Title: Completing the MAAECF The Case of Chris
1Completing the MAAECFThe Case of Chris
Dont know Why by Jesse Harris
2Chris Wright
3About Chris
- 14 year-old 8th grade student.
- He is a student with Downs Syndrome and qualifies
as being significantly cognitively disabled.
4This Is My Resource Room Classmates Busy at Work
5I Am Doing My Math Work
7I Love Lunch Time!
8I Also Love To Sharpen Pencils
9I Like Girls Too, Sometimes!
10 Art Is One of My Favorite Classes
11 Whew!! I Need A Soda
12Completing the MAAECF for Chris
- First Chriss teachers and parents completed the
MAAECF Participation Checklist. The IEP team
decided if Chris should take the alternate
assessment or the MCT with or without
13Participation Checklist Criteria
Question 1
- The students curriculum and daily instruction
focuses on knowledge and skills significantly
below his/her chronological grade level and
focuses on content typical of that in the states
expanded content standards document. - Yes, in Chris case.
14Participation Checklist Criteria
Question 2
- 2. The students present level of educational
performance significantly impedes participation
and completion of the general education
curriculum even with significant program
modifications. - Yes, in Chris case.
15Participation Checklist Criteria
Question 3
- 3. The student requires extensive, individualized
direct instruction to accomplish the acquisition,
application, and transfer of knowledge and
skills. - Yes, in Chris case.
16Participation Checklist Criteria
Question 4
- 4. The students difficulty with the regular
curriculum demands is primarily due to his/her
disabilities, and not to excessive absences
unrelated to the disability, or social, cultural
or environmental factors. - Yes, in Chris case.
17IEP Goals/ObjectivesWriting
- Chris will improve functional writing skills.
- Given a writing assignment, Chris will write
about the assigned topic using complete simple
sentences with the support of teachers, using
correct punctuation, spelling usage, and grammar
for 4 out of 5 trials. - Given lessons and daily practice in written
language class, Chris will print personal
information including home address, birth date,
age, names of family members, and phone numbers,
using proper form in 4 out of 5 trials. - Given computer or word processor, Chris will
generate or type in previously written stories,
using proper spelling, format, sentence
structure, and grammar in 4 out of 5 trials.
18IEP Goals/ObjectivesReading
- Chris will improve reading comprehension skills.
- Given a list of high frequency words, including
basic survival signs, and food and restaurant
items, Chris will decode 350 words at a rate of
90 accuracy. - When presented with a reading selection
containing a large percentage of high frequency
words, Chris will read silently and answer
comprehension questions maintaining a level of
80 accuracy.
19IEP Goals/ObjectivesMath
- Chris will improve basic computation skills
involving money, time, and whole numbers. - When presented with computation problems
requiring the addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division of whole numbers,
Chris will use a calculator to compute correctly
the answers to problems at an average rate of 80
accuracy. - When presented with problems requiring the
recognition of time, Chris will report correctly
the answer to the 5 minute increment at an
average rate of 80 accuracy.
20IEP-Aligned Item for IEP Writing Objective 1
- Language Arts Item52
- Student uses words, pictures, signs, or objects
to create a message.
21First piece of evidence for IEP-Aligned Item (LA
52) Student uses words, pictures, signs, or
objects to create a message.
22Second piece of evidence for IEP-Aligned Item
(LA 52)
23IEP-Aligned Item for IEP Writing Objective 2
- Language Arts Item 41
- Student provides personal information upon
24First piece of evidence for IEP-Aligned Item (LA
41) Student provides personal information
upon request.
25Second piece of evidence for IEP-Aligned Item
(LA 41)
26Third piece of evidence for IEP-Aligned Item (LA
27IEP-Aligned Item for IEP Reading Objective 1
- Language Arts 7
- Student recognizes and reads basic sight words.
28First Piece of Evidence for IEP-Aligned Item (LA
29Second Piece of Evidence for IEP-Aligned Item (LA
30IEP-Aligned Item for IEP Math Objective 1
- Math 47 Student can tell time to the hour and ½
31First Piece of Evidence for IEP-Aligned Item
(Math 47)
32Second Piece of Evidence for IEP-Aligned Item
(Math 47)
33Student Results FormProficiency Scores from
Rater 1
34Reliable Scores Proficiency Level Decisions
- Steps to reliable scores Proficiency Levels
- 1. Rate all items (68 LA 59 Math).
- 2. Total scores up for LA Math.
- 3. Transfer scores to Overall Proficiency Level
- Decision Summary page and then make judgment
about best proficiency level description. - 4. Reliability checker reviews evidence, rates
IEP aligned items, double checks individual total
scores, makes independent judgments about best
proficiency level. - 5. Follow Inter-rater reliability guides
(p.10 16) - 6. Report reliable proficiency levels for LA
35What did Chris Special Education Teacher think
about his MAAECF?
36What Did Chris Mother Think Of The Alternate
37What did Chris think about the MAAECF?
38More on Alternate Assessments
- Chris case has served to illustrate the approach
the Mississippi DOE is taking to meet the
requirements of IDEA and NCLB to include all
students in statewide assessments. - For more information on alternate assessments,
please refer to the MAAECF Administration
Guidebook or contact the MS DOE at
www.mde.K12.ms/maaecf. Thank you!
39Acknowledgements Thank you!
- We wish to acknowledge that the MAAECF could not
have been developed without the dedicated efforts
of the 23 member MS Alternate Assessment
Workgroup. - The Workgroup wrote the extended curriculum
frameworks (MECF) and the collaborated with - E R Assessments to design the MAAECF.
- Thanks for your attention and continued interest
in the inclusion of students with significant
disabilities into the states accountability
From this Moment by Shania Twain