf deposits. Middle and Late Triassic,
regression continental sediments.
Fluvial sediments
Petrified Wood in fluvial, deltaic
sediments Coastal, tidal flat, deltaic deposits
24- Colorado Plateau Triassic Early Jurassic
Periods - Navaho Sandstone Jurassic eolian
- Kayenta Formation Triassic fluvial. Mostly gray
and red sandstone. - Wingate Sandstone Triassic eolian. Brilliant red
in color. - Chinle Formation Fluvial shale. Dark colored.
1,200 feet thick in parts of Arizona. Triassic
period. - Moenkopi Formation Permian-Triassic fluvial,
deltaic, tidal flat. Topmost layer of the Grand
Canyon. Made of shale, or hardened mud of
floodwaters. Also known as "Chocolate Cliffs. - Five Canyons strata http//sci2k.net/fivecanstrat
25Zion National Park
Navajo Ss
Kayenta Fm.
26Cross-bedded, Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Utah
27Middle Jurassic Sundance Sea
Late Jurassic Nevadan Orogeny caused a northward
regression of the Sundance Seaway. Seaway was
then covered by continental sediments incl.
Morrison Fm.
28Dinosaur Natl Monument tilted Morrison Fm.
sandstones, covered by shelter.
29Cretaceous Period map showing distribution of
continents, changed oceanic currents, Tethys
sea (between northern southern
hemisphere continents)
30As Pangea fragmentation continued in the
Creta-ceous, sea level rose re-opening interior
The circulation of the sub-tropical Tethys Sea
and the interior seaway helped distribute heat to
northern latitudes. Western highlands contributed
most of the seaway clastics
Limestones chalks
31E-W Cross-section from Sevier Highlands through
Western Colorado. Mirror-image of Taconic/
Acadian Highlands Foreland Basin relationship
of eastern Craton (during the Paleozoic Era)
Foreland Basin
32Erosion of lightly compacted Cretaceous clays
yields a badlands-type topography.